Monster Lure concept 🦇 - Not a fan

Here’s my updated chart from all days:

with lure 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 Totals
monster 25 25 25 25 100
coins 77 140 142 98 457
emblems 15 23 15 27 80
iron, k 250 550 350 150 1300
ham, k 150 400 0 250 800
mats 75 45 65 50 235
WE 78 86 49 56 269
maps 12 14 7 8 41
~monsters/map 2.1 1.8 3.6 3.1

Don’t plan on buying again. If they made a daily lure available for some gems, I’d consider it. The bats are a fun diversion for while I’m using the lower WE costs to finish the season. I don’t normally buy loot tickets, and they certainly aren’t necessary to find the bats. If they weren’t included with the lure, the lure would be considerably cheaper. If SG chooses not to make the lure available without the loot tickets in the future, then I’ll choose not to use it.