Miss Ethel vs Anne Comparison

I’m looking at the cards for Miss Ethel and Anne and trying to figure out why one is fast and the other is average. It seems to me to be another example of the devs being inconsistent with hero abilities and their speed. I attached their cards below for reference.

Anne does 550% + minor damage to heroes with 50%+ hp while Miss Ethel does 600% damage + minor damage to heroes with 40%+ hp. This increase of damage makes sense to make Ethel average while Anne is fast. However, thats not the end of the abilities. Anne gives a status ailment that discourages the enemy from using their own special skills which lasts for FOUR TURNS (that’s a huge deal). This status ailment, when triggered, lowers defense, attack, and mana generation for 4 turns itself as well! That’s brutal! Miss Ethel gives NO STATUS AILMENT. But there’s more! Miss Ethel not only doesn’t give a status ailment to the enemy heroes… she gives a status ailment to herself, which is uncleansable.

It seems to me that Anne’s ability is superior to Miss Ethel’s just at face value alone. This is undoubtedly true if you factor in mana speed. To make matters worse, Anne is a somewhat old hero now too while Miss Ethel is brand new. Furthermore, the Easter heroes are supposed to have the quirk of being more powerful than their mana speed would normally allow but with the caveat of harming themselves in the process.

Miss Ethel clearly should be upgraded to FAST mana speed when taking all of this into consideration.


Besides the fact that Ethel’s stats are ridiculously higher than Anne’s, her ailment can easily be avoided by pairing her with an ailment blocking hero. Her stats also drastically improve tile damage. She doesn’t need to be fast at all and is fine as she is. Not every hero should be a candidate to be both a great offensive and defensive hero.

Stats are irrelevant in my opinion for this disucssion. Miss Ethel is a new hero so the higher stats are just a given. This is strictly about the special ability.

If you look back at my post you will see that I made no such argument on the expectation that every hero should be a candidate to be great on both sides of the battlefield. I made a direct comparison based on ability description alone and argued that Miss Ethel’s ability is actually of lesser stature than an old hero on the basis of what it does and its speed. I don’t see how anything you said refutes my original post. :man_shrugging:

In addition to @Dyna49 there is another difference:
Miss E. Is a seasonal hero, available with EHTs which are given out „like candy“ for loot and to bolster some deals. Think at Pov, If I remember right you get 4 or 5 of them from every pov, so many players accumulate some 20 or more EHTs for seasonal events without buying extra summons.
Anne on the other hand is challenge event hero, they are always better than heroes from most other portals first released at the same time. And Anne was designed as a kind of bait, encouraging players to buy and summon from CF1. CF1 had no desirable heroes for advanced players, and the pool was very diluted , you had to do a lot of summons to get Anne.

Happy gaming


If it matters to you, I argued when Anne was originally released that she should have been average, not fast. But, she was released as fast and will continue to be fast. You can’t nerf her now, certainly. Therefore, she sets the bar for a fast hero and Miss Ethel exceeds it on several levels but is still average.

i think biggest difference is that miss ethel is cheap hero(possibly obtained by epic hero tokens ) while Anne is event hero that back then and even now they try make event hero valued more

ps.i agree miss ethel miss something in special

Just something to contemplate - the first spring event in 2017 featured the bunnies with extremely high damage AND a status ailment which they gave themselves. While the original bunnies were given a buff much later, as they didn’t see much use - the original idea of a status ailment that affects the caster has remained consistent for all new heroes of the spring event…
This should be taken into account when comparing heroes from the spring event to other heroes. They have a handicap. This is intentional.

Seasonal event heroes are made worse than event heroes on purpose. Just like Hotm are worse than event heroes.
It´s about the pricetag. Lower pricetag, lower quality. A few exceptions may slip through on occasion, but not very often.


Yep exactly. And elemental summons even harder and more expensive to get so even better generally than event summons. Miss Ethel is a great card as she is. Would love to get her.

You don’t see it because you tunnel focused on one thing and completely ignored the other aspects that are just as important.

But in reality you did indirectly…

Anyways, opinions are opinions and nothing more.

Then it’s a braindead argument isn’t it?

Stats are most certainly relevant, I did a breakdown when she came out:

Comparing the non-emblemed 2LB attack stats Ethel should hit around 20% harder (multiplicative, not damage special %), and then add in the +50% more from her special, she technically should hit for 720% compared to Anne’s 550% if we dropped her down to her stats to compare, that paired with a 10% lower HP threshold for needing the follow-up attacks actually makes a decent difference.


Anne is deprecated, look at the upper right numbers :wink:

It’s the same for all Heroes you can get at pact summon instead of the 6 in front scene.