🔵 [May 27, 2020] Trials of Mysticism Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

I read “I don’t think I’ve seen any holy wizards yet” as “I do not remember any holy heroes who are wizard class”, not “I don’t think I have any holy wizards” or “I don’t see any holy wizards that I have a decent chance of getting.” My apologies if i misread.

I was actually wondering this morning how Guin would be on this trial, not that I’ll ever have her. Mana control and elemental defense against two out of three bosses. You’re right, though; not offensive. I would think the double tile damage from yellow tiles on purple bosses could be useful, though.


My Team Last Time

My Team This Time

No change, but one Kiril use costume which is more great synergy in theory.
On Bench
Screenshot at May 28 00-59-52

The Battle

Almost all mana charged, decent start board. Not used any item so far.

Well,… after some turn, it become bad board, and ended up using 5x minor mana, 4x mana and 1x bomb. Actually double Kiril with one costume and uncostume are great.


Emblem both keep because lack of ham and iron. Both for Ursena and 2nd Proteus (or maybe keep later for Onatel).
Trainer goes to 3rd Rigard.


This is the one trial my alt could actually finish… If it were allowed to hit stage 3 :joy:

Cruised through stages one and two, but I’d expect it to (strongest available team: Alfrike 4-15, Proteus+1, Kashh+0, Kiril+4, Jahangir+3)


Beat it with this team:

I also had Sabina +20 and Kashrek +1 on the bench. Didn’t take Sabina to avoid stacking too much purple which is weak against 2 of 3 bosses.

Ameonna went to +12, wizard went to bank as I have no 4*+ wizards aside from Kashhrek, whom I already rarely use.

Cheers to all the other big winners!


This one is not one of my stronger trials, lol. I beat 2 levels with Nash (maxed), Isarnia (1/1), Kiril (3/43), Sabina (+11) and Balthazar (maxed). I didn’t try level 3 because there is a huge jump in difficulty between 2 and 3 and I thought I’d get slaughtered :rofl:


Meh, you can always try. All you lose is world energy which is one of the few free things in this game! :joy:


You’re fine. I do hope they’re more holy heroes under wizard or sorcerer class that I could get a chance of getting. Because Nash definitely wouldn’t be it for that last stage.


As usual Proteus is E&P lingo for Win.


Team last time

Team this time

Swapped Kiril back out for Mel, but lost Proteus halfway through the boss battle. Had trouble matching purples in this fight and only two other colors were able to do damage. I should probably level some more heroes for this. I have Locke, C Viv, Victor, Mits, or Alfy unleveled, but Sorcerer has always been tough for me.

Emblems saved for now, trainer to Gazelle who’s almost to 3rd tier.


@Muchacho, true but I needed axes and Grimforest seemed to take a lot of hardwood lumbar :rofl: I’m still trying to farm it here and there for the next event.