May 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Tower Of Magic, Atlantis, Covenant Summon, Valhalla, Dynasty Of Dunes, Tavern Of Legends, Mighty Pets, MT, Contest Of Elements, Underwild, SE, and Ninja Tower)

July seems to bring Ninja Tower again with some new heroes so at the earliest on August but no guarantee at all (not scheduled as of yet).


Zartanis, thank you so much for the calendars! I appreciate the hard work you are doing and this early release: unexpected and all the more appreciated.


Thanks again, Elioty. Thatā€™s just what i nreded and hoped for.


Thanks for sharing the new info.

Can I just check if the new Path of Giants are correct - youā€™ve got #2 (with druid emblems) starting on 5 June and #1 (with cleric emblems) starting on 3 July. Wouldā€™ve expected cleric before druid to keep with the existing alphabetical order rotation.

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#1 with cleric (C) and #2 with druid (D) are actually alphabetically sorted. They just start the rotation with the 2nd variant of PoG and will continue with the 1st one. But donā€™t ask me why haha.
PoV has 10 variants too for example, Costume Quest 3 (labeled 3, 4 and 5, used to be 6 variants with the old 10-stage format but they updated only the #4, #5 and #6 so #1, #2 and #3 are not used anymore), Tavern of Legends 4, Covenant Quest 2, Monster Island 2 and I think thatā€™s about all the events that have some variations.


Very helpful. Thanks for putting so much work in.


Thanks for the effort you put in this guys.
As I am not good in this, can anyone tell me when is the next mirages of omega and what colour is going to be?
And how much is going to cost the premium rewards in Path of Giants (in euros if you can).
Thanks in advance.


any tip on the PoG price tag?

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I think the standard PoG pass should be around 30/35 USD/EUR and the elite in the 50/60 range.


that would be arround the triple of the PoV priceā€¦ daammmn

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Well, just like PoV standard pass, I still think it has a very good value for the price if youā€™re willing to spend money compared to other offers, as long as you unlock every loot tiers of course.


Should be dark element for Mirages. :slight_smile:


Once SGGā€™s calendar is posted, Iā€™ll start work on Juneā€™s post. I have been working on the calendars in the interim, but I wait for the official calendar as the less updating I need to do after posting, saves me time in the end.


We canā€™t wait and it will be as usual top :relieved:


Thanks for your insights. Some questions,

Another CF2, Has gargoyles been mothballed? Removed entirely? Very surprised that CF2 portal was placed so closed to Solstice summon. Is the popularity of the Bard heroes driving the calendar? Your thoughts?

Kalevala (spelling?) was last year at this time. Any thoughts on itā€™s return? We had Valentineā€™s seasonal event inserted so Iā€™m not surprised that they merged Sand Portal with Beach Party, but wasnā€™t sure Kalevala was also pushed out or just pushed back to August/Sept.

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Not bad I like that price thanks

Thanks a lot for the info. So yeah, most portal featureds have changed. Waiting for C-Alf, so Valhalla is meh for me, expecially with Lady Loki.

What bothers me is the duration of Beach Party: 12 June - 24 July or 6 weeks. Last year Kalevala took place around June/July swap, which is now taken by Beach Party. And for Finland Kalevala is really big thing apparently, like X-mas in Europe and America. So now we would either have Kalevala and Beach Party running concurrently (happened never before), or no Kalevala.

Hmm, she is gone actually :grimacing:

Or just a late Kalevala which I think will happen. Give them time to prepare a bunch of new Kalevala heroes in v59 :grin:


Or just costumes for themā€¦


Give them time to prepare a bunch of new Kalevala heroes in v59 :grin:

Yes! I was hoping for some more new heroes.

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