May 2022 Balance Update - Discussion

Someone ia getting fired? I dont know but its possible sg is getting his staff nerffed hahaha. And a huge buff to zynga staff …


Does this explain the appearance of new staff names in Forum ? Since the 3rd payout was completed. :thinking:

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Not mine, just smh seeing how pathetic this hero is now. 130% is barely better than boril and cyprian, S1 heroes. And she has to work for it


We hear you, it’s getting pathic the rewards… so instead of giving us more land they do another STUPID level. One way to get them to listen STOP PAYING FOR THINGS WITH REAL $ You would need to get a majority of players to do this, but you know the competition of people they will spend a lot of $ to get what they want. I again personally find this game boring, the new levels are worse and worse, too many heros yet the balance is way off, IF you should be lucky enough to get one it can literally months or years to get them up there and now all the other BS they add. It’s no longer a fun game


Still don’t understand the need to buff S5 heroes, when they have been making their presence known in the top raid defenses. They were strong enough without the unnecessary buff. I would start buffing Slayers a bit, since they are the only (new) challenge event heroes that have yet to recieve a buff (excluding the mana speed change).

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I still don’t understand the confusion…

Look at 2020:

2 final nerfs to a couple of commonplace hotm

Many buffs to the, at that time… mainline S3

meet the new boss
Same as the old boss…

Most of you voted with your wallets
by purchasing balance via costumes
There was no need for them to maintain a Legendary category after that…

Now the landscape is a swamp

And you all are so shocked…

Does a device stuffed in your face wipe out your memory, and destroy peripheral vision?

If you guys want a great laugh
Come back in a couple years & read the forum
By then…they will be stuffing 8* creeps
into the 5* camp


I was gone about a year and it is hilarious how many “balances” have occurred since my departure. Maybe they should start mumbling when responding to questions.

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We should,
Maybe then we would understand each other.

Read the short C.rampus thread:

:point_right: Right Here :point_left:

Plenty of spenders came out to minimize the costume’s release. Which was…
Krampus’s 2nd appearance…!

We beg for OP heroes
And shrug them off after their release
With “Learn to Play” lectures
That include a handful of counter heroes

Here’s a prominent YouTuber who made a video about the relevance of S1 heroes:

It was actually a video about costumes…

The big spender game is really just an extremely… extremely EXPENSIVE subscription

They get to brag about their $kill
Until they quit spending

The Creep train rolls on

And the 5* camp got overrun with 6-7* creeps
Long ago…

But hey… there are rare 4* costumes you can use/emblem/LB to survive…sometimes… so keep spending!


I spent the most time watching videos by two F2P players. They had moments of exceeding creativity that got parlayed into a distinct playing style.

The whale arms race was an intentional outcome cultivated by the developers.

I am not affected by all the balancing acts post the money grab, just because I stopped spending post the Krampus nerf.
I don’t understand how these two faced thieves can proclaim public good & fairness when:-

  1. they advertise heroes & then make changes. This means that they donot allow players to use the heroes that were on sale.
  2. no disclaimer is given at the time of selling that “this is subject to change & you may end up with a watered down version of what you’re buying/renting”
  3. no money-back or emblems or aether recovery offered in case of any change
  4. they, it seems, cannot make changes pre-release (before they grab the money) but viola, post release (after your money is pocketed) everything is possible & do remember that it is for public good :joy::joy::joy:

Seems like dishonest money grab to me or is it my eyesight???

There should be a regulatory body to govern such corporate thieves


@Sarmale , can you please share the names of the 2 F2P players. Would like some honest opinions/information please!

They are both Romanian players. Demonica is the one account name. We are still friends. The other I don’t recall her account name and don’t want to post her real name.
Demonica was in Be Free, Be Happy!!! a year ago but dunno now. She may still be in the Line group Invatam but dunno if that still exists. You’ll need to know Romanian. I think she can read some Russian too.
Played with her and her husband about 3 years ago. Would watch some of the videos and they looked like good board luck. But then she was usually top 5 in wars and did well on titans. Without a gem purchased roster. So watched all the videos after that.
It is an intuitive style that is more wide open than cautious.

That’s where I differ.
The developers are less to blame.
They cultivate a business.

It’s this behavior:

That props up the business model.

The game was always a gacha.
From the very beginning…

Arguing that with someone who is somewhere between this:

To this:

To this…

The debate not only will vary from player to player, but also will vary based on any player’s position along the long, grindy road…
Avicious created 7dd, by the bye.

But the game has always been a gacha…
No amount of $tragedy will ever change that.

As rare heroes threaten to become stronger than S1 legendary’s…
Balance will continue to flail wildly.


I tend to agree with the “Let’s Go Whaling” video regarding this and other similar games. Ymmv.

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Nah. @Sarmale is absolutely right. Developers literally abuse a psychological system that’s been adopted into the mobile gacha category and used widely across different fields for a long time to gain advantage over people with addictions.

The person that blew thousands pulling for those ninjas, what do we know about them? I haven’t really looked to see if there is more info on them, but they may be rich with easily accessible funds or maybe they’re someone whose addiction is throwing them down a debt rabbit hole. Do developers care about these problems? No, they don’t because their quarterly revenue reports are the only things that they care about.

There is no moral compass here. There is not a semblance of understanding different player groups as they care more about a whale that will drop 3 grand in a month than three hundred VC2P that will drop $10 each. QoL is non-existent. Communication is abhorrent (Just look at the bug thread about Lord Loki not being able to copy Kalo’s skill - “technical reasons”). So, to say devs are less to blame is absolutely wrong considering everything that’s been happening, especially over the last 12 months.


$10 or $3,000 doesn’t matter
You paid for pixels.

That’s your fault!

The kicker is… the pixels still belong to SG.

Same as last year
And the year before…

But hey, you can lecture people how to play!

Sure, it is people’s fault for spending money. Sure as hell isn’t their fault for deceptive business practices that have been piling on for months now.

You pay for pixels with basically every online game. Using that as an argument to try and prove a point is quite “meh”.

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There’s no new business practices.
They’re just more frequent.

You can claim that it’s intentional.
But I believe they have run out of rope.
And are struggling to produce lucrative content without breaking something.

I never argued with Petri about balance.
I did warn once:

That the ecosystem was in danger.

We players on the other hand…
Boy do we love to argue, right?

We come swooping in to defend imbalance with our $kills.
Even when a buff is asked for, will we swoop in to save our beloved misfit.

The money is secondary. You can have it.
Time…on the other hand, is resource that we all have lost.

Even now…
Do I sacrifice time
For a discussion with no win
But rather a “meh” ride

I used to chastise advice that said,

"If you don’t like it, don’t play it"

Because that advice compounded.
Now… man… I was so wrong!
Best advice ever!

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Upping the frequency of something that was done at seldom IS a change in business practice. A really deceptive one. That either tells us their QA/beta programs are inadequate or they just don’t care and are winging it, thus making it intentional. I do agree with the lack of lucrative content and end of rope theory.

That was a well put warning. At this point, we can see that it was just scrolled over.

It’s not about arguing, it’s just about looking at things from a common goal point of view. I don’t regret spending time on this game as it has been fun and people I’ve met are great. I’d lie to say I didn’t enjoy the game, but every week it is less and less. I don’t care about the money that I’ve spent on it…It’s entertainment. But the new approach isn’t entertaining any longer so I just won’t spend and I’ll still get to enjoy chatting with people I’ve met on here. Besides, I’ve a ton of heroes I still need to level. Don’t need anymore new ones for a couple of years.

As for the advice, I’m not sure I agree with it. People are upset because they’ve invested only to see it thrown back into their face. The only time I’d agree with it is if it is a new player complaining. Someone that has years poured in, it’s an insult.

Anyways, cheers man. Sleep calls and kids don’t let you sleep in….neither does work :joy:


At least S3 buffs were made in October 2020. A few months after they started appearing in March 2020.

S5 was released in April 2022, and buffed in May 2022, a scant 3 weeks later.

That S3 buff exercise didn’t cause as much comment as this S5 buff exercise.