[Master] We need more roster slots

I’m level 42. Got my last storage increase when I levelled up to 40, I think, or perhaps 39. At any rate, they do keep coming.

And not to quibble, but it seems churlish to complain with one breath that you want more hero storage, then with the next breath refuse to pay a few gems for it. You should probably, you know, pick a lane.

Storage increases are really cheap. I would not presume to tell you what to spend your gems on, but if you choose not to invest to increase your hero capacity then the limitations you face are your own fault.

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If they keep coming then i have no problem at all. I’m lvl 40 and may have forgotten, but believe I haven’t gotten an increase in a long time - which is why I proposed continueing them.

Picked a lane; i want things to be grindable for people who don’t spend gems. Just like you can get heroes, items etc. This, in my opinion, shouldn’t be something that people would have to spend gems on if they want a bigger storage than 70, because it is simply too small. I don’t have an insane amount of heroes, and it is clear I don’t do a lot of 10pulls - so with 40 lvls of grinding I believe I shouldn’t have a problem where I am clearly limited in my hero space unless I spend gems on it.

There are other games I played (also for free) where I did buy extra hero space, but those gave out gems every single day and very freely. I could easily earn it in a day or two there - not like the 1, 2,3 gems I get from the mystic vision/wanted missions.

I don’t think this is correct. I am pretty certain my storage has been at 70 for several levels now, I am level 39 and as loorts said lvl 40 and also been at 70 for ages…

Perhaps my most recent capacity increase came at level 41 or 42 - I’m afraid I can’t recall precisely. At any rate it took my capacity to 105, after I had increased it to 100 myself.

Because 70 was simply too small. So I just did some grinding, and, like magic, the problem was solved.

This may be why I find it strange to hear anyone wish that they could grind their way out of this problem. Because I ground my way out of this problem. Easily.

But hey, if you are vehemently opposed to spending gems then by all means enjoy those 70 heroes.

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As i said, I hadn’t noticed I could grind my way out of there, as it seemed 70 was the limit and nobody I asked could help me - in my post i was wondering whether 70 was the limit.

But by all means, I will enjoy whatever storage space I have and now at least know it will eventually grow again.

Why not just clean up some of the never going to be used 4*?

They’d have to buff Skittles past a 5* power in order to ever make him useful and the odds of that happening are basically nil.

Kashrek is a similar one, I’m certain I can come up with other 3 and 4* options which just aren’t needed… actually I know I can come up with some 5’s too but those have a much higher probability of being buffed into relevance.

I’m putting less and less focus on being 4* complete, some heroes just won’t ever be used, I probably won’t ever need dupes of 5*'s, and ultimately choosing to compete in beginner or not is a personal choice… and I’m not going to do that so needing 10 slots for 3*'s, not for me.

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Where do you go to buy these extra roster spots?

In the shop, under Resources, @Gt61162

Would be nice to get more hero space without having to pay a load of gems. With all the new heros and currently no way to trade in dups, rosters are filling up. Also with new challenges like Tavern or Legends, keeping more heros is a must. So, in the spirit of “balancing”, can we get 20 more heros spots as a #playaparttogether gift?

Dear Gmax… charity is not a strong suit of Zynga.

While I’m ok with more slots costing gems, the real problem with this new event is yet another 100x summon coin. We now have Atlantis, Valhala, and Tavern. Unless we get the chance of earning these coins increased - something I seriously doubt- then we’ve further diluted free summons.

So, while this remedied the complaint of what to do with extra/duplicate heroes, it was a double-dip of greed. Now we are urged to spend more gems on slots as well as summons.

In short, yeah, throwing out some more slots would help us while not really affecting Zynga’s bottom line.

I would also add that it would be nice to add Atlantis to TC20, or lower the coin requirement.


Agree that with all the need for more heroes, we should be able to earn more. Could we just give out more per level, and rebalance our capacities to something greater? A flat boost of 20 or so that we get from the very beginning would be good too. Roster space is definitely more in-demand than it was before some of the cooler additions like raid tournaments and the Legends fights.

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We keep getting more and more heroes (many end up as feeders) because of the promise of “hero academy” that still is on the horizon and not here yet. So many tokens and all different and cannot be used except for specific events. Buying more space is not an option any more for me. It would be nice to have more space I am not a big spender (CTP/FTP) and do excessive pulls so while a pressing issue for me, it is not quite as pressing as for the big spenders (but can’t they afford more space too?)

Welcome Frog. Enjoy the community! .

Would be nice to get more hero space without having to pay a load of gems. With all the new heros and currently no way to trade in dups, rosters are filling up. Also with new challenges like Tavern or Legends, keeping more heros is a must. So, in the spirit of “balancing”, can we get 20 more heros spots as a #playaparttogether gift?


Agree totally. I have spent and bought extra slots on my main but it is a real struggle on my f2p alt. There are so many more heroes than 2 yrs ago. If they don’t want to give us a few more slots they could increase slightly the extra slots we get when levelling

It would be nice to have some extra slots. I regularly hit the ceiling, and I have already used gems to purchase some (next set would cost 150). I currently have 9 free spots which really puts the squeeze on leveling. I can free up some once I’ve maxed some I have dupes in – saving the dupes to ensure maxing the specials.

What I would love is two tabs, one for main heroes and second for feeders.

100% agree. Costumes too - since it is really a second hero I am leveling up the duplicate and costume and keeping the original (with costume bonus) and a costumed version. I just hope one of the developers is listening to this thread.

I really like the #playaparttogether gift idea. We got so few and for such a short period, it ended up feeling very chintzy.

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It’s not our fault that HA was postponed so many times. Many people bought again and again slots with the hope that they can use their dupes and will take something useful for them. With these gems they could make at least one rollx10 with some chance to get something from your Portals of the greed. I don’t want to comment the HA dissapointment. Just I don’t want to pay 300 gems anymore maybe for nothing at the end from what I saw in Beta. Compensate us!

I’m out of votes, but I like this idea. Two paws straight up! :wink:

A player has several options:

  1. Buy Hero Cap Increase from the Resources Shop by buying gems (if you are P2W, P2P or C2P) or by saving gems (if you are VC2P or F2P); and/or
  2. Level like crazy as some levels will give you additional hero slots; and/or
  3. Feed your dupe 3, 4 and 5 star heroes to some of the heroes you are leveling, including trainer heroes; and/or
  4. Wait for Hero Academy to be released and pray for better functions than the current one being tested in beta; and/or
  5. Pulling heroes from the various summoning portals, including training at TC20, only to come here complaining that they do not have hero slots anymore after you pulled good heroes for keeping. Stop summoning and retire your TC20 (unless your intention is to make it a food and recruit bank). If you can buy gems to summon them, I am pretty sure you can buy the ever-rising cost of the Increase Hero Cap from the Shop; and/or
  6. It’s the player’s fault for allowing heroes to amass in their roster. Level those Thornes, Obakans, Quintuses, Horghalls, dupes and other seemingly worthless heroes in your roster. Once maxed, feed them to your other Thornes, Obakans, Quintuses, Horghalls, dupes and other seemingly worthless heroes in your roster. Repeat the process until you don’t have heroes anymore to level or feed. I guarantee you, this will free a lot of hero slots.
  7. Quit the game for reason that SGG ain’t giving you what you wanted.

This game is not bereft of solutions. You just need to decide which among the aforementioned is ideal for you. Don’t get me wrong, I do want free hero slots. But we all know they won’t be giving it away for free. At best, you’ll be given a flask or some emblems. History taught us that.