šŸŽŖ [MASTER] Starfall Circus Challenge Event ā€“ Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Am afraid Iā€™m gonna have to find 4-5k more at least, but not a bad start. :muscle:

Standard blue rare event team did this: c.Gunnar, Nordri, c.Ulmer, Gato, Chick.


This is a smart way to spend your money.
@Cheds, how do you spend your time, if, of course, this is not a non-stop game? :slight_smile:

Stages 8 and 10 seem like your best bet.
I scored 74,823 on 8 and 81,368 on 10

I have completed epic and rare will work on Legendary over the next few days. Happy sorcerer emblems are sitting from Legendary, will give me enough to put up to 18 nodes on Quintus.

Had been holding off summoning until new HotM as he looks awesome. Had 5 pulls from gems and challenge coins. All S1 3*s what werenā€™t dupes were ones I have fed away repeatedly over the years as donā€™t need them for my roster. No Hotm either. Oh well, thereā€™s always Halloween event to try again

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Did 18 pulls and got a dupe Candy. Not a single 4*. Really bad luck. I hoped at least to get Russel. :sweat_smile: But, I know, itā€˜s very unlikely to get something good from the event portals. :wink:

Did 25 pulls hoping for a 5* with no luck at all, then jumped on my newbie alt account and did a 2 x 10-pull and on my second 10 pull I landed two 5* (when I was going for the 3* or 4*). Guess I canā€™t complain, Iā€™ve never pulled 2 event heroes in a single 10-pull!

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Did a 10 pulls. Elkanenā€¦yay

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Youā€™re very good!
Thank you!

43 pulls only Candy as the new hero from the event. Apart from this, dupe Richard and in the last 10 pull Russell. As I have J-F I wanted him, but quite unlucky not to get at least 4* event heroes. Unfortunately, my dreams of Bobo or Emilio need to wait for the next round of the event.

what is the threshold for top 100 legendary?

The first time Starfall ran, the 100th score in Legendary was 959153. It will probably be higher now with all the new and limit broken heroes


10-Pull. No Starfall hero but got this hilarious bit of RNG instead. :rofl:


Wow. Never saw this before. Congrats? :wink:

Wise words my friend, just caught the chest with the decent board in stage 8:

584k looks it could be enogh for top 1k.

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The challenge coins is just not dropping in rare for me.

I really want that tonics hovering on 1.2k in rare,


I am Just not good enough.

Long way to go.

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23 pulls. 2 Candys, a Marcel and a 4* trainer heroā€¦ The rest are all duplicate season 1 3* and 4* heroes . Not even a hero of the month to soften the blow.

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So, I took Mack to my team. Fallen Star changed his color into green. Then I used his special and suddenly Mack summoned S4 special tileā€¦ with green color. Guess that works also with Chameleon and Salmon Loki. So, S4 heroesā€™ special tiles arenā€™t hardcoded, but game livechecking summonerā€™s color.
Hope it isnā€™t common knowledge and someone will be as much surprised as me today.


Last time the circus was here I didnā€™t manage to get any of the event heroes, not even a three star one. This time I used my saved gems for a 10 pull plus three (will manage a coin pull later after I have finished the quests).

Luckier this time in that I got three of the event heroes (Dā€™Andre, Eichbelborg, and Whacker). Not bad and any new healer is a good thing. Also got a duplicate Thorne as my only 5 star hero from the group.


Finished the event without getting a single chest. Got a decent score in legendary so decided to replay some low score levels. Did 3 and got chest each time! Really helped me improve my score. Thereā€™s still room to improve but for now gonna work on epic first.


Nothing from coin pulls, but did a single 10-pull and nabbed an Emilio.