šŸ° [MASTER] Old (Wolf and Raven version) - Clash of Knights Alliance Quest ā€“ Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Hoping to get the new Ice and Dark 5*. First few pulls, I ended up actually pulling an Ice and Dark 5*. Welcome to the roster, Quintus and Richardā€¦againā€¦ >_<

@Johnh778, @PlayForFun, I have no connection problem. The last update was on October 11th. Didnā€™t you miss it? :slight_smile:

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Not my lucky day for sure
Just wanted Bertulf.

Super easy quest at rare stage. I am alternating between mono red and blue. 2nd Nodri that I levelled up is becoming very handy. Bring antidote as it can cleanse the burn damage and the attack down every 4 turns. The burn damage can be quite a bit if you just choose to ignore.


I have not missed it.
The problem was were with those who are in an alliance for a longer time.

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Used my mono blue event team for rare.(Gunnar c, nordri, nordri, chicken, chicken)

Super easy quest, weak opponents. Even the last level all bosses die with just special skill attacks, no need to move a single stone there. Definitely far easier than normal challenge events. Iā€™m curious how epic and legendary will be.

The loot is sad, no matter to what we compare it. Itā€™s in the tower place, there we get extra energy and some really nice loot, especially emblems over 5 days. Here we have to use normal energy so we canā€™t use that elsewhere, the stage loot is normal loot and the end reward for finishing first time is justā€¦

Normal challenge events we get 1 more coin, we get 50 emblems an unfarmable mats and a flask. Compared to that itā€™s just not good.

But itā€™s super easy and I needed maybe 15 minutes to complete rare. (although I donā€™t need much longer for a regular challenge event)


The same experienceā€¦ Perhaps less than 10 minutes to finish itā€¦ :man_shrugging:t2: Also used my classic blue 3* event team.

Basically no rewards for finishing it.



I donĀ“t think going mono for first stages is a good idea, since enemies die just from a MeliaĀ“s special.

This quest seems to be a flask drainer.

I didĀ“nt even look at what portal has to offer, screw them.

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Or it can lead to alliance members working together to give some much needed advice to struggling teammates.

10x Summon: Tyrum? Dawa? Kailani? Brienne? Graymane? Nashgar? Li Xiu? Boril? Kiril? Ferant and Ferant?

And I just wanted Bertulfā€¦

120 consecutive Summons with no Hotm at all


If you donā€™t kill them immediately, the burn damage is brutal, though.

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You are rightā€¦ I replayed stage 1 and 2 using rainbow team and get much higher score lol

I think the alliance ranking rewards is fair.
And basically rewarding the top 10000 alliances and not just the top 1k like mythic titan! I am happy with that.


My first two gem pulls were already bertulf and aderyn. Quite a good start for the first day of pulls

Not even a bertulf after 120 pulls? Wow

I have adjusted the OP.

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I did not make 120 summons at this Eventā€¦ 120 consecutive summons with no Hotm.

For this Event just a 10x

Just take small antidotes with you. Absolutely no problem than, you can clean before you get the first damage.

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Yeah. I somehow thought it was uncleanseable.

Itā€™s interesting that rare stage chest rewards vary from player to player.
I got a compass.