🧞 [MASTER] Mythic Titan Event - FAQ & Discussion

I dont even bother using battle items on the mythic titan. Got myself into the top 10% just using all my flags and a few minor mana pots. It doesn’t feel like burning all the good battle items is worth it to me. Im sure im leaving some rewards on the table, but it feels good enough. i save the items for events and towers.

Was chatting about something similar in the alliance yesterday. We are also not a alliance that is challenging for better alliance tier loot so no thoughts of needing to pull up group score.

For me expending mats on this is the best source for me to get top loot. I don’t complete the towers and my playstyle doesn’t work well with events. So the mats I save on going for those I can use here. Whereas people who focus more on towers and events might devote more of their mats elsewhere.

In total I think about 10 to 15 people bought the gift members deal and in addition to that I crafted 10 hurricanes, 2 scrolls, 5 tornadoes and 10 super mana potions. For me from a cost/ benefit point of view that cost in mats and food for the rewards plus enjoyment was worthwhile, but it very much depends what other aspects of the game you focus on


Fwiw I have 500 tornadoes so using 60 on this event

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Top 70 best attack loot :sweat_smile::


I am wondering if anyone got this kind of reward for mythic titan, what’s going on ? Is this even a reward ?

90 emblems, hero and troop token, good battle items and 20 O Nuggets. Looks great to me!


That’s a lot of nadoes for a single event.

I’d ask myself:
Is this sustainable to use every four weeks?
If not, am I willing to use some hurricanes?
Is this okay to spend for randomised loot?

I can sustain the battle items usage, but it is thanks to the generosity of my teammates buying the MT bundle offer, and my hardly having to use big battle items outside of MT (and selected titans, if I choose to). This may or may not change if I decide to compete on another event.

I can see how top 1% total damage may not be worth it for you, especially since you’ve already gotten the full set of MT avatars. :wink:

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@D_DI Congrats on your top 70 finish on best attack, and also great to see HA10 continues to pay off for you!! :+1::+1::muscle::partying_face::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Really enjoyed the mythic Titan and also managed to get some nice loot too :grinning:


Thanks AW. I found Jott to be much better than Alexandrine regardless of costs. I have both at 18 emblems and the tiles with Jott are always a few thousand more consistently.

My Alliance doesn’t worry about mythic titans, there are only 9 of us and I don’t think we all even bother with this event, so we don’t buy the offers and fully expect to be bottom tier, which is still a bit of loot for nothing. I used a couple of harpoons on the first go, with Kiril, Frida, Miki, Jott and Lepus, and as few cheap items as I could get away with thereafter, switching to mono teams in everything but green, just doing the middle difficulty when the teams were fresh and the easy one when they had had two turns and were getting tired. It was enough for top 10% in both single hits and overall score. Can’t remember what the rewards were now, that was yesterday, but it wasn’t bad for about half an hour’s effort - well, not really effort even. Managed to stay awake for most of it, at least.

Tornadoes are for hard stuff like towers.

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So I have been doing the extra levels after Limit breaking Richard and moving about emblems which left me a bit ham and Iron poor for crafting to try to get top1% in total.

Instead I just loaded up for one hit to try get in the single hit segment and am going to go mat free for the rest of it once all flags are available.

I’m fairly confident with Hades def up passive stack that my score will hold, but we’ll see.

Edited to add final scores awaiting places.


Found a nice niche for Aegir - he replaced Kiril, my only other Blue healer. Was healing up to 1300 health per tile on crit hits. Combo-ed well with Nordri and C-Magni

Last two were C-Richard and Lepus

Got two hit of 180k+ each



Top 1% on score, top 5% overall score, 921th for allaince first time in top 1000 :slight_smile:


Congratulations @Dudeious.Maximus

Top5% in highest damage, top10% total damage, 1k+ in alliance rewards for me.


Congrats! Mind sharing the alliance score that got 921 rank?


End points. 1% single, 5% combined


Top 1%!

Month Color Att % Att Rank Att Dmg Tot % Tot Rank Tot Dmg Ally Rank Ally Dmg
Dec20 Red 1% 12,970 360,063 1% 14,162 1,738,016 1,212 26,246,628
Jan21 Dark 5% 18,976 341,319 5% 16,904 1,752,020 1,372 25,845,679
Feb21 Holy 1% 7,169 386,366 1% 7,436 1,990,563 2,110 17,905,486
Mar22 Green 1% 3,584 522,405 1% 13,388 1,789,647 1,193 25,661,703
Apr22 Blue 1% 9,193 277,726 1% 9,572 1,506,611 1,478 18,870,563
May22 Red 1% 5,504 657,735 1% 6,375 2,825,518 1,020 32,764,439
Jun22 Dark 1% 9,106 349,702 1% 7,611 1,931,610 1,568 20,172,613
Jul22 Holy 1% 5,740 485,486 1% 10,024 2,303,415 1,240 27,176,624
Aug22 Green 1% 11,938 448,668 1% 9,325 2,533,362 1,389 26,459,542
Sep22 Blue 5% 12,986 287,909 1% 11,247 1,700,018 2,208 16,451,282
Oct22 Red 1% 8,193 669,167 1% 9,001 3,175,115 2,136 22,729,769
Nov22 Dark 1% 4,895 444,353 1% 5,839 2,415,987 1,307 26,315,114

My first attack I went Dolgoon, Jackal, Melia, Uraeus, C.Joon. -56% defense from Dolgoon is huge! Big thanks to an alliance mate who inspired me to use Melia.
I used both of my wilburs on many attacks to keep defense down. I did not use regular Wu at all.
Significant improvement over previous dark Mythic Titans, which I attribute to defense down.

Scores for each hit.

# Team Score Cumulative
1 Holy 1 444,353 444,353
2 Holy 2 299,860 744,213
3 Blue 1 280,403 1,024,616
4 Green 1 187,934 1,212,550
5 Red 1 190,135 1,402,685
6 Holy 3 190,547 1,593,232
7 Holy 4 171,657 1,764,889
8 Holy 5 213,820 1,978,709
9 Holy 6 90,305 2,069,014
10 Holy 7 121,437 2,190,451
11 Holy 8 126,803 2,317,254
12 Holy 9 98,733 2,415,987

My alt with 0 damage finished 1,060,145.

Next one should be Holy. I don’t have dark EDD and barely finished top 1% total damage last time. I will still go all out on one hit, but I might only go for top 5% otherwise.

It’s definitely time consuming when I saved all 12 flags for last night, but solid rewards.


Here yah gooo…


My best hit on Gilgamesh (holy mythic) today was with my yellow team (all +20), Joon (no Costume :frowning: ), Viv C, Norns, Falcon, Leonidas (no C :frowning: ) - 580k. Who is beating that and with what teams please? ps the game has not been kind to me with heroes but I think this is a pretty good effort and should get top 1% looking back on previous posts in this thread. I don’t expect to do better with my purple team. Norns is a mythic beast… edit: currently 580k gets me 1363rd but this is just the start of the mythic run.