[MASTER] E&P Store Discussion and Help

Not sure if its related to in game app purchase…
In my case, it just opened the game app when I clicked on the offer from the website and then when I opened the app the 350 free gems were waiting in the inbox to be claimed.

Maybe one also needs to enter the following on their controller: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start


We have shared some troubleshooting tips for those who are unable to access the new store/clame the free gems:


Why do we have to play the guessing game here, are they laughing about us, especially me making a fool of myself cause I don’t get it. Lost all my joy of gaming today cause of that and like said its not the 350 gems, its the lack of support and making things complicated since I’m not going to install game on phone, I game when home on my iPad, my iOS is up to date, safari is my browser. I’ve been on your new website a hundred times now, you have all you need, be kind and send the gems to those like me not being able to handle it any other way.


Thank You Small Giant. It is nice from your side. I was your hater but now i will not defend you. Business i business. But please slow down.
I was middlle spender but enough. You have your whales. I did 4 pulls and gave me second Sobek and second Zeline. Quite nice. Thank You

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I switched browsers to Chrome and it worked, but can not get them for my second account.


For me to getting it to work, i simply had to delete my browser, and all bookmarks.
Then setting Chrome as default browser, deleting the cache.

Then logging in to google account.
After that i could claim the gems.

Now i have to reinstall my browser, remake all bookmarks, passwords eg.

This is absurd, and far beyond what is reasonable. Why persisting in frustating so many people, dictating on how they are to set their devices, and how to operate them???

I know its free of choice to get the gems…
But seriously, you should just have put it in peoples inbox as you normally do with gifts.

I for one will not do this again, and id rather not have any kind of gifts, if im to use so much time and energy for this.

Hopefully you will learn from this in the future.


iPad users: Please try switching to the mobile website on your Safari browser by tapping the AA button in the address bar and selecting Request Mobile Website.


In my case doesn’t go back to the game. And I tried for 50 time at least.


So much for that FullSizeRender - YouTube

Please try again while you are on the website empiresandpuzzles.com. I hope this helps!

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no it doesnt unfortunately

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This worked!
Can now use either iPad (via this method) or iPhone (worked anyway)

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Got it, called my Nerd brother to come over, I wouldn’t have been able to, going back to my stone age cave now :fox_face:


Wow, it must hurt your eyes to try and read that conclusion into what I wrote. If you read my comments here regularly, you will find there is much that SGG does that I don’t care for, and I don’t mind to write about it. I don’t see why that’s relevant here, though. They never said, “Hey, these 350 gems are meant to make up for all the crappy summon odds, post-release nerfs, and insane power creep that you all have been complaining about.” If they did, I would agree that it is nowhere near sufficient.

But they didn’t. They said, “Here are 350 free gems. Use them as you best see fit” And I said, “Thank you very much. I would like to use them toward a summon in an upcoming portal that has about a 40% chance to deliver a hero to me that I don’t already have. That’s very nice. I’d like to have more of that, if you please.” And I encouraged others to politely assume good faith on the part of SGG rather than using a nice gesture as a springboard to complain about everything else under the sun and cynically scoff at a gift, because if I were SGG, that would make me less inclined to give gifts in the future. The mental gymnastics required to get from that to me thinking “SG can do no wrong” must be exhausting.

I was able to claim the 350 gems this morning without incident. I genuinely feel bad for those who couldn’t/still can’t, and I do think SGG made this unnecessarily complicated. An in-game inbox message saying, “Hey, we opened a new web site where gems are cheaper than in-game. Here’s the link. And we’re also sending 350 free gems attached to this message as a thank you for looking at our link,” would have been better, imo. But it’s not my game. I still hope SGG will fix the issue for those having trouble, or better yet, go back an inbox them the gems, plus a few extra for their trouble.

We also got free trainer troops today. All that was required was to click a button in-game. And the PoV tasks for today included using two troops to gain experience for a troop and gaining a level for a troop. Thanks to the free gift, I finished those tasks in about 3.5 seconds and claimed ANOTHER free gift of a two-star trainer hero from PoV. None of these freebies existed this time last year, I believe. Certainly not two years ago. Last week, we had another deal that gave four one-star trainers for free. That’s relatively new as well. Is it earth-shattering? No. Is it appreciated? Certainly by me.

Pot, meet kettle. It must get tiring to ignore something good (free stuff) and instead turn it into a chance to complain about something bad and basically unrelated. I’ll continue to call out what I don’t like, but I won’t ignore the good either. Incentivize what you like with praise, and you tend to get more of it.



I had the same issue (on Android), and support also suggested what @Petri said to me, and it was not worked for me either.

I have tried to change the default browser from Firefox to Chrome.
I have visited empiresandpuzzles.com from Chrome, but the game kept opening it from Firefox even if it was no longer a default browser.

The fix what I could made is to copy the link from Firefox while the browser is still loading (if you copy the link when you see the error message, then it is to late), and I pasted that link to my Chrome.

After that I could claim the gift in Chrome.

I hope it helps.

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Did that and everything else even reset password to try to help no help. Guess i wont b getting my free 350 smh.

The problem is that there’s two different meanings to “default browser”. One is what your settings are, and the other is the browser that is supplied by the OS. For many of us it’s not the same thing.

No QR code for me. It went straight via link. I think this is possibly a hardware issue or update version issue.

Mine is a iPad mini 5. iOS version 16

These two comments are both brilliant! Well played, @Sarmale .

Nerds are great, aren’t they? I’m actually the nerd brother in my family. Glad it finally worked for you, @vanZille . I was rooting for you from behind my phone screen!