📦 [Master Discussion] Treasure Quest – FAQ & Discussion

Thanks for the feedback! Till next time!

That final boss was elemental fire.(Red) if I recall…hits very hard, would certainly hit harder against nature…Kadilen, Chloris, Faiez etc…perhaps Kiril instead of Faiez to stack blue tiles plus def up, attack up and minor healing… That leaves the ailments to antiodes

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A new Treasure Quest arrived:

  • Costs: 92 WE
  • Rewards: 1x Telescope + 1x 5* Ice Aether (and some trainers)

Omega Quest:

  • Costs: 70 WE
  • Rewards: 52x 3* Aether + 24x 4* Aether + 4x 5* Ather + 1x Alpha Aerher

The Omega is (far) easier.

Where is the relation between WE vs. Rewards at this quest? :man_shrugging:t2:

14 WE for this is too expensive!


The elemental variation of the quest is poor on rewards, but players with hundreds of flasks stashed won’t mind the extra income. As for me i just skip.


Even with a lot of flasks 92we for an aether and a scope is really out of balance with everything else we can do.
This quest is labeled epic, then you also expect epic rewards…


I am happy about every rare item we can get just by playing a simple quest, so I am totally fine with all this :sweat_smile:


I tried a different team than last time and I must admit that this time it was much harder, but the most important thing is that I succeeded :wink:



Me too. In this case I critize the costs to rewards (to difficulty) ratio

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Hm, yeah. But we have two days to complete it, but sure, if your player level isn’t that high and you don’t have much WE energy, it might become a bit tricky.

A assumed that there must be a bug (missing rewards) as what is shown does not make any sense.

But then again, now that we can fill only one monster chest per day there is quite much WE available so it can be wasted for these kind of “epic” let downs.

I dont typically struggle with quests, don’t push, but dont struggle either. This one is difficult and I failed the last stage a few times. I am going to step back and rethink my team/strategy :thinking:
Good luck everyone!

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You are far too knowledgable and experienced for me to give you advice on finishing the last level - I am sure you will get it on your own next time you try.

I did manage on my first run through of my ftp accounts by pretty much brute forcing it with strong heroes (6.5-6.8k tp), oveheal, megaminions. On homa3 I had to use all my item slots (hurricane, tornado, antidote, major mana pot). If I couldn’t stop the boss chest from firing then I would make sure to ghost left and right on my next two turns to stop him from firing and shielding again.


The rewards this time round was way too pitiful, and with that high of a difficulty. You can get one omega aether and the 4* mat from their regular quest stages easier. Needs either tome or d blade for the last stage, with at least 2 alpha aethers


It’s crazy how bad the rewards are this time round. All of this difficulty just for one legendary aether? It’s not like they’re giving away ten of those things


Are you serious? This loot must be a joke.


I didn’t need this aether for anything, so I completed the quest just for my own satisfaction (paradoxically, I needed the blue trainer more)… That’s why it’s on my wife’s account (or rather our child’s) I won’t even try to do stages 4 and 5, because they can use their WE much better.

However, they are VERY short of telescopes and thanks to this quest they will be able to get one, so I can believe that this quest can be very useful for many players (even though many of us only see junk rewards). As I said, no one is forcing us to complete all quests if we don’t need the rewards they offer (Mine Iron is a great example of this :crazy_face: )


Horrible rewards but easier than last time, I used LoTL with her costume bonus.

Darkfeather / LotL / Ludwig / Gestalt / Hathor

Quite a defensive type of team but it worked well having Gestalt next to Ludwig.
No heroes lost, but I did use mana pots in the first waves on about 3 stages to get DF and Ludwig special to go off, I had no tiles most times in the first wave


Then it’s like why even bother playing it when the loot is utter garbage. Unless you’re playing for completion? They can’t just give another scope for the last stage to make it worth the trouble?

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Agree, especially since it’s actually a challenge.
I still completed it for next time, so maybe they can update rewards (doubtful), but if they do I can just loot ticket it if I want to

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I didn’t mentioned telescopes. :roll_eyes:
I mean EMPTY loot of materials? For WHICH reason? Specially in a special event.

Not even 10 recruits? Not even 5 backpacks? 1 orichalcum nugget? :roll_eyes:

20~ world enermy for 1 trainer hero? :roll_eyes: