🐉 [Master Discussion] River of Resources (Dragonspire Quest)

And it is HARD as in I was fortunate to get a legendary dragon with 4 pulls and the bosses one shot it, they also have 20K health and there are 3 of them

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I can understand that.
Playforfun nevertheless mentioned that he can at least finish 1-8 without summoning. (Havent seen him update more)

Myself use 350gems for 1 more dragon, just for fun and i think it is not much as we get 350gems for free every month from PoA

Congrat guys, now there’s another 100 silver coins in the Inbox :wink:

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I was lucky to finish the first Stage with the default team.

Meanwhile new I am in province 2 stage 2.

I needed 75 gems to finish 1/10.

I could pull Eotel with the free Silver coins from the Pass.
And now I got Leafwind from the free Silver coins received by mail today.

Anyway I think even these will not be enough to finish the second stage, but I will try it later.

At least now the map stages will be easier :slight_smile:


YAY THANK YOU DEVS :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

also I’ve been making trainer dragons… its helping. some are 2* LOL


Yesterday I completed the second province using three 3* dragons and two trainers (I invested gems in one pull - just for fun :crazy_face: ).

Today I gained my fourth 3* dragon from a free summon (gift in the message) thanks to which I was able to complete all available stages (I was stuck at stage 3.7 before)

At the end I collected coins for another summon and now I have a 3* rainbow :open_mouth:

I didn’t use gems to continue on the map - personally I think it makes no sense, because I would only postpone inevitable defeats…

As for “River”, yesterday I did two stages playing with two dragons and trainers, but then I lost in the third stage. Today I focused on the map and I didn’t have enough WE for anything else… :man_shrugging:


First 2 stages are doable with with 2 or 3 - 3star dragons.

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…which is the entire purpose of the release of this add-on.

I felt the pull of the desire to spend due to the frustration of getting obliterated and consciously made the decision to avoid spending a single gem or dollar on ANYTHING.

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With my rainbow team, stage three was a piece of cake. Now all that’s left is to wait a long time for WE to be filled… :confused:

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On my account, I also spent gems on 1 summon, so have 3 dragons now :wink:
BTW, we seem can train rare dragon quite quickly at dragon training camp, so all 3* dragons team is likely within 1-2 weeks without using more gems :smiley:

now I took over my daugter account, so i do not really have much time for my and my daughter’s dragon as she has to finish Mirage and still progress S2 :joy_cat:

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Ever since I got Noor, I’ve been taking Mirages in “auto” mode :wink:

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When you cook something, first thing you is to taste the food and then serve the guests…
Does the devs ever play this shyty game or just puts the ginny pigs to tested?

Generally, although this river-quest looks very difficult in the first few days or first weeks,

in later weeks, where we can train 3* or even 4* dragon for free, and with lots of trainers to level up, things should be much easier …

So I would say this difficulty-level of dragon mode is quite well design IMO

Today I have retired level 2.
And I could pass that stage and Stage 3 too on first attempt without gems.

By using this team and 0 battle items:



I have three 3* dragons now, but 3rd stage is really tough for me


I got a bit of luck and pulled 4* dragon. So far, managed to do 4 stages. No items used, no gems used, only free summons.

My team 3-2:
(I forgot to reaarange positions, the trainers should be 2-4)

Entering boss wave. I lost healer and I expected loss…

…but somehow managed to survive.
Fired yellow dragon eye…

… and it killed last boss.

Thanks to Tile Booster. For me, it’s the most interesting part of Dragonspire. Wish it was in regular game (ex. in events or as a special stage).

Waiting for energy to try the last stage.
Will try also on my other accounts where I have only 3* dragons.


Stage 3 completed with 3 3* dragons but used 3 small mana to charge healer.

OTH 2.5 seems to be another wall for not fully leveled 3x3* team :slight_smile:

Probs new quest tomorrow so i try to get gull energy and attempt.

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I managed to pass the fourth stage quite easily (without artifacts, because I don’t have them - I used all of them earlier to do quests). Unfortunately, the fifth stage seems unattainable for me (I only reached the third wave) and I think I will simply give up on further attempts to pass it.
My dragons:


Another team for 4th stage.

On this account I pulled 3 3* healers :roll_eyes: and only one hitter. So I had to change tactics and couldn’t use all 3* dragons.

Tried 4-1, this yellow dragon is a healer with “Wu Kong” effect :joy:

It worked good. Didn’t take screenshots, only one just before finishing boss. I should build these 3 reds tiles, but I was so confident that moved 3 yellows. And 2 tiles missed :joy: luckily there was a fire and he got burned. It was close, but no items used.

Still have one account to do 4th stage and at least try 5th stage. Really like these 2 booster fields :joy: it’s such a fun to build boards with them :slight_smile:


It was very hard… but cleared the 5th stage as well…
Used quite a few items, but no gems…
I did have 3 4 *s and 2 3 *s on the team… all leveled up to 1st ascension
And I did wait for last few hours before quest expires, to make sure I level and get my dragons as much as possible.