[Master Discussion] 🧭 Path of Giants (PoG) -- General Information & Discussion

Total Points from Weekly Challenges = 1250 * 3 * 4 = 15,000
Total Points from Daily Challenges = 90 * 6 * 28 = 15,120
Total available points = 30,120

Points needed to Giants chest (30th reward) = 24,475
Daily Challenges you can skip if you finish all weekly = 62 (5580 points)

Points needed to Giants chest + max 5 bonus chests = 29,475
Daily Challenges you can skip if you finish all weekly = 7 (630 points)



I feel like we’ve seen the ‘15 Dark enemies in S4’ challenge before. I got it in two - or maybe even 3? i dunno, i was kinda sleepy at the time - runs in 8-7. has anyone managed to get all 15 in one run somewhere?

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No. I got 10 in the first run and 6 in the second.

Regular POG chest loot (I got 5 additional chests outside of the final regular chest):

And then here’s my premium POG chest with my first regular chest:

Yeah, sure, call in RNG, but definitely not worth it. Some of my alliance members got alpha aethers. I’m happy for them.

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hm, skipping the Complete Hard Stages without Specials one today. 11 WE, yeah no thanks, and we also have the 15 Green monsters in S2 one… nope.

on the plus side, was able to get 15 Green monsters in S2 7-1, in one run :slight_smile:

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I was concerned about the damage total for War until I saw this after just 3 wins. Should be easier to get than I first thought.


I don’t think the War damage is hard at all. 50,000 looks like a big number though until you realise it really isn’t…

You can realistically 2 shot 6 teams and get it.

If you are landing your one shots it’s going to be a breeze

Healed damage doesn’t count towards this PoG challenge

Only “regular” damage. Just checked it. So we can’t use enemy healer to increase points :wink:

3 one-shots (weaker teams) and a half is done.



Wise decision. I will join the idea.


Mine is the same. I actually had 3 good wins and NONE of their heroes HEALED at all, and my total damage is at 28,200.

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Well DAMN!!
I did 5 one shots, got my challenge for damage dealt to about 47,500, then my last flag I went against Goseck tank, I got his health down to 90 hp, he fired once and destroyed my WHOLE team, so now my weekly challenge is at about 48,700. 700% damage to my whole team was insane - what made it worse, I actually had a plenty of colours to win

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urk, those %s make me dizzy! at least you are almost done with the challenge!

And… I just finished the weeklies, whew!


Missed it by thaaat much…


Wow, mine is quite very similar, wait let me grab a screenshot

Well, ok by about 500: 47,843 :rofl:

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Challenge not hard if you even have the tiles to play the game. After 6 flags not even half done, stupid challenge design to frustrate and ■■■■ you off. Lucky you guys can finish it, too bad there are ppl that has zero luck and tiles. A weekly challenge with 12 chance based on RNG, perfect design. Only ■■■■■■ in SG think it is a good idea. Just because you are lucky to finish it doesn’t mean the design isn’t stupid.


I did 6/6 this war and finished the PoG war weekly challenge already :). I was also aiming for it, because I have to opt out of next war, so yay. Also I increased the damage when there was a healer in the team and I knew I’m gonna win, so I let the healer heal a few times, so I could increase my damage.


PoG has also made me change my playing times. The dailies for PoG and POV roll over at 10am my time, so if I log in before 10am I try to hold off on using flags (unless they will open a chest, or they will max out), hold off on collecting from my TCs, hold off on summoning, hold off on collecting iron and food from farms and mines…

:sweat_smile: at least I’m getting more work done before 10am lol


At least the two s4 challenges can be combined… and there are a couple of stages with all-Blue mobs too