Can’t even get to the boss of stage 3. This seems totally broken to me.
My team: 3/60 Luminare (4* Holy), 3/50 Ardere (3* Fire), 3/50 Krio (3* Fire), 2/60 Veneno (5* Dark), 3/60 Cuddlewing (4* Dark)
I could understand the last stage being really hard, but the third?
If this is the normal difficulty for these quests, Dragonspire will be a further complete waste of time.
This felt harder than the red one. I used several healing salves and a couple of mana crystals. On the last level, I also used a couple ballistae and a veil of attack. Only two dragons survived.
On the third stage I put in my 3/60 red 4* (Xondar) but with some bad boards and the stupidly high value of getting the special attack title I went back to Sparky. Was able to sail through 3 to 5 without issue (or mats)
I forfeited to try the last 2 stages of the Ruby Cavern one because of how hard the mob hit, the auto damaging defense down and at the time I could not double up on blue because I am still leveling them.
Decided to try this one to see how far I could get.
Sparky, Leafwing, Kurio, Solis, and Ardere was who I used, they were 3^50 and 10/10. Brought Cleansing Feathers, Ice Attack Spell, Medium Mana Shard, and Veil of Attack.
Used Veil of Attack and Ice Attack Spell to start getting attacks going. mana shards to keep the healers charged up to let a heal go loose when needed. Cleansing Feather is to deal with the Def down mechanic. Key of course is try to over power the mobs and not spend too much time on each wave to minimize the need to use the Feather (which also doubles as a minor heal).
The last 3 bosses in stage 5 went down pretty quickly with the combination of attack/crit up from the Veil of Attack, Def down from the Ice Attack Spell, the “gambler’s stance” status from Solis, and the combination of red tiles from 2 red dragons on my team.
I will be more ready when Ruby Cavern makes its return the next time so I could try those stages again.
All dragons are maxed (3*) or 3/60 (4*). Items from Dragon Forge, especially Mana Shards and Super Healing Salves because there is literally nothing else to use Fish on so far. Had good boards so that helped. Wanted to try Solis but forgot to switch him in. Probably not bad idea to take at least 3 healers since most of damage will be done through that 9 fireballs thing.
Stage 4 was comfortably difficult for my team, but wasn’t too hard. Didn’t try 5. Should be able to ascend a 4star by now, and these quests aren’t helping.
The worst thing here is the environmental damage it hits REALLY hard, aside that is pure luck, just align the right stones into the “trident” tile and watch the opposing dragons getting massacred
I was actually able to finish this one using the following team and items (1 healing item right before boss wave, one damage item on the bosses, and 3 protection items throughout the level).
The real strategy, as always, is to just use the tile damage/flame tiles. I’m actually leveling another 3* healer because it doesn’t seem like other specials are even worth using in most cases since tile damage is so much better (to the point of being completely unbalanced compared to special attacks).