[Master Discussion] - Fated Summon (Counter doesn’t reset on list change)

I don’t know why people are complaining about the list

Tarlak is a very good hero for titans teams

Onatel was very useful for those who have her in the Contest of Elements

Skadi is a relevant minions killer

Freya is a hero that I usually face for her minions and def up

I have Ratatorsky and Ariel but I could use dupes of them

And the most important, we can CHOOSE who we want


Yes, I think this feature is good

  • for F2P players the list is very good as they miss lot of these heroes
  • for P2W this can be good as they have some missing heroes here or this gives food for Soul Exchange for no additional cost where they can get more desirable heroes.

For whales this feature can be ignored as all heroes who were release before the latest portals are deprecated, and they have 100-200+ dupes to feed Soul Exchange for the next 4-5 years.


exactly, this is a feature that benefits the lowest spenders the most. Imagine if the Fated Summon included the latest and greatest heroes like the S5s, the new Styx heroes, Anne… whales would load up on them, while the lower spenders would get only a few…

as it is, we don’t get the latest and greatest - BUT we still get very useful heroes for us :slight_smile:


I want to start pulling again what’s taking so long

Anyone how long does it take

In the other thread someone mentioned it would probably be implemented by the end of the month, probably in a week’s time. Let me find it.



When Fated Summons (FS) was announced I immediately stopped pulling… except for the daily free pull.

At present, I have:
3 Atlantis pulls
13 Challenge event pulls
27 Costume pulls
3 Covenant
34 EHT for Halloween/Christmas
2 Taven
15 Season 5
2 Elemental event pulls
8 Tower pulls
6 Season 4
and 8700 gems where I have no clue where and when I will use them.

for a total of 112 plus 30ish from gems.


Do you really need the heroes in that fated list? You seem like a player who doesnt need them
Anyway gratz


42 in various portals, with most being costume keys

Ive got exactly 50 summons from different portals.

+9600~ gems I’m saving for Almur… But will take a while to use them. They started to release S3 costumes then went back and focused in releasing +100 new event heroes every day and left it unfinished.

:man_shrugging:t3: Not in rush, though. The game is so messy I’m not being organized neither. I plan to get Freya. I need Dark heroes and she’s the best among them.

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  1. Spend 'em if you got 'em!

I can find a use for onatel… freya… mits… a second skadi. heck… if worse came to worse, I could use a hero to throw into the soul exchange… though… in all honesty… I’m relatively cheap to play… I throw $10 at the game when I pull a 5*… which I use mostly for pov… so… yeah… definitely could use a few.

I hear ya… but that bus comes around again… just have to be patient.

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Yeah, I get it. Two to three years ago, I’d be right there with you. I have piles of items/flasks from years of playing that I’m likely to never use when I decide to leave for good.

My stage of playing is essentially not knowing when I’ll log in again.

I figured my voice would be a bit different than most in this thread :).

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seems like a separate topic… but whatever.

I couldn’t wait til the 24th, I needed Franz… took 4 10x draws to get him… did get Quintin in the 3rd set, so that took some sting out of not waiting. I really don’t draw that often.


At the moment I have 250 pulls across various portals and also 30k gem balance, which is good for another 100+ pulls depending on cost of portal.

Top 6 I plan to get:
Tarlak, Onatel, Mitsuko, 2nd Skadi, Ariel, Grazul


Okay, thanks for the info.

Same here. I did one 10x … and got two Ferants (sigh)

I greatly admire your self-restraint!