20 x food
Better luck next time i guess…
20 x food
Better luck next time i guess…
It is no coincedence that the best costumes were never featured… We will probably never see Leo, Marjana, Kadilen or Magni. Very greedy move from SG in my opinion.
Got a dupe c azlar and then the HOTM popped up. I’m not even chasing this hotm but I’ll take anything at this point
With a 96% chance of getting disappointed with summons, it’s getting harder to keep being excited about events. Which is making it harder to keep being excited about spending… and playing…
The association with event summoning and being disappointed is becoming a stronger connection. That’s basic behavioral psychology. It’s the perfect approach to extinguish a behavior.
Add that to ascension mats that don’t come (for the dozen heroes I have stuck), and the game’s stinginess is destroying the enjoyment of the game. I’m sure they’ve calculated the odds for giving rewards that are just enough to keep stringing people along. I think the proliferation of data and discussion threads of discontent are showing that they’ve miscalculated. And I think that if they were more generous, they’d get a lot more player investment in return. They’re starving the golden goose.
Well I can’t complain from 6 single pulls in the costume event today. I got duplicate Azlar costume and HOTM, Elkanen costume and Lianna Costume and HOTM
The luck was with me
They have featured Marj once and I think Kadilen twice and Magni maybe twice but the rotation is broken. However the forum bug post got their attention (thanks to whoever did that) and now Leo will be in September and maybe the rotation will be fixed
Not pulling this month, already got the HOTM, so saving up for next month…
I just felt like summoning again. Best of three pulls.
I’m glad to get another new 4* costume. I’m not familiar with Gormek Costume though. Someone please tell me where you use him? Perhaps Undead Horde wars?
Congrats on a new red project
My cGormek is regulated to Undead Horde or Rush War/4* Tournaments.
However, I compete in monthly events (Slayers, Wonderland, etc) and use his regular version on certain stages, making the costume bonus nice to have.
Gormek costume is actually very useful in today’s meta, with all the minions roaming around.
Three pulls with saved keys and ones from the challenge event. Got Gunnar (duplicate), Azar (another duplicate) and Valen (new).
Disappointing as there are quite a number of 4* ones that I would have liked any one of, but on the whole I have been luckier with the costume chamber than other portals so I can’t complain.
5 pulls, 3 3* (only Renfeld new) and double Chao
Still no Rigard
3 pulls, 1 valen ( my third) 1 ulmer, 1 Karil, got 3/5 of a 3* ice mono tourney team, lol
I see I am not the only one suffering from not getting him
I’ve seen people in top alliances using him against Bera, Freya, Christmas heroes and other minion summoners. He’s a sort of off-brand Grimble. And unlike Gobbler, due to costume bonus you can fire him in 9 tiles much easier and has better stats (than Gobbler :))
After few events with absolutely terrible results and bad drops from pretty much everything I got lucky today.
As I have Joon maxed and he’s my only yellow sniper, his costume will get upgraded ASAP. Also considering embleming him now - as Fighter he’s pretty annoying when he survives death blow and promptly kills somebody in your team.
After a lot of prayer and many costume events I finally got C. Kadilen today. Thank you Lord!
I don’t know which I’m more envious of, the costume or the Telescope?