^^Jeff Bezos plays E&P??
I gave up on Atlantis a long time ago… I was lucky enough to get Kage… but that’s it 10x pull after 10x pull = 4,657 muggys… so I just started saving up for season 3… so glad I did
My first 30 pull gave me every single 3* and 4* except bryhild
And I got sif then horghall and mangi
Then i did a 10 pull heimdall and who really cares after that i completely forgot about everything else
Then on second Valhalla i did one ten pull got the last 4* needed bryhild (or whatever her name is) and telly
Went through and completed all the stages did 5 single pulls and got tyr
I have already 3x my luck over Atlantis and did 1/10 as many pulls… still love me some Atlantis rises. But will never spend another gem on Atlantis portal
I am gearing up for disappointment as I realize I have gotten ridiculously lucky so far
I did a 11-pull summon:
Brynhild 1x ( not shown in pic )
Mireweave 1x
Stonecleave 1x
Sumli 1x
By-Ulf 2x
Ei-Dunn 2x
Bane 1x
Hawkmoon 1x ← only S1 hero
9/10 S3 heroes. That’s my only 10-pull so far.
I pulled all 5 3* heros between the 1st Valhalla and this last one. I think Nordri, Kvasir, Bjorn and By-Ulf are worth leveling. BUT what about Ei-Dunn? Do you think she’s worth the mats? EDIT: I mean feeders
Which mats? She is just 3☆. You can max any 3☆ in the game.
Yes she is worth…I tell you why.
She is basically a red Chochin.
She is the only hit-3 red 3* in the game. For events this is “hit-all” at average mana. The other ones are Bauchan - too less damage, Jahangir - too slow with slow mana…so she is quite good for events if you don’t have 5x Namahage. You want a red heavy team on Wonderland (starting tomorrow).
On tourneys on offense she is very good together with Bauchan and Hawkmoon costume…loading at the same mana speed.
She will work well together next to By-Ulf on offense on tourneys. Ulf bumping her attack value before hitting and healing her. Both are from the same family increasing blind bonus.
On defense she will be great together with Bauchan at “no blues” tourney. Both Bauchan and Ei-Dunn will delay mana of all attackers.Strong combo for sure.
Events: good, especially Wonderland
Raid tourneys offense: good to very good
Raid tourneys defense: no blues, very good
Hope this helps. Still working on my Ei-Dunn myself.
There is a seperate thread on each hero. Please use them for asking questions.
What mats? All mats for ascending 3*s are easily farmable.
20 wasted feeders.
@Vikingblood80 gave a good explanation of her usefulness both for being similar to Chochin, and for Challenge Events.
I’ve personally maxed two, and plan to try one for Wonderland.
I wrote about that briefly here:
Thing is, i already have a red team; Nashgar, Nashgar, Azar, Nama, HawkmoonC along with Bauchan for tournaments and Jahangir just cuz (i guess VF tournaments)?
I feel like the marginal benefit from maxing an ei-dunn is probably not worth the mats, what do you think?
I think it depends on where you are in the game, and your priorities.
I’m currently maxing my 67th through 69th 3* (Wabbit 3, Chick Jr. 1, and Renfeld 1), along with my 22nd 5* (Malosi 1), and 66th 4* (Kashhrek 1). And I have almost 3000 feeders sitting in my TCs ready to be collected, so leveling is as much a button tapping effort as anything else at this point. For me, maxing some extra 3* is a trivial exercise, and doesn’t really distract much from other leveling priorities.
For someone who has adequate depth on 3* for Challenge Events and Raid Tournaments, but is still working on 4* depth for everywhere else, I’d certainly not bother optimizing 3* options, unless that were the area of the game they liked the most.
But for some who don’t have a deep 3* bench, it’s definitely worth the feeders and it takes more than a week to level them. 2 maybe 3 weeks depending upon where you are in the game.
Is there any place to see what the next featured hero will be in the April Valhalla summons?
No, we don’t officially know what the next Featured Valhalla Hero will be.
Thought that might be the case. Any guesses or suspicions?
Alfrike is my best guess.
From last month:
And from this month:
you da best @zephyr1! thanks man.
@zephyr1 what are your thoughts on her? Is she worth hoping for?