Malosi – 5* Holy/ Yellow - April 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Still good? He was great on release and is more useful than ever now. He is one of the best attacking heroes out there.


The fact that he resists defense reduction is a great perk wich helps him survive in a Morel/Frigg world.

His status effect block is useless against the best healer (Prof. Lidenbrock) but it’s very useful to prevent other heroes’ nasty status effects.

He could deal a bit more damage but overall he only lack that, he is a solid pick and dark tanks have yet to disappear.


Malosi is an excellent hero… And worthwhile to have as a tool! The fact that he works at very fast speed means that 3-2 stack is enough for him to be effective!

And a yellow stack can shut down so many top tier defense due to him is incredible…

Jackal + Malosi… brutal damage … usually not enough to oneshot a regular 1100 defense 2000 up lb+29 emblems ■■■■. But Mist or Neith helps a lot!

Bring C Rigard and Tiburtus and the enemy drops like flies. I love my yellew stack…


Got him today and have the mats to ascend him but I am not sure if he’s the one who should get them.

My yellow rooster looks as follows:

Leveled: Eloise LB +20, Prof. Lidenbrock +20, Sif + 20, Joon +20 (non costume)
Unleveled: Hanitra, Uraeus, Neith, Posseidon (non costume), and now Malosi

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I cant give a recommendation, but if you are looking for a hero who can stop the effects of a powerful enemy card, he has no equal in the game for now at his speed. He is Vfast so 6 tiles and he can shut a card like Ludwig. He does a okish damage. I use him along with Mist when the enemy def is scary. i can easily shut down 4 cards from buffing up.
I like both Poseidon and Uraeus for their secondary effects. but i dont have them.


Malosi is certainly a very good tool to have.

you have all good heros to level hard choice.

i would choose between Hanitra, Uraeus, Malosi. Try them out.


Only hero with gazelle that i use in 100% of my raids and i would level 2 more if i could…

Gotta bump this up for my man Malosi, he’s just excellent. Using him in Season of Love now cause he can stop the special skill effects - my mana controllers won’t work, but Malosi still does!


With the FS refresh Malosi is near the top of my list, alongside LoLo and Zeline…are there any other instances @sleepyhead in a war, event or other setting where using Malosi would be more favourable than a mana controller?


I was excited to see Malosi on that list as well :nerd_face:


Thanks for the tag :slight_smile:

Malosi’s speed is a key factor, I don’t have any Very Fast mana controllers. When there’s a particularly dangerous status caster on the opposite side…

I’m not 100% sure how his special interacts with Clerics. It counts as a status effect so Monks can resist it, but clerics I am not 100% sure


Thanks mate, good point - sorry I am out of likes lol!


Maybe if you weren’t able to drain the enemies mana or control it before taking them down then you can use Melosi to at least take the hit but without any status effects?

I would go this route if its unavoidable…let’s say while facing Alfrike or someone similar. I would take the damage from her but not the mindless attack lol he is very fast which is a key point here so it shouldn’t be that hard to achieve.

He is also on the top of my list along LoLo and Grimble.

Malosi’s blocking is neither about mana nor about special skill. He is neither a mana controller nor a silencer(?). Enemies will use their SS even when they’ve got Malosi’s ailment. It only blocks enemies’ casting status effects or stacks.

When your Malosi hit Mother North (cleric)

She can’t resist Malosi’s ailment. She’s not a monk unlike Costumed version.
She will trigger her SS when her mana is full.
Healing / Reviving / Summoing minions won’t be blocked cause those are not status effects or stacks.

When your Malosi hit Costumed Mother North (monk)

She has 30% chance to resist (if she is +15 emblemed) Malosi’s blocking.
She will trigger her SS when her mana is full.
Reviving / Summoing minions won’t be blocked, but HOT will be blocked cause it is status effect.

When your Malosi hit Costumed Alberich (cleric)

He can’t resist Malosi’s ailment.
He will trigger his SS when his mana is full.
Reviving won’t be blocked. / HOT, mana generation buff and elemental link (attack & defense buffs) will be blocked cause those are status effects.


Nice analysis, so you just got to be conscious that you can’t block revive or heal…or minions too right?

Malosi would be pretty useless vs…Diaochan and W3K heroes?

Just to nitpick, you can’t block instantaneous revive or heal, but can block HoT or status revive like Tyr.

Pretty much. He can’t affect the minions causing damage/status, but then that’s what the lunar heroes are for I guess.


He prevents positive status effects and stacks for the enemy and negative status effects and stacks allies.

His skill is unique in that regard, which is why he ages well compared to other HotM.


Malosi will prevent Alfrike Mindless Attack but not her damage. It’s not a big deal if you bring a healer along. You healer won’t be affected by the Mindless Attack. Malosi is very fast mana and Alfrike slow mana, he is going to fire first.

thank you for clarifying! I wasn’t sure, and you’ve given me the info I need :slight_smile:

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New FS list where? I cant find…

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