Madame Giry - 5* Dark / Purple from Secrets of the Opera

Just landed her from the Super Elemental Portal.

I see she’s got some mixed reviews, so what’s the verdict now that you’ve had the chance to try her out? I was upgrading Sneferu, but I guess she jumped in front. I’d love to try her out with Ludwig.

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Can’t speak for anyone else, but I love her. She may be slw but when she goes off then you’re in trouble


I haven’t had the chance to test her out because of the lack of tomes for heroes, she is stuck at 3/70 along with 10+ other heroes, and then I am also now doing Cupido, so she goes even further down :cry:

Thanks. I’d think she should do pretty well. I mean, if she fires and the enemy gets to rid themself of the fiends, say, as soon as 2 rounds later, doesn’t she in fact do 560% damage during that time, to all enemies, no less? And if those ballerinas tap dance much longer than that, the hurt really gets serious. To be frank, I don’t think I have fiend inflictors really other than LaSalle (whom I like much more than he gets credit for) and his fiends do 1/3 less damage. I think they do around 17 points damage per turn, or something, so Md Giry’s should manage around 45-50 points each turn. And they’re beefy, so you should expect to get at least 150-200 out of them, right?

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Run some tests with my wee 2/23 Madame and she did 350 damage and 35 fiend damage to costume Alfrike with 1400+ def, so this calculation should check out, or in fact, be rather underestimated even. She did 450 dmg and 50 fiend dmg to a Melendor with 1 costume. Also, the buff immunity (which I totally forgot) was a super nice added bonus as Melendor couldn’t heal at all. She is really nasty towards any healers that regen over time.

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