Lord loki special skill is blocked when hero is blocked

It’s an interesting distinction, but he didn’t copy the status effect but rather the new special. In the video Loki never received the mindless attack status effect.

If I’m understanding you correctly, this is exactly right. To be more clear I’m reading this as “then Loki copies the mindless attack special, NOT the actual special of the hero itself because it changed.”

I don’t think either of these cases changes the target’s special - but I’ll double check (with Peter’s silence since I don’t have Mki) and add screenshots below.

I think an easier way of explaining this is to look at whatever the target’s special currently is, and that is what I would expect Loki to cast. I would say Jott is an example of a bug, since it is not cast as Loki’s “own Special Skill” but rather as Jott’s special.

Hansel debuff (doesn’t change special)

Peter’s debuff (also doesn’t change special)

I don’t have Lord Loki to test, but because their specials didn’t change I would expect Loki to be able to copy them.