Loot sucks in 2023

It seems to me that sg has further reduced the loot this year. whether titanium, color box (example photo attached) or worst of all, the war box. the result is rather disappointing. the yellow box here is one of the best results this year. but honestly, I almost feel like I’m playing Diablo.
how are you doing, are you happy with your loot?


It sucked in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 also. I wasn’t around before that, but it probably sucked then too.


Has anything changed…??? :joy:

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:


I remember back in the good old days of E&P before those greedy devs lost control we would get a 4* mat in each monster chest and every board had a minimum of 8 tiles in the strong color.


At this point I look at your loot chest and say “A titan flask and an EHT? That’s awesome!”


Only 13 days have passed, not enough data. Even though I got farsight telescopes from mystic vision and monster chest the day before yesterday.


Mat = crafting materials

Rainbow = guaranteed 35 tiles



Back in ole ‘17 you’d get a 5* hero with every pull and the plains were full of Damascus Blades and roaming Tome of Tactics. Farsight Telescopes we’re just scattered on the ground for anyone to pick up.

Then the great migration of ‘18 happened and they hunted them all to near extinction. Not even a Quintus left for anyone.

And here we are in ‘23 struggling to get by, scratching in the mud for just a glimpse at some Tall boots left there by people who quit because they had zero impulse control. Sad times are upon us but if we all just stop for a bit the herds of Tomes and Blades can restock themselves and Quintus’s can come back from the far lands they needed to move to.

We can do this.


When exactely was that ??? :rofl:

RNG is cyclical. Comes and goes. Lady Luck will shine on you when she comes visiting in the future.

Aggravating to wait but this game requires patience.

Hope you receive nicer loot soon enough.

Like me: Prisca 2x from free daily summon within 7 days! :flushed:


I just assume all loot will be terrible. Than any surprise becomes a positive one :slight_smile:


Yep like this. I guess there is a 4* mat roll for platinum raid chests!


Got this from pov extra bonus chest at the end. This never happen before so I’m guessing the game is giving us better loots this year

Of course there is! Just lower odds.

I received 3x 4AM from Monster crates within 14 days. Highly unusual.

I have noticed a distinct reduction in the number of “daily” offers. Let’s hope that this portends well for 2023.

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Still on the same loot level :weary:

Here is a post from 2021:

Yes, I just got my A-tier loot on a 12* titan:


I actually had much better loot this year. So far. I got some Mystic Rings yesterday from Titan and today from Elemental Chest.

But before I haven’t had good loot from Elemental Chest for many months. I do have the impression though that the Elemental chest has been worse in 2022 than in 2021.

Generally my loot was really bad from Spring 2022 until Autumn 2022. From Mystic Vision at least, I only started to get again a 4* mat in Nov or Dec last year, after late 2021 I was getting one at least every month.

I am not contradicting your experience, but as someone noticed above, the data overall does not show any loot reduction in 2023.

this is how things should be done - with evidence and screenshots, instead of just “well, I remember something different so you must be wrong!” well done @Pike :slight_smile:


I was prepared to jokingly go “the year just started! how do you know the loot is bad!?” But tbh, it wouldn’t work because it… really feels like the game gets worse in that part ALONG with the overabundance of 100 Coin Events and compressed scheduling of them. With everything going on, you’d expect the loot to AT LEAST make the chase worthwhile.