Loki salmon upgrade idea

Hello developers, I thought about your joke for a long time after the release of Loki salmon … You must mock the community so much to release the hero of the symbiosis of chameleon and Mokar … I propose to make Loki Salmon’s ultimate next! The hero is reborn into a random hero of the game (any of the available ones) and use special abilitys like him … This will be in the theme of the heroes of Loki and will give the desired gameplay !!!
@staff @Petri

Now that would get my vote …. When fully maxed out (without emblems) the salmon fish transforms into another random S2 or S3 or previous HOTM with a small percentage chance of a costume too. A bit like HA10 less all the S1 heroes.
Nice idea

I think the proposal is that in each battle (or maybe after each special usage), he morphs, so you never quite know what you’re getting. (I had a similar idea earlier — I had limited it to Valhalla heroes though, and left him looking like a purple salmon, even if using Frigg’s special.) Don’t know which I like better…

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Lets play roooolet of SG game! That will be very good heroe of this game!

I like this idea but let’s add a little complexity to it. When he goes off he deals some damage to an opposing teams hero, but he transforms for 4 or 6 turns into a random hero from the enemy team.

That would bring this dead fish to life. I never thought I’d see a hero MORE useless than Mok-Arr. What does SG have against Fish?

In defense of Mok-Arr, he’s not so bad, especially after the buff. Still only makes my second mono purple team, and I won’t level a second one. But I don’t regret doing him. He served well until I got Ursena.

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That Salmon does need something. I’d hate to think they did this with the intent to make it better down the road. I have a feeling a lot of players fed Salmon Loki to HA10 and if they turn it into a strong hero, they will be furious.

I do find the the g. chameleon thread very interesting on how people can use him to benfit them… (Search it)
As for the shark I maxed one I have no regrets as not many purple plus using him with other hero’s works…
Jackal Wilbur two gullinbusti mok in a very fast war is a nice combo…

Or if they want to go the lazy route, just pump the DOT high up to 600+ damage. That DOT is attrocious

Or he could do a reverse lord Loki and copy his allies’ skills. Much easier for them to programme.

very awesome idea. hopefully can be accepted by S&G.
because some of them do not have brains and ideas. they are dead wood. parasites in S&G’s body.
I’ve seen lots of great ideas from people in this community. but sadly all the staff of S&G are blind, never listen to the great voices/ideas from the community

He’s the worst all around. Buff him already. Change his whole crappy special to something that’s actually tricky, and while you’re at it, give him an animation. Whoever signed off on this ■■■■ fish should be egged in the face.


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The upcoming buff is not nearly enough. This fish remains unusable.