Latest Alliance Wars

Hello SG…
Just want to share that our alliance felt dissapointed on the board for couples of latest wars… it was reaaallyyy baaaad… all the members agreed to opt out the war till they are ready to war again… hehe… this is first time since we made this alliance on '19, that all the members agreed for similar 1 thing “opt out war”…

I’m on a mid level alliance. Good group, very supportive and work well with each other. I did good this last set of war attacks.


It appears to be happening a lot lately because players are getting a little disheartened with the strength of opponents they are up against coupled with baaaad boards.
In my last alliance 3 players opted out of war because they didn’t think they were good enough to contribute.
And only today a co-leader opted out of war until further notice because of their double digit war score.
It’s a shame

Thx for the invitation but ur alliance is too high for my 2nd account, which still in the *2 *3 titan… :grin::+1:
Will join when its ready, hehe…

That’s true… some of the co-loaders got their lowest poin in this war… so we all agreed to opt out war till we feel better… haha… sadly sad but true…