Kara – 5* Holy / Yellow - May 2022 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Taunt E link for 2 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled

I say this every time an attainable hero that is strong gets added to the portals.

These heroes benefit FTP and CTP players more than anyone else. Before you call for a nerf remember that your fellow ftp teammate was able to pull her and you will be hurting them more than the so called whales.

I know what’s going to happen as soon as she starts showing up frequently……NERF her she’s too strong!

I start my second or third strong on raid defense. There is no need to float high… Just giving sg a rain to Nerf if she is ubiquitous.

Well, about ftp getting her…I already did around 50 pulls and no trace of Kara. So, it comes down to luck like in any portal unless whaling


Just pulled Kara from 10 pull in Atlantis, very happy. My first Taunt hero, so she’s significant in my roster.

Otherwise got all 3* dipes and Li Xiu, but Kara made it more than worth it. Also pulled Costume Wilbur from a single pull yesterday, so it’s been a good AR for me for once. :slightly_smiling_face:


Did a ten pull this morning and got Kara as the bonus.
And costume Ameonna in the pulls
So happy with the result. But won’t pull for a while now. Too many projects on the go


Playing her a bit at 11 emblems. Since tge announcement ive liked the idea of running her with hulda. Protects hulda from minion removers a bit, ups attack on the rest of the team and gets a nuce defensive boost from huldas minion


You are living my dream

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Hey here’s a thought… Killhare hits allies with defense debuff… does this affect Kara or does her passive help her avoid it?!

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Kara is immune to all defense down ailments. Including Killhare


Yeees ! I just need two more darts (the rare quest is coming and Sand Empire too, so I won’t have to wait too much).


Got rings in my titan chest this morning. Wasn’t gonna pull in the ninja portal (seems to be my anti-portal). Did a few coin pulls, because why not? 6th pull, Onyx+Kara. One of the rare times I’ve actually pulled the HOTM with another legendary.


Congrats, this portal hates me too lol. Glad you got onyx, he’s awesome, one of the best ninjas imho. AND Kara is amazing as well, love her.



I can’t say for certain if I needed 2… But here we are!


And almost all the 3* and 4* costumes, too! Congrats :slight_smile:

That’s an awesome pull! Congrats!

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One of the rare times? That’s happened more than once for you? I’ve never had that happen. :frowning:


Pulled her yesterday along with Renfeld, single pull with gems. Was hoping for a Ninja, but am definitely not disappointed. I’m not sure if I’ll continue pulling this month or should I wait for June, next hotm is also good.


I usually wait. Not sure it makes much of a difference, but i seem to do well in pulling the hotms

You should pull for gargoyles and having second Kara is not bad too. Also, it’s SE month so if you need more feeders for it, that’s the reason to keep pulling