🍻 [July 16, 2020] Tavern of Legends Event – FAQ & Team Discussion

Done, as usually, pointless 3* heroes, considering the difficulty it’s ridiculous, and I usually I won’t spend a single gem on this event as the odds are ridiculous as well


This time the event was a bit more bottom-heavy.

Had to use some small mana and medium healing potions around stages 4-5, but then ended up using exactly 0 5* heroes up until the very end.

Destroyed final stage with wukong, kiril, boril, grimm and mist.

In the bottom-heavy spirit, pulled jahangir and gunnar. Well, cya next month I guess?

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Quite a lot of flags and lot of effort for what? Got Tyrum and Kailani. Useless event. Just give us some fixed rewrd at the end, lets say 4* AM for the featured hero in the last stage.


Stage complet


I could only do 3 stages. Currently, I have 18 heroes, thought it was 19, and missed out on one level because of it.

Level 1: Renfeld (3-1), Karil (1-1), Carver (1-1), Gormek (1-36)
Level 2: Berden (1-1), Gan Ju (3-9, Valen (1-1), Nashgar (3-50), Dawa (3-50 +6)
Level 3 Fail: Gunnar (3-39), Friar Tuck (3-1), Azar (3-50), Oberon (3-33)
Level 3 Success: Bane (+7), Hawkmoon (+8), Tyrum (+11), Ulmer (+11), Isshtak (3-49)

In retrospect, I would have moved Dawa to level 3 instead of 2. Hopefully, I’ll have maybe more heroes and stronger heroes that I might be able to go further with less heroes on my teams.


I got to the page but there is nothing to download - so again, useless!

There’s nothing to download it’s an online thing. There’s a menu button at the top which allows you to register and login.

Got my draw from the portal
I can’t believe my luck
I got the rarest of them all
When I got it I said …

The man…
The myth…


How can some of us be so lucky?!


Almost 100 days into the game now… I did my first 10X pull today… Was a real dissapointment… Got 7 duplicate 3 Stars and 3 New 4 Stars. No 5 Star and no HOTM. Did 2 more legend Coins pull Got a Graymane (Stopped keeping count of 3 Stars duplicates) and Boldtusk (mine fourth). I am FTP and haven’t spent a penny on the game. Did get my VIP from referrals, the second builder is a must for starters… So for all the NO TO PAY players, It takes time but you can compete in the game just be patient and keep playing… I am in my final upgradation go get stronghold to 20( 5 more days wait).Sg really need to improve the drop rate for TC13, it has been really unkind to me, just a single 4 star till date.

Now for Tavern this time I completed 8 stages. The first time I did that many…I guess did 5-6 last month…
Nearly escaped 2 stages with last player last hit do or die kills.

So basically had a a TP of arnd 2950 for the seventh stage and arnd 3350 for the Eight (Li Xiu 4-70, Melendor T6., Hu Tao T3, Cyprian 4-64 and Clarissa 3-60.

Got all eight stages on the first go. Used minor mana portions and axe attacks for the lower levels and then Bomb Attacks, Revive Scroll, Super Mana and minor antidotes for the final 3 Stages.

Hope SG Improve the Drop Rate for such Events, becomes really tuff for Free players like us to compete when we don’t even get a single 5 stars from 10x pulls, these gems we have been savings for months now.

All the best Guys with the Event.

OK, everything is under plan. Just like before, not too much change teams.
Using the HeroPlan.io help us to plan and organize teams.

Last Time

Click for teams June 2020

Stage 1-10

This Time

Stage 1-10

Spare Teams

Others Spare

The Battle

Like last time, not so hard, but also not so easy like the 1st Tavern.


Carver and Bane :muscle:


Thank you all for advising about what to expect on each level. You are allowing players like me to hard match their underleveled heroes to the levels where they can be used most effectively and allow me a chance to complete the quest. Greatly appreciate your help (and the coins that come with success, especially since I’m F2P!)

Also, thanks @Guvnor for putting these up - you and the mods are doing great work - I really appreciate it.


OMG! My game crashed half way through a battle and when I got back on I LOST ALL THE HEROS THAT I USED IN THE BATTLE THAT I CRASHED!!! Empires and Puzzles REALLY NEEDS TO MAKE IT SO THAT IT SAVES YOUR GAME PROGRESS IN THE GAME! This has happened to me with raid battles before (but I understand how you wouldn’t want to save progress in that) and regular battles like Valhalla and Atlantis.

First time made all without any usage of items on last stage…Gazelle Jackal combo is great…Telluria in there to boost health before bosses and Proteus obvious choice

Here are screenshots of the teams i took.

Glad that i took the team i did on level 5! Bosses hit hard!
Next time I’ll try and think better about if i need to have a dispeller or a cleanser. Ranvir was definitely a difficult boss without a dispeller.
I also didn’t think about healers earlier on, so later i had an all sniper team. That level i used all my health pots and ended up using most of my battle items i took in.
This time around it felt harder than before. Except with my elite team last level it was pretty easy.


I have see many FTP/C2P asking in this community forums, which should better to pull in which portal, and everyone does not Recommend Tavern, it is not for P2P, C2P and FTP, this portal is for whale. Better only use coins, and save gems for better Portal like S3/S2 or Guardian Teltoc if we do not have Jackal&Falcon yet.


First time trying this on my main account did alright couldn’t finish it got to the end and run out of heros (well got a few 4* 3/60 and 3* maxed) had to play I think 8 again as I took a crap team next time I’ll be able to complete it.
No pulls as kinda got enough to work on ATM.


Finish the ToL last stage with no items

As usual no good pulls :man_facepalming:


I have this left well got a skittle skull too is it possible and what weapons should it take?