January 2024 TENTATIVE Calendar

Another day, another update:

@Nightmare2048 so unless they do a change in an emergency Monday’s morning or during the weekend with the on-duty employee(s) (which is pretty much near-0 chance to happen by now), the Costume Chamber featured and new heroes shouldn’t change :smiley:


Thanks a lot for info! Happy about C3-Viv stays. Not so happy about switching out Odette because I wanted to try for her and I have Firmin Richard. Oh well, can’t have it all.

Pick Ups summons look are not that enticing for me. Maybe Hypnos.

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I read Hippo at first sight

Was going to try for Giry and Odette but now don’t need to as I have FR and Christine already. Yay!
Hope to see Cleo/Sorrow/Kullervo C/Hulda in a pick up summon one day…

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That’s actually a pretty interesting one.


I have added an updated calendar by @Junim (thank you!) and updated my calendars to reflect the removal of w3k and the addition of the two pick-up summons on the 24th and 30th. Also updated the Opera featured heroes.

Images Calendar and B&W Calendar by Zartanis (Updated January 19)

Credit Zartanis

Quick Reference by Zartanis (Updated January 19)

Credit Zartanis

French Calendar by Zartanis (Updated January 19)

Credit Zartanis


Thankx for update @Zartanis :clap:
But remove just war or summons with it??? @Zartanis @PlayForFun @Elioty33

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what a lovely update on opera - time 2 get richard now :cold_face:

great hero

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The event and summons are coming back in February per @Elioty33’s post, @Spartiate. :slight_smile:

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@Elioty33: when we can expect your predictions for febuary…thanks for your great work always.

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he wait i think v64 to be forced as sg inform us that from 29.01 will be some big changes in events and week by week schedules

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Sometime tomorrow or more probably on Friday.
Happy gaming.


One of the things I’ll be curious to see is whether and when one of the four “floating” Rare quests per year is going to be scheduled (on calendar!)…

…as announced back in September 2023.

Until and unless we can finally, actually get #52RareQuestsAYear, we can at least track the announced cadence to see if we can at least beat 39.


i was today thinking about it, i think its time that we should get this extra one that we missing from new schedule, right?
@PlayForFun can you check with devs when rare quest that should come random extra quest and if they think about it?

thanks and sorry to tag you(i think is enough time passed now)

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Today’s rare quest is 11.

If rare quests are spread out 1 per quarter, then we should have received the extra rare quest like last week.


i was hoping someone do math as we need to as we unfortunately need to force and inform always devs for thins kid of stuff


Guaranteed and planned weekly = 39
About 9-10 per quarter

We are now at Rare Quest 11. Means quarter of a year has now passed.

Extra Adhoc = 4
Spread out over 4 quarters = 1 per quarter

That means we should be getting 1 extra rare quest around now if Zynga wants to spread it out extra 1 per quarter.

They can be indifferent and just dump the extra 4 in the last quarter.


Like most people, I was assuming (hoping? insofar such a word even fits in this context) it would be more-or-less reasonable for the announced four “floater” Rares per year to be spread out evenly, one sometime during each quarter, but I can’t help but wonder if there was a deliberate choice to at least wait until the end of a quarter… or longer… even to see if or how much outcry there is?

SG did say “at our discretion” so it could be that they are planning to put them off a while, even to a degree proportional to the amount they feel they are getting away with just putting off Rares.

Seems like a good time for us to be rumbling if that is even part of the consideration, lest SG figure that they can

  • just push the floater Rares back more and more,

  • have all the Rares near/at the end (imagine the ridiculous extreme case where SG just dumps all four floater Rares onto a Wednesday with an existing Rare!), or

  • just have one or more floater Rares just sort of “slip” :wink: off the schedule because, effectively, “we can”

I mean, SG already figured that they could reduce the number to 43 per year and either that folks would either accept their story about that or even just grudgingly accept the new reality.

Maybe some “bright” spark has decided to see if they can get away with 43, maybe they can get away with a number closer to 39?

(Before this draws cries of “conspiracy theory thinking,” I should point out that this speculation is following the trendline of SG actions… and that speculation is kinda nearly all we have when it comes to SG plans, given that any form of back-and-forth communication with SG seems practically nonexistent!)

Or if not quite, fully or yet all this, SG has just been so busy with more portal and hero releases that “we need to schedule a floater” just has been absolutely nowhere near the top of the priority list, in which case we still should be rumbling as a reminder that we just maybe expect eventually SG will keep their stated word.

In any case, we requested more regular (and slightly more!) Rare quests, and not only did we get fewer, but here we are at the “not even much more regular” part.

Having to ask when the next Rare will be. (Again.)

And, of course, all this speculation should be unnecessary when there could easily just have been and be regular weekly Rare quests.


Interesting enough, they start putting the Champions heroes as featured in the Contest of Elements now.


That kind of ruins the purpose of the portal. That’s like putting a ninja in the owl tower :joy: