Ithar – 5* Holy / Yellow - August 2023 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

Another direct, general use case of Ithar I found in the current 5* tourney:

(V)fast flank put buffs on slow tank

We had only 6 holy tiles (so fast-alternative is not enough), Ithar waited a bit until slow tank full or almost full then steal both buff & mana of the tank …

According to Zack’s formula (see post below), stealing from full-charged defensive 5* slow hero, will give all allies 1 tile, if a hero has 7%-mana bonus which is easily achievable

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes MP +7% bonus
slow/styx3 1348 471 94 100

Note also the advanced use case of Ithar & R&N to charge avg-speed Heroes in only 6tiles is possible

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