Is Shacklebolt better than Pepperflame?

My def is ignazio lb1, shacklebolt lb1, Rochefort lb2, Pepperflame lb1 and frond lb2…
I don’t know which of these 2 worth lb2, i think shacklebolt is better and more useful. About Pepperflame didn’t saw so many discussion on his thread. Any thoughts?

They are both strong, Pepperflame as every card with a growth skill shines more the faster it cast, I can see her being very useful to overpower defenses in the early rounds. Shacklebolt can be more impactful and can help comebacks wich is normally harder to do.

Shacklebolt is just an average hero compared to what SG has produced in the last half year. Sure strong, just like all the others, but nothing that stands out.

Pepperflame is a whole level above that, one of the nastiest heroes in the game right now, if you ask me.

If you compare the 2: You have the faster speed to start with, the damage is probably overall similar, asymmetric damage is annoying on offense, but totally fine (maybe even better) on defense. And on top of that you get that extra equalizer damage. It´s just plain nasty.
The growth to 3 effect is nice, but I would put that into the same category as the Mana steal/buff copy for Shacklebolt, definitely strong skills, but not game changers.

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