Is Auto play faster now?

Is it just me? or is auto play faster than it was before?

Have you noticed anything?

If it is faster what ramifications would this have on the game? Are there places you would not have considered using auto play that you might now?

I’m addicted to auto play on 8.7 and I haven’t noticed any difference. Are you using a different- stronger, better team, and just killing the opponent more quickly?


Autoplay is slower to due to skills being used one by one (waiting for the full animation to finish) and due to lack of any AI (skills being wasted on random stuff as they fire off as soon as the mana bar is full).

Recruits per Auto Play hour

Have you changed your preferred farm spot?

3 wave stages are faster than 4 wave ( see Notes )




Have your heroes gotten talents like Jinx, Wound, Companion, etc.

Special skills

Have you added Attack all, attack nearb, Splash Damage heroes to your farming team.

Color stacking

Are you Color stacking double strong versus the color of the mob waves.


It just seems like the gems an heroes are firing faster. Maybe I’m crazy.

Moderator’s note: title tweak to make clear that we’re not talking about “faster than playing the boards by hand”

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