Increase Raid Energy slot

The current 6 raid energies at most feels a bit insufficient. Average person sleeps around 7-8 hours a day anyway, so increasing the energy to 7 or 8 flags tops seems reasonable enough.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: More Raid Energy

I could see the player that did the kill shot on the titan getting a titan banner in their loot.

Yes, I agreed. And amount of world energy for eight hours too. It’s really good when you not missing anything because you sleep. And it’s really will improve life/game balance and will feels more player-friendly. So 8 energy for raids and about 48 world energy (maybe I am mistaken but I know that maximum is 40 and on very-very high levels).

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Currently, at level 54, my world energy is 43 max. At high levels it goes up every odd level you gain, with no set maximum anyone has yet encountered AFAIK.

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It’s great, but 43 is not eight hours. And how long you play to gain that level? And how long it will need to get another 5 energy?

I’ve played about 15 months to get where I am. Assuming I just keep on playing and don’t make a special effort to level my account instead of resource farming for recruits and crafting stuff, I figure I’ll hit 48 max world energy in just under a year from now, assuming the game’s still here by then.

I do have the advantage in terms of playing of sleeping roughly only 6 to 7 hours overnight though.

So to get 48 energy for 8 hours only need 27 months. So small quantity. Easy stuff))) lol

I have no doubt that I could do it faster if I wanted to, but I’m trying to build my heroes and resources while having fun actually playing. There are players with levels up into the 70s, but that kind of effort would take serious dedication. That’s too much like work for me.

Raid flags are fine the way the are.

As for W.E flags
So what your saying is you have gone through all the levels, completed the map, get 48 WE flags which would get refilled every 10 minutes which means you get 144 in a 24hr period, which is basically what your complaining about not being able to play for 24hrs none stop because at 144 flags a day there is plenty to keep you going.
Go have a coffee between refills m8 and relax, give those fingers a rest.

FLAGGED! For what? Responding to the last 3 or do posts talking about world energy flags.

Moving relevant portion of posts to existing thread.