Inari and Mitsuko - Anchor’s thoughts

One thing which I haven’t seen anyone comment on this thread is Inari’s and Mitsuko’s flower family and how that affects the game. I suppose the families have been designed to be used together. This would mean a team of:


Replace one of the 4* heroes with the new 5* when/if you get him.

Now I suppose what flower family bonus combined with manatroops would mean, would be to make them all fast and Inari’s minions would boost that to very fast and beyond at times. Colors are 2Yellow 2 Red 1Purple. Abilities are… weird… :smiley:

What can you do with this team? I don’t know. Should we evaluate the heroes in respect to their families instead of just blatantly ignoring the family bonuses?


I’ve always wondered about the family bonus on the Atlantis families. Guess they haven’t really been required or come into play yet. Maybe in beta, but doesn’t seem anyone is saying anything about it atm.

Am hoping someone would shed some light on the need to line up a full family, which is why I mentioned it in my earlier post.

Future Atlantis chapters might see the release of more 5*s, so a full family of 5s could be on the cards too. Will make gameplay more interesting imho. However, running a full 5-star family in war or raid would be a huge game changer, or completely break the game due to the haves and have-nots.

Any beta testers care to drop a hint or two on what the family bonuses are for?

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I guess family boost will be more effective in the future.
I don’t really see a great advantage making a rainbow team with sumimoto and danzaburo (leaving in the bench much better heroes) just to get an all flower family instead of a color stacking.

It is a nice topping, but not a main dish for now.

Not sure to up her or Magni yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Rumor is they were buffed twice in Beta.

I really don’t see what the Devs idea behind family stat boosts. At least with Elemental link you are already color stacking ( strong or neutral).

If families were like Elemental link healing, or some other passive skill, then a 1-2 heroes would make sense.

Maybe if they replaced the increasing nature of the family stat boost with increasing number of stats.

2 heroes get +X to Attack
3 also get +Y to defense
4 also get +Z to HP
5 also get +AA to healing

A more popular passive skill, for HotM, is the rumored stat debuff resists.

I would agree. However, I would prefer 5 = +AA mana regen rather than +healing

So far, we know that each family should have at least 3 5* heroes:

  • Lagoon family: Mok-Arr (Dark), Misandra (Ice), & Tarlak (Nature)

  • Sakura family: Inari (Holy), Mitsuko (Fire), & the soon to be released Kageburado (Dark)

  • Atlantis family: 5*s are yet to be released, although info on a couple of heroes have been circulating on LINE. No doubt the God of the Sea and his daughter will be part of it, plus (from what I’ve seen), a green Hulk…:hushed:

Would I be wrong to say that each family would probably have a 5* rainbow set some day?

I can’t imagine facing a full 5* set of any of these families with vanilla heroes in war or raids unless the bonuses are disabled for both events. Imagine going up against the Atlantis family with +20% defense…:persevere:

Unless there’s a grand plan for an Atlantis heroes only PvP arena, allowing family based stats in normal play would make it real difficult, if not impossible for players who are not so lucky with pulls, or have not the means to make such pulls.

However, I could be wrong and it could all be possible with minor tweaks to vanilla heroes and the current HoTMs. Guess I’ll have to take part in beta testing to know for sure.

Anyway, back on topic… I’d like to see @Anchor’s take on Inari & Mitsuko… Having pulled both, I’m eager to see how they work into the current meta, and whether they should take priority over my other yellows and reds.

O, and finally…

Think it’s more than just a rumour though…:wink:

==Wild Irresponsible Guesses==

We are either 50% done with season 2, or 44.44% done.

So three 5* of each family look likely ( 5x 2= 10). But currently five 5* have families so maybe only three colors per family.

Eight 4* have family, so I expect more 4* with families because eight is just weird with 5 colors.

While six 3* have family, another weird number for 5 colors.

==Real World ==
Due to development cycles, they may be behind on programming, hero art, or other things necessary release Season 2 heroes in a steady manner.

==Season 2 map==

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Balanced or legendary heroes?

I agree, the jury is out on Inari for me… I’ve just got enough darts to level a 5* and I’m hesitant on using them for Inari because her special is like a triple negative:

  1. You are reliant on the opponent firing a special
  2. Over just 3 turns, which is a pretty short window
  3. You only have a 56% chance at a fox minion if the previous two happen to fall into place

Don’t get me wrong - the minions are incredible when they kick in, but is it really worth it?

I’m going to level her to third ascension and deciding whether to use my darts on Justice or Drake instead.

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  1. Minions have only 8% life where ToothAmun’s minion has 30% and Delliah’s 13%. They die like they were made from paper.

Won’t her tile damage be pretty insane? I mean she has 800+ attack?

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For offense - the only time I’ve been in a raid when the enemy hasn’t fired a special is when I’ve been lucky enough to kill them all before they charge. If that is your worst case scenario for her, I would say that is pretty good.

Yes, for offense this is very usable. For defense three turns is pretty short, and you are right the opponent may never fire a special - since the AI will trigger it whenever.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not sure of her viability either, but for offense I think she may be pretty awesome, especially against specific heroes that have specials that can impact the entire team.


You shouldn’t have to wait for that @Woody, Drake and Delilah are the two best holy HoTM that have been released and I have both of them maxed. You won’t be disappointed if you fully ascend Drake.

To stay on topic though, I also pulled Inari and plan on leaving her untouched until I finish leveling up Vivica. So far I haven’t seen her as game changing or anything, but hopefully a video comes around where her ability can be showcased properly.


Yep, I completely agree with you. I have Inari at 3.70 and she is so up and down. I’ve had some good luck but also some horrible luck with her special. Drake is getting my darts because I know what I’m getting with his special.

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I can seem to get minions to pop up all the time, but they do die just as quickly. Those HP need a small buff imo - at best she is breaking even so far. She isn’t advancing the cause. I’ll get her to 3/70 and decide, but right now as she is I don’t think she is worth the final ascension.

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I think both of them are bad. Not as bad as Aegir, but I would not be excited if I pull one of these chicks, sorry…

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What? I don’t believe you guys… you get heroes capable of nullifying attacks like Athena, Isarnia, gravemaker, Zeline and other top heroes and think they are not worthy?? What would be Zeline value if she didn’t have special? Would you like her only for her tile damage???
Imagine Athena and Isarnia killing themselves after firing their specials! What else could you possibly want? Usually we lose a raid whe Isarnia fires, now it’s back at her.
Both heroes are AMAZING. Not top and all around usable, but amazing. I would use one inari on every war attack if I could, just to minimize the risk of being killed or debuffed by specials. I wasn’t lucky enough to summon her but who was, please value it.

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I guess if you only face one “killer” hero then a one shot Inari may be helpful.

But usually its down to my killer heroes trying to kill their killer heroes before they can kill me. And they are almost ever powered up at the same time. If I give a slot for a one shot dodge and not much else (because the minions just go poof even from the breeze of a passing special) then that’s one less attacker.

I may chance my mind once I get her to 3/70. But right now …Meh.

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Why do you say one shot dodge? Every turn each different hero that fires can miss any or all of your heroes. The minions don’t last, yeah, but inari special doesn’t work only when you have minions, it’s the opposite.

I think I understand. Oneshot you say because she’s unleveled and weak, and anyone kills her.
Yeah, you have to level her. She’s worthy.