[Implemented -- V35] Practice Battles or Raids Against Teammates in Alliance [MASTER]

Probably would not be on the popular side here, but practice battle against team mate’s df team is actually practicing against AI using team mates defense, isn’t that similar to what we have been doing in this game? Fighting against AI while AI is using different teams? In Wars, raids, tourneys…

Well I understand the aspect of free, no flags, no trophy at stake, etc.

For those who need this, why don’t we request for a sparring training pool, that will not be limited to alliance but contain a lot of defense teams as well, you can select using your defined criteria as someone even suggested., and apply same conditions of no flag, no trophy…

Note that some alliances may just have a few members hence have limited selections.


Hi Oliz,

I think you raze some good points, the sparring training pool is an interesting idea.

My thought for the alliance battles is different in two possible ways…

First I was thinking that it could be open to view by other alliance members for critique and learning purposes for strategy development, from hero selection to board usage.

Additionally, I was thinking in this limited application within alliances the duels wouldn’t be against AI but against other people…perhaps in a turn by turn manner allowing for a deeper learning experience.

What do you think?


Frankly, it will be quite interesting if we could watch live, all our game plays, that way it may help in the aspect of advisory, critique and learning as you have suggested, but as it is we could not see the game play of any player unless recorded, that brings us to another option a player could record his/her battle and post on alliance alternative media like line or discord, makes it open for intra alliance reviews and advisory if needed. We all have this option within our reach without really needing SG.

Also, the game approach has always being a solo battle between player vs AI, be it alliance war, raids or tourney, although those are regarded as PvP and has restrictions of no battle items. Not sure the game wíll change to having players battling themselves directly without AI.

The record and post to another app is an excellent suggested solution! I don’t mind admitting that I’m not tech savvy enough to know how to record battles as they’re ongoing… is there a standard way to do it? (Playing on android platform)

And yes, a true PvP would be a departure from the established norms, which is why I would keep it as no cost, no reward addition to the game, so that the established elements that work so well, aren’t detracted from. I don’t want to damage a game I like so much, nor do I want to defend an idea that will enable that to happen.

It’d be nice if we could choose to raid folks in our own alliance, so that we could more easily see which hero combinations work best in attacking and defending. Players could get feedback from their friends, too, as to which combinations work best.

Such raids could be for “training” purposes and would not effect trophy or hero chest counts. It’d be nice, too, if they did not require the use of flags, giving players something to do in-game as their world and raid and alliance flags replenish.

If there is ever an alliance versus alliance component added to the game, this “training” feature could greatly increase the appeal of and the preparation for such battles.

Thanks again for listening.

All the best,


The germ of this idea was already mentioned here:

I believe your purpose is different though… :wink:


That is MY post. Unless theres another 1 just like it. Or the link didnt
bring me to the right post. I thought i had checked to make sure no one had
previously suggested it.

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Well while we’re at that, claiming who’s the first to put this idea on the forum… :wink:

(I also tried to check nobody mentioned it before me, but doubt I was the first as this was a semi-compilation post which wasn’t too useful in hindsight).

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Hey! Great minds think alike! :grin:


I still like the idea of being able to battle your own teams. Since we have 3 teams. It would also solve the issue of finding holes in your defences.


If we had the ability to raid our alliance members for fun and for no reward I think it would give some friendly bragging rights and help us to test out differt hero combos, not to mention create a competitive drive to continue to improve on our teams. I rarely use my raid flags unless there is a 40 hero chest I am trying to open. This would give another use to raid flags in that you could spend them for no reward but have fun against the people in your alliance. It would also create more activity within each alliance. Thanks for listening.

This would good for strategy teaching within alliences and for new comers ( myself included lol).

What would make this even better would be to have a chat box below the game board whislt in battle as then you could discuss ehat your doing and why during the battle.

It would most certainly change game and allience AW’s a great deal making them more interesting in the long run.


Really like the idea, actually found your post cause I was about to propose something very similar.
It happens really often that when you raid someone you know he asks how hard you found his defense or if you can make a video for him to see his defense in action.
The possibility for a limited daily number of within alliance raids with no rewards and no loss would help a lot in this respect

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Same, we’ve been talking about this idea in our alliance. It would really help to get feedback from alliance members to formulate strategy, especially for alliance wars!

A “training” raid of sorts.

You’ve got my vote @Eishknoff !

We could train ourself with different combinations of heroes. I would like this very much.

would be a great and fun idea if you could challenge your own alliance members for raids

I like the idea but wouldn’t call them raids. Maybe friendly matches possibly. No cups involved.


Part of the fun of having an alliance is to chat about our teams, which heroes to use, in which positions, e.t.c. This is great but to take it one step further, I think a practice raid option would be useful, fun and inspire more communication between alliance members.

Basically it would be an option to raid your alliance members and test out their defence teams, but without using up raid points, farming any resources or influencing trophies. Just a “mock” raid that we could talk about on alliance chat.

What do you think?


How to avoid the forum bot?


@Rook, can you merge these- 0 votes

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I think we need an option to battle friends/alliance members.
This can be used as training but also could create a crown or something similar to the winner amongst the alliance ( like a pin)
This pin could also be viewable in wars so people could know who the best raider is in an Alliance