I'm NEVER coming back! See you tomorrow! Vent thread

that is the cycle of bagging money… TGW - I already posted that ascension materials became stingy but someone replied, he has not seen. So, we need to pray like him so we can receive manna as early as possible.

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I’ve just found overall that the best way to enjoy this game is to give up on expecting anything, and just try to be happy with what you’ve got.

There are quests that give guaranteed ascension mats, so maybe in 30 years or so, I will have 30 maxed 5* heroes. :laughing:

In the meantime? I don’t even bother trying to compete in higher tiers. It’s much more fun to just compete against people at my own level anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s an excellent question, but we can all work to making the forum a more positive place. Use your “likes” people!! Please! Encourage input that you think has quality! Oh, and you get to feel good to! :slightly_smiling_face:


It did take me ages to complete S1 but I did do it on try 2 with no battle mats. Atlantis Hard is problematic for me and Valhalla? Things exploding all over the place or somesuch; I hardly know why I ever play a level there but the Valhalla portal has been relatively kind to me. But this week, 7 pulls yielding 2x 5 star reds; Azlar and another Elena (Red 5 star Bane)!!

Ok don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying the game but getting very frustrated. I’m at level 35 team points are at 3462 why is it when I go to a raid I have somebody that is in lower team points than me lower leveling as my heroes are but yet they still beat me every time getting very frustrated with that I only received two and three star heroes my tower is it 20 and my the castle is at 20 I’m getting very frustrated with this game

It definitely does not get better, my friend.

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Yeah if you’re already frustrated, you should just hang it up now. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE loses. They lose to worse teams, they lose to better teams, they lose to evenly matched teams. Nearly any board can beat nearly any team. It’s all about luck, good or bad. My suggestion is to read the forum and soak up the wealth of information presented here. It may give you insight on team synergy. Throwing your strongest heroes on your team isn’t always the best option. Or maybe you already know that and are just unlucky, which happens. You have to learn to not let losing bother you.


Hi Iceman,

it is all about synergies.
There are some heroes that are pretty good, but only in some specific configurations and they need some knowledge to be handled the right way.

Do you have an alliance with some advanced players who could guide you through?
If not, jut select an enemy, make an screenshot from his defence and post it here along with your roaster.

Here are some really good player available who can explain the synergies of the defence and your roaster to get the best out of your heroes.

I learned early on that raids are one aspect of the game that I mostly do not enjoy. Kept doing them anyway, because… chests! Loot! Must get the loots. All the loots.

But then I started looking at the loot I was getting. And comparing it to the levels of frustration it was causing me.

Not really worth. :man_shrugging:

Now, there are ways around this… one of them being “cup dropping”. Put up a weaker team on purpose, let everyone raid you, then come back later and do easier raids against easier teams for easier chest fills.

It’s kind of a skeevy way to play, but it is an option if all you care about is filling those chests as quickly as possible.

I stopped caring about hero chests and try now just to hold cups at a steady level via my defense team. But why? Cups don’t matter unless you’re doing raids anyway… No, they don’t. But it’s how people “judge” each other in this game. And I already get made fun of enough as it is on this forum… :crazy_face:

I don’t enjoy the raids, so I’ve mostly stopped doing them. Sacrificing loot? Yes, yes I am. But by opting out of participating in a part of the game that mostly just ■■■■■■ me off, I’m also much less likely to end up throwing my phone across the room. :laughing:

On the rare occasion that I do raid? I pick a random team from my watchtower, someone who has already raided me and taken my cups, someone who can’t raid me back. I make sure it’s someone with a higher cup count than me, so that if I do lose (as I likely will), I don’t lose too many cups (embarrassing myself even further).

I used to go into raids “expecting” (hoping) to win at least 4 or 5 out of 6; now I go in expecting to lose at least half of them. I mostly just revenge attack higher level teams that I have next to zero chance of beating anyway, ones where I have very little to lose and everything to gain. I go in fully expecting to lose. Zero expectations at all.

When I do lose? Meh. I lose 5 or 10 cups. Who cares? I personally don’t anymore.

When I win? I gain 50+ cups. And since it was a revenge raid, they can’t even get me back. :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Best part is, even if I lose 5/6? I gain more cups from my one win than I lose overall from my 5 losses.

It’s an absolute horrible strategy if your goal is to quickly fill hero chests - if that’s your main objective, refer again to the above cup dropping strategy. But it’s a great strategy if all you really care about is maintaining a respectable-ish cup count for your level, without tryharding and getting emotionally invested in your win/loss ratios.

Because yes, you can read thousands of articles on advice on which heroes to use for this and that, and maybe you have all of those heroes, in which case your best bet would be to level them up ASAP… or you don’t have those heroes, in which case you are pretty much at the mercy of the boards themselves. :man_shrugging:

I find it’s easiest to enjoy this game when you just expect that the majority of your boards, pulls, and loot are going to be bad. Set your expectations any higher than that? You are just setting yourself up for disappointment. :grin:


i noticed that the AI has gone smarter 5 out of 6 times in every full raid turns. before, i can defeat AIs beyond my level at least 3 out of 6 of the time even more, but now almost all tiles wont favor my players. i’d like to rest from this game for a while coz i dont want to buy i new phone if you get what i mean… lol

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Yeah, I get it… that’s why I mostly stopped doing raids, and instead just do the other stuff that doesn’t frustrate me as much. :grin:

Unfortunately I learned this much too late. Well to be specific it was after the VelluriaMaker inception. It sucked all the fun out of raiding. So about a month ago I “cup dropped”. I got the hell out of diamond. But I did it in a good way. I changed my defense team to four stars, I use comparable teams, I only revenge, and I collect my platinum loot. I’m in no rush to fill my raid chests. I still don’t like doing it, so i just do one here and there. I could care less how many trophies I have. And that’s what worked for me to stop the monotony. Whatever it takes is what I say! I totally agree with you. It’s very easy to eliminate the fun sucking aspects of the gameplay. Now RNG, loot, and summons is a different animal…


Hah! Yeah, when it comes to loot, I just expect this

When it comes to summons, I make a game of trying to guess which vanilla 3* hero I’m going to pull this time :laughing:


I can’t make a game out of summons. It’s too easy. Dawa. Oh, dawa. Yes another dawa. Aww sweet, dawa. Occasionally I get surprised with a berden. But it’s pretty much all dawa all the time.

When I first started playing, way back in the ole days of 2018, I had a crazy run of pulling almost exclusively Priscas and Kailanis. Then in early 2019, I had a brief influx of Friar Tucks, then later a string of Banes and Renfelds. Even had a short stint of multiple Hawkmoons in a row.

Dawa does seem to be the 2020 hero of the year, though. :grin:

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I did but I could win at the wars I was getting less and less points so they kicked me off

I’m assuming you meant couldn’t win at the wars. You were most certainly in a bad alliance. Your teammates should help you to be better not give you the boot when you’re not performing. They should help you choose both your attack and defense teams to help you improve, and understand that bad boards happen. Find a new home. There are tons and tons of helpful friendly people out there that are on the same level as you. And be your own advocate. Learn. Use the forum and become the expert. Then when you’re ready you can create your own alliance and rule with an iron fist and demand tribute from all of your underlings.


Any alliance who rates their members based on their individual personal war scores is an alliance that has next to ZERO understanding of how wars work in the first place.

It’s very easy for a high level player to get a high score by taking out lower leveled opponents. And you see those predatory types in almost every competitive alliance. For their leader to reward them for that kind of selfish behavior is absolutely shameful.

BIG GUY: “Look at me! I got 6 full clears with all my flags!”

LITTLE GUYS: “Yeah… because you took out all the smaller teams and left us to try to fight the big teams. Nice teamwork there, douchebag.”


Perfectly said, good Sir!

Both your and TGW’s comments are spot on!


And that is the world of my opponents. I literally have my best possible defense team on show (~3860) and my cups stay around the ~2000 mark (yes, I can raid that up past 2300 in one day, but what is the point?)

The d’bags taking my cups are doing it 5-11 at a time? How does that get fun ever? Revenge opportunities? I’m going to take a 3650 mono team against 4300pts? Just leave me alone you pansies. AND then, just one or two honest people give them back!

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