I'm NEVER coming back! See you tomorrow! Vent thread

That with War Chest happened to me. Including 2 Scabbards.

Which is which? This game is scam, but you are also a fan, right? :rofl:

Indeed, nobody wins. We just play for fun. But as long as you are referring to raids, WE win. Perhaps YOU donā€™t, but I do. And many others. And I donā€™t spend ā€œobscene amount of moneyā€. So, you have 2 options here. Learn playing and stop complaining. If you canā€™t do that, you should quit the game and try something else (candy crush is always a good choice for 3-match games). Or you just may already quit, because this game is clearly not for you.

P.S. Due to your vocabulary, no wonder your access on global chat was forbidden.

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Hereā€™s my thing: Could this game sent some fine gloves to my direction? Like 10 of them immediately for starters.
I have all other mats to ascend 8 new 4* heroes to max, and my 2 only 5*s stuck at 2/60. I wouldnā€™t buy a 30 euro offer for the glove, but you know a smaller deal with gems + gloves could be nice. Come on SGG!


It is sad that the game developers have become.so greedy that they made the game garbage.

  1. Attackers in raid have a huge damage reduction
    A. Alasie enhanced 7 verse alasie 4* 65
    Damage 695 verse Damage 850, respectively (no buffs or debuffs just straight damage)

    B. Boards seem to now always be the same tiles as the tank

C. My defense team ā€¦ alby alasie hel mag marj power 4247 always loses 30 to 50 trophies to teams that are 4350 to 4450

D. Defense teams always loses to 3800 teams

F.  Defense team seems to get 5 attacks a turn .... scratch head 3 rounds before attack, no?

G.  Normal hits from defense team (their so called tile hits) are hitting between 200 and 500 .... dang my specials dont wven hit that hard....

H. Customer support has no answer for power reduction

I. Suggestion: heros that are used in world attacks should draw xp off of it instead of just having to feed other heros (now that the dev's want us to have 3* to 5* star heros for tournaments........ do you all not think? 

Smfh ā€¦ this game might become fun again if the devs fixed the mechanics but I dont think they know math

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From reading many forum posts Iā€™d say theyā€™re not alone in this.

BACKPACKS!!! Getting sick and tired of stealth nerfs to kit drop rates. Some semblance of consistency would be nice. All that time nice players spent for a kit guide is irrelevant now. Drop rates are nerfed, meanwhile $20 trainerā€™s packs with 100 kits is their solutionā€¦ which I buy anyway. So STOP NERFING BACKPACKS SMALL GIANT!!! :unamused:

Actually itā€™s the other way around. Defense teams get a hidden 20% stat boost to their attack and defense values. Thatā€™s why even if you have the same level heroes on both sides, the defensive hero will deal more damage.

My kingdom for just one pair of gloves and a couple of compasses wouldnā€™t go astray eitheršŸ™‚

That is not even closeā€¦ if my attacks have a 20% boost alasie would hit for over 1000ā€¦ just like the defense teams I am playing against

The defense team also gets 20% hidden defense boost. So even if your Alasie has 20% attack boost, she wonā€™t deal 1000 damage to the defensive heroes. You can easily predict the caused by any hero on any defense hero by using the damage formula in this thread. Then the numbers will make much more sense. All the numbers in the game are computer generated using specific formulas and a certain amount of RNG elements sprinkled here and there.

War has no logicā€¦
Matching is ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦
Fights are just luck of candy crush board.
I paid a year vip, plus many extrasā€¦all wasted.
leaving game now it because itā€™s just plain rubbish.

Not a bug, just how it all works :grin:


Weā€™re all slaves to the fickle finger of the RNG. You canā€™t win 'em all.

The one thing Iā€™ve always found really odd about this game is that spending money on anything but a 2nd builder doesnā€™t increase your chances of winning at all. Great for the F2P/C2P players, but not so good for those who havenā€™t figured it out yet.

Merge @littleKAF @Rook @zephyr1 @DaveCozy


Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

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Sooooā€¦ see ya tomorrow?


2 years of gambling has become a nightmare. the last six months are incredible. calls and camps never give 5 stars but 98% 3 stars. tournaments and war are unfair. continuous defeats with clearly inferior teams. the continuing demand for gems to grow is shocking. moreover if one spends like me results he does not see them. in my alliance we have lost so many players for this and many others including me are thinking of leaving. there are similar games much better than this. sin. you owners find the solution or lose players.

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
I saved up 30 epic troop tokens, used all of them and got only 1 4* troop, and it is also the same troop that Iā€™ve already hadā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:

Seriously i bought some offers waiting for the red portal to summon a 4 red Hero. You gave me Grazul months ago but with it i cannot win Epic challanges . I dont ask too much , you gave me two 4 for each color in yellow a 5 too, but why negating me that precious and usefull 4 red ? All i got once and once again is that boring same 3 star character.

Ok you did empires i will stop spending money i Will level up costume hawkmoon and do what i can with her and with that boring Fire bold guy . I Will build them talents and with that and other 4 heroes try to beat Next Epic challanges .

if you please in several months i would be thanksfull if im able to beat epic challanges . But for that i need you stop giving me 3 star all the time

Ok i downloaded my frustration sorry

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I believe thereā€™s already a tread for this?
Sorry for your bad luck but it can change drastically at any time. We have all been through it. Have faith, BoldTusk will show up for you during Atlantis!! RNGesus told me!! Good Luck my friend!

@Rook, @DaveCozy, merge?

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