šŸ”„ Ignazio ā€“ 5* Fire / Red from Contest of Elements

Iā€™d like to revamp this discussion.

Ignazio was buffed pretty hard in June:

  • Stats increased
    • Attack: 784 ā†’ 842
    • Defense: 817 ā†’ 879
    • Health: 1540 ā†’ 1715

Is this enough to make him significant? Personally itā€™s a bit moot issue for me as I have maxed Phenexa and she already does most of Ignazioā€™s tricks, so other reds are in front of him in the building up queue, but would love to hear what other guys think! He is super rare at least, if I remember correctly chance of pulling him or the other Featured guy Doxan was just 0.1%. Or maybe 0.2%.

Have never come across Ignazio and only a few times Doxan, so either they still stink after the buff or they simply had so low odds that they were not frequently pulled? Or they stank when released and that stigma just stuck on them?

ignazio is at least 10 times better than medicore phenexa :sweat_smile:
you never come across him because hes a straight offensive support hero - but there hes one of the finest

would exchange my phenexa for him without a doubt

Rrrrreally now? 10-times, huh?

This is super interesting. I had Phenexa far along when I got Ignazio, thatā€™s why I finished her. I have like 30 rings too so thatā€™s not an issue for me either.

At any rate, they both heal nicely, at a bit different speeds, no much difference there. Both boost atk, but Phenexa also gives critical buff, so she wins that one. Ignazio cleanses and that is always valuable, but Phen restarts buffs so she works nicely with Ludwig. Thatā€™s nothing major, but itā€™s not nothing either.

Ignazioā€™s troop bonus is cool too, but it only affects 20% of tiles and power shields do 100 dam max, which is also not nothing, but not a game changerā€¦

But then Phen also boosts mana 5% as a Bard and her passive cuts enemiesā€™ revival chance by -50% so sheā€™s super useful against MN (and Heimdall) (and is the right element against both as well).

So which element is the main reason Ig wins the contest 10-0 for you? I myself had them rated at fairly equal levelā€¦

I think what gives Ignazio the slight edge is his cleanse, which is one of the most useful utilities given all the status ailments in this game. I actually have this guy in my defence team and I usually stay around 2800-2900 cups. Also remember that Ignazio is fast whilst Phenexa is average so he fires before she does.

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The OP is updated with the stat changes in September balance update.

Got this guy from my 10 coin summons (and Baldurā€¦yayā€¦)

My memory said this guy was panned in Beta so reading his card I was confused as it looked better than that. Didnā€™t realise heā€™d been buffed as much as he has been.

Looks a very good fast healer now with a rare red cleanse. Iā€™ll take it (they can keep Baldurā€¦sucks you donā€™t get the costumes)


he is if u ask me best heleeeer in game, fast great effects of specials and passive ,he is hard to get and he better be great like that, congrats

Thereā€™s a lot of healing ailments out there tho & with it being cleanse last a lot of that healing can get reduced, lost or even stolen! Especially from the likes of C. Vanda & C. Victor, who r easily obtainable via the seasonal summon.

Phenexa flanking Ludwig is autowin if you can load Ludwig. Even when Ludwig dies Phenexa can reapply mana generation. And sheā€™s better against titans.

Of course Iā€™d like to get Ignazio as well. :sweat_smile:

After just pulling him myself & already having Phenexa I can attest to Phenexas awesomeness !! Iā€™ve been pairing her with G. Hippo & if timed right u get 5 turns of the hipsters special. Iā€™d like Narcissa for the enemy version of Phenexas but alas, we canā€™t have everything !! Not sure about Ignazio tho. Iā€™ve never been a fan of tile dependant specials cuz u always seem to use all the tiles getting the hero to charge in the 1st place & then you have to wait which can be hazardous or fire immediately with the lowest value of the special. Not great in most situations. He needs to be priority cleanse IMO.

he is way better than phenexa actually

unfortunately i have 2 phenexa but zero ignazio :japanese_goblin:

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You really think Ig is better than Phen? I have Phen fully levelled emblemed & LB1 & after recently pulling Ignaz I was struggling to see why Iā€™d need him after already having Phene but u think heā€™s worth the levelling aswell as Phenexa. Your opinion why please bud if you donā€™t mind. Iā€™m curious as to why you feel this, cuz Iā€™m just not feeling it compared to Phene? Am I missing something or is it solely the cleanse that stands them apart?

Is this a typo? Iā€™m guessing so! Why wud a red hero enhance holy tiles !!!

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Thx, I have fixed in this the hero, but I will check and fix all other super elemental heroes.

Fast >>> average

Plus clean

20 the faster the better

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I donā€™t understand why this hero is so good on offense.

On defense I can understand, but on offense a fast heal is better if it boosts health. Youā€™re also unlikely to have ailments to cleanse at this point.

Personally, I prefer Hathor and Blossom to any other red healer on offense.

I assume itā€™s to do with the attack up, cleanse & heal, plus the tiles that increase the heal. When I use Phenexa sometimes I have to take a cleanser aswell, donā€™t need to do that now I have Ignazio. Just because a special is ready to fire doesnā€™t mean u have to fire it. In fact itā€™s better to wait a little with Igna to build up a few more red tiles meaning u take more damage but u heal more. Finally a boosted heal stays at that number for life whereas a % heal increases with the max health of the hero being healed so Ignazio will age better than a boosted healer IMO. Next year when we see 3500 hp heroes a 30% heal will be 1000 whereas at the moment a 2000 hp gets healed for 30% & gets 665. A boosted heal will give letā€™s say 500 boosted health to the 2000 hp hero & then next year will still give the same 500 boosted health to the 3500hp hero. Donā€™t take the figures as gospel, just trying to make a point.

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Because she can do this.

I replaced Hathor with Blossom on defense and my cup average went up almost 100 points. I did this a month ago and my defense has held at 3000+ for a month straight.


Pulled at the black friday portal ā€¦ I recently just leveled Ā© p.i.b which i was happy with lb+19 emblems ā€¦

I will level i got about 36 rings i do run a 3-1-1 in war, so a extra healer is handy attack up n cleanse, i will lb, monk emblems could be a issue but ill work something out . :+1::green_heart: