I know this will be merged. Idea on personal messaging to keep ppl safe

I created the line group E&P Blacklist about a month ago and I can’t believe some of the disgusting manipulative things ppl are doing and saying. I have an idea on how to make personal messaging IN GAME a good idea to protect ppl from having to experience the things I have been seeing going on.

The main purpose of an in game personal messaging system would be for helping out new players and alliance members on which hero’s to work on what line up to use etc. Obviously we want to help and personal messaging and screenshots are the easiest way. How can I know this since there is no option at the moment? Pretty easy. Line and discord. I would say 75 to 90% of the alliances are using them.

The biggest fear out there is people’s safety. As it sits right now if you have line or discord your not safe but if you don’t have them your stinting your growth.

What would be nice to have would be personal messaging with an in game screen shot/recording system. No option of uploading images or videos. With this we could game shot our hero’s our defences or our base and send them to someone for advice. It would be great if there was a send image button with options in it of send hero’s send base etc. Where it would just Send an image of your hero’s to someone that they could scroll without sending 3,4 or 5 different images.

I know the coding for this would be tough but I know as it stands people want/need personal messaging and we need a safer option for personal messaging because I’m sorry to say this but people are using this game as a source for internet hook ups. If you want people to be safe please give your players a safer option.

Are you able to add me to the line group? My line is coolstuff87

Appreciate that

Great idea–and one many in my alliance have asked for! Voted yes :smile:

Im not sure if this is relevant but my alliance has a closed messenger group to be able to share these things.
We do have some players however that do not use messenger or in fact social media really at all (who does that?!) and so having in game options for this would be fantastic. It would also be extremely helpful to be able to pm your team. There have been times I have needed to ask questions of leaders of alliance without the rest of the alliance being aware and I have been thankful for messenger allowing me to do this however as stated earlier, not everyone has this luxury. Build into game would sort this.

As the thread title itself acknowledges, this thread is a duplicate, and as such will be closed.

Please continue discussion in this thread: