How to remove recruits asap?

I dont think i need to show all 4 but here’s a glimpse

Even leveled up 4 heroes and 2 costumes this morning and still didnt even touch that stock due to tc1s and 11 backuped up as well

Pretty positive originally this wasnt supposed to be a possibility…


Only 6 gems per feeder to finish it, but probably not enough roster space for about 12K feeders. :wink:

409 roster space

Was at 620 heroes this morning just from summons over past month or 2 and the 2x vip summons

Even if i skipped all the trainings I’d have no use for the feeders and nowhere near enough hams to use even 10% of those feeders


Well, here’s a warning message of something I did that was stupid. I had a tc20 with about 45 days (I’m restockpiling), a tc11, with 2 years, and another tc11 with a few. With my third one though, I had it at tc2 with a ton of recruits since AR was so close in November and December. Well, I wasn’t leveling my heroes (no stud right now that I must have) and focused more on my troops. My tc2 stopped producing and I think I had 2,200 heroes. When you’re at zero days left, you can’t train more so my tc was literally shut down for a little over a week as I got enough food to use all those troops.

Things are back on track again. And yes, I’m that stupid!


Hey, I did that recently during AR. I was so busy farming and dumping recruits into one TC11 I forgot to keep the other two busy and they stopped working. I only had about 150 or so in each to pull but still frustrating. Especially as I was hoping to save them for Path of Valor starting up.

We should be able to add to the queue without having to pull all the heroes first.

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Lol I’ve done it several times with tc1 but it doesnt bother me

I use hams too often on troops and stocking battle items to backstock in tc20

Once tc11 hit 15k+ trainings(30k+ recruits) i decided it was time to drain the swamp so just split it between 2 tc1s and let em run. The feeders will be there if i ever get around to it but nothing lost on my end

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Interesting @Olmor
That set-up doesn’t give you much flexibility to have a quick burst of TC19 when you start levelling a new hero. Doesn’t that bother you?

My arrangement is shown below.
The one on the right (running as a short-term TC11) can be shut down quickly to be run as a TC19 for a few hours and then returned to a TC11.
(note my TC20 food bank is a bit lower than usual as I just finished a power-level/embleming run)

Just curious

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Havent used tc19 in 2 yrs and probly never will again

The ham cost vs the gain is just too poor

Better off using patience and making the most of the hams/xp gain ratios with other tc’s in my opinion(i know u weren’t talkin to me but oh well lol)


No, since I already have 4 to 5 legends of each color knocking on the matwall.

Therefore I also have 15K Rugged Clothes. Mats are far more interesting for me than 60 feeders per hour.


Ok. I get it @Olmor@Rigs too. Thanks

Ive just been using a burst of TC19 to get any new 5* to the first ascension quickly. Maybe I need a rethink.
So on your methodology, I would just use that TC on the right as a permanent, long-running TC11 - right?

Either tc11 but yea 1 would be permanent longterm

The other i would use as a flex for tc1 when you want that quick boost

Moving trainings from a tc11 to a tc1 will give you extra hams to eat the feeders as well

And a tc1 can produce 144 feeders in 24hrs
At a ⅕ of the cost of tc19

Just start it a day before you wanna feed/level up

Once you get in the habit of preplanning such things, resources get easier to manage and stretch further


OK @Rigs - so keep that one on the right able to easily flex (the other is already longterm) but flex it to a TC1 as required, not a TC19. Yes … that makes a lot of sense. Glad we had this little chat.

And loving the use of a vulgar fraction in your post!
And loving that my first direct interaction with @Rigs hasn’t escalated into massive argument. Go me!


I don’t try to be a bad guy lol i just get annoyed at times and say what I’m thinking way too much

But yea the 2nd tc11 i wouldnt keep more than 24hrs worth of trainings in it at 1 time and be sure to eat the feeders it produces to keep from gettin too far behind. 12 feeders a day doesnt sound like much but it’s 84 a week so adds up quick if left unattended


@Steve9999 your setup, including number of days at each one, looks warily familiar to my setup.

@Rigs I like the tc1 idea. Recently I used a ton of common swords but not the way you did it. That’s sort of how I got into my problem. Used about 1500 common swords and ignored tc2.

@zephyr1 and I were chatting recently on how to use common swords. He may like this discussion.


I would need 54,335 Recruits to eat my 10,867 Practice Swords — and it would take 75 days of running.

That means my TC11 would need to be queued up to 2,264 days to have enough Recruits to eat that pile of Practice Swords. But it’s only at 126 days right now.

I’m definitely queueing up TC11 faster than it’s running, but I’m still skeptical I’ll ever catch up.

This also presumes not running TC19 to burn Rugged Clothes. I can see the argument for that from a Food cost perspective, though I have 43 Million Food banked in TC20 currently, so that’s not entirely an issue.

So I see how I could use some of my Practice Swords, I’ve just always been confused about how I’d ever catch up on using all of them.

But maybe that’s because I’ve periodically burned off Rugged Clothes.

I’ll try ignoring Rugged Clothes for a while (I’m at 2,371 of them now), and see if I can build up enough Recruits to take out a meaningful portion of my Practice Swords.


Why do you feel you have to use all the practice swords at once and not just do what u can as u can

As long as u can keep it running then should have no issue

Unless ur worried about being able to eat the feeders but from the sounds of your ham bank shouldn’t be an issue i believe

If the tc1 stays minimum 24hrs out then no huge worry of it stopping before u dump more in(probly dump 48hrs worth as a safety net)

All that being said, how many heroes do you have that you wanna level?

And what rarities?

And how do you feed?

I don’t, but the conversation @littleKAF was referring to above was largely about me saying that I didn’t understand how I could ever catch up on using Practice Swords as quickly as I acquire them.

So I was just thinking through what it would take to use all of them in total.

In practice I wouldn’t imagine doing that for 75 days straight — which is sort of the point, since I’d acquire even more Practice Swords during the downtime.

Just seems like I’ll always have far more Practice Swords in Inventory than I could ever use.

At the moment, just Leonidas and Richard.

And that’s kinda about it until Season 3 or more TC20 5* pop out. Richard just showed up at the end of AR.

I actually haven’t been eating my TC feeders for them, just whatever I get from farming and Trainer Heroes.

At some point I’ll need to eat the feeders from one of my TC2s before it stops running, but they’re at 18 and 24 days currently.

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Yea you’re hittin end game status and you’ll never catch up on swords and doesnt sound like you have a big reason to if there’s only 2 heroes you want to level

Biggest reason i split my tc11 into 2 tc1s was to get the ham rebate which due to the amounts was pretty substantial(dont recall exacts off the top of my head). Wanted the ham rebate for troops and/or emblems(dont recall which i was workin on now)

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That’s been my thinking too.

And I don’t have a lot of reason to get the ham rebate either, due to a lack of Troop feeders.

I’m definitely at the point where I have more resources than things to do with them, at least until I have new Heroes from Season 3, and can go back to rainbow leveling.

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LOL, just a little… :wink: