How to help our volunteer moderators

I would like this more if i could

I knew what I was doing…

…well not completely…

…I would’ve added a + Miki if I knew you lucked into him.

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Now I know why I love @Rook so much.:+1: :crazy_face:

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cups are overrated and your not missing much reward wise.

You’ll pull something and get there.

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Is there a list of the best discord groups, ones that discuss game play as opposed to just recruitment?

I’m not on Discord much, but I’m on a fair few of Line. The trick is, many of the really good groups have maxed out and you have to wait to get in… :confused:

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Can relate. Even as just a regular poster.

Flagging myself and giving myself a temporary forum b a n because I talk too much and too many of my comments have been misconstrued and/or taken out of context.


hugs you


No ban necessary

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Finally got through reading this thing. Wow, a lot there. Some even has to do with the topic at hand :laughing:

One thought I have: it makes sense to me that an SGG employee be the moderator of the Bugs and Issues category. Volunteers can take care of the others but Bugs and Issues should be of direct concern to SGG themselves. That would at least lighten the load a little bit for the volunteers. It also would make sense to assign mods to specific categories to manage rather than having to manage all of them.

Now that I am more aware of the flagging system I will try to use it properly to do what I can to organize and control the forum. I didn’t really pay attention to flagging and thought it was for inappropriate posts (which in general I usually responded to with a (sometimes inappropriate) response of my own if directed my way).


Anything that violates Forum Rules generally falls into the “Innapropriate” category. At least that’s how I use them. :wink:


Oh I get the “Inappropriate” and I admit I have been a couple of times in retaliation. I probably need to curb my enthusiasm and just start flagging instead of rising to the bait.

I was not aware of the other uses for flags at all.


I still think the lesson we’ve all learned on when to use flags versus tags has been worth this whole thread!


I like big books and I cannot lie :sunglasses:


You other Regs can’t deny …
When a noob posts up thier five star, 1st pull
you get sprung!


Speak for yourself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I’m completely overjoyed and full of congratulations :partying_face:.


The moderators know what they’re getting into and chose to do it and do everything that comes with it.

I find it particularly amusing that SGG considers their forim moderators (I’d use another term but that would cause tender feelings) as disposable as they consider their players.

I’m looking very hard at how your post relates to the title of this thread? Yeah - I got nothing :confounded:


They don’t need help.

I would just get confused because Lord Nibbles is the spitting image of @rook :thinking: