How is Coronavirus impacting you

Guess I should have read a bit further before responding. Glad she’s clear of COVID-19.


This is no longer what is being communicated. Wearing a mask protects in both directions. More effective if the one with COVID is wearing the mask, but still helpful in both directions.

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Will be getting my second vaccine dose March 1st, hoping to finally get back to my office come October and ditch the stupid masks early next year.


Doesn’t make the original statement less true. I guess in the US communication is aimed at getting to ppl wearing masks and slowing transmission. So authorities will do what it takes…

Well I had my first COVID vaccination today.
And feel very relieved
Nearly 19 million people in the U.K. have received their first vaccination todate


Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words. It’s still shocking because he was in his 30s.


Big difference in symptoms between COVID and Flu is that COVID often causes loss of taste and smell! Over here (Australia) symptoms questions lead with these as the loss of taste and smell senses are more COVID specific…

Yeah, the symptoms I keep an eye for are:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Loss of taste/smell

Of course there are a bunch of other symptoms listed as long as your arm, but if I have any of these, my feet are more likely to point in the direction of a testing center (definitely on that last one).

That’s just me. You do what makes the most sense for you. hugs


Our province is starting to register seniors for the upcoming vaccine. This has led to a new phone SCAM calling seniors and asking for SIN number, financial info etc.

This just makes me sick :zipper_mouth_face:


I am never surprised by how sleazy scam artists are willing to be…


Are you saying that there are people out there actually making money from the virus? I didn’t know that there are people out there making money off of test kits. Forbes just reported that federal employees are getting paid $21,000 U.S. to not work. How much are you all getting to not work?

Oh my garsh. By the way. Texas is open. No masks.

I’m saying there are scammers taking advantage of older, vulnerable people. I’m not really sure to what else you’re referring.

I know people who got laid-off through no fault of their own are able to get unemployment benefits. There is also assistance for small businesses, mortgage and rental relief, etc.

Hopefully there are very few people trying to make money off the suffering and fears of others.

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I heard some people in California are making money off of home test kits. They buy them in bulk.

California is having some education issues as well. Something about members of the school board calling teachers “baby sitters”.

Mississippi is open. No mask mandate.
Texas will open on March 10, also no mask mandates. Lets take a close look at these 2 states and see if the Coumo, I mean the covid rises. This is important stuff right? It killed 500,000 + so we have to be careful

Glad people are still talking about this, as it’s still a threat. Thankfully not as rampant as before, but it’s also far too soon to be declaring victory over the pandemic.

A few notes. Nobody I know personally has caught the virus (that I know of), but many people that they know have. And at least 4 “friends of friends” of mine have died from it. A 5th, one of my girlfriend’s close family members, nearly died from it. He is out of the hospital finally after 2+ months, but he has suffered permanent damage, and his life will probably never be the same.

Wearing masks does slightly protect the wearer, but to a much lesser degree than it protects others from the one wearing the mask.

Two masks will also increase protection somewhat, but you would probably need to be wearing a full hazard suit for anywhere close to 100% protection.

Dropping mask mandates now is a really stupid move IMO, but many people were already ignoring the mask mandates anyway.

I can’t speak for others, but I’m not getting paid a dime for staying home. Though neither could I afford the medical expenses if I went out and got sick. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t scenario.

No vaccines available for me yet. Still waiting for them to include my age group. Which is ironic, considering that probably the majority of those here who have already received vaccinations are probably younger and healthier than I am. I fully understand that “front line workers” need to be vaccinated first, but I wonder how many of those young healthy individuals who got the vaccine could actually be considered “front line workers,” or if they just happen to know someone or work for someone who got them pushed to the front of the line.

I will probably still have to wait another 2 months or so before I can get mine.


The UK vaccination schedule is going mostly by age, although healthcare workers and those with serious illnesses are also included at the top of the list. My parents are in their 80s and today received their second jab. If the country continues to stay on schedule my age group should get called up in April.

Schools open up again on Monday and so I will be venturing back out to work on Wednesdays and Fridays for the first time since December. I should be receiving my Covid Test Kits tomorrow in preparation for going back. My other teaching will stay online until after the Easter Holidays.


Maybe in the States seems better, but in Europe we are in the Covid 3.0 era which seems nothing better of the first version.

Never ending story.

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Well after 7 months of freedom on the Isle of Man we had the blip at Christmas after the virus got back in. We did a 4 week lockdown and came out the other side again.

Issue when everyone is living life as normal is very profoundly seen when the virus gets back in.

Which it did again last week and it’s somewhat exploded again here so lockdown 3.0 is a go. This time I can’t defend our Government (who have previously done a great job). They differed this time, couldn’t seem to make a fast decision and by the time they did it was too late and we had full community transmission again.

It really is true what they say. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone…

I’ve had four uncles, three aunts and four cousins all get COVID. thankfully all have recovered, though one uncle is still gets tired more easily than he used to.