How do I know which event will have Mystic Summon if I have free coins left?

From this,

Event that will have Mystic Summon are Atlantis, Valhalla, Underwild and Challenge Festival 1.

The problem is not all Atlantis, Valhalla, Underwild and Challenge Festival 1 have Mystic Summon.

For this month (January 2024), Underwild has Mystic Summon but Atlantis doesn’t.

The problem is I can’t check which event have Mystic Summon or not if I have free coins left. I have free coins left because I keep them from the month with useful HotM.

Is it possible to check if if I have free coins left ? Or I have to ask someone else who doesn’t have free coins left.


Mystic Summon for Atlantis is now enabled. You should be able to get a free summon after watching the video.

There’s a thread for this topic.

@PlayForFun : merge please. Thank you

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I’ve wondered this too. I was expecting Seasons of Love to have a mystic summon. I didn’t want to use all of my tokens to check. So I think the best way is folks on the forum sharing. But that’s certainly not ideal.

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Zynga sent message to inbox about MS for CF1. Maybe can request them to send message for each event with MS ?


Eh, I guess that alerts everyone, but a simple forum post could make this all clear. Maybe they can include it in their calendar?


Yeah Zynga can do that but they will need to schedule that in too.

Right now it appears to be haphazard. As an after thought.

A message in the Inbox to alert everyone once Zynga has added MS to that event would work better.


Oh, thank you.

I use all coins in the first hours when the Atlantis summon start but I don’t see the mystic summon for many hours after that until I get 100 coins from farming. That make me think the Atlantis summon doesn’t mystic summon

So, it is bug but it is fixed now, right ?

No, not a bug. Zynga Team forgot to add that to the AR portal. And only added it after the event started.


It’s included in my calendar predictions and Zartanis also put a little play icon when Mystic Summon is enabled/available.
However, for the current Atlantis event, they enabled it midway instead of in advance so my predictions were correct until this morning. I will update them accordingly this evening but it sure is suboptimal when SGG changes things mid-event…


So, it look like if SG doesn’t send the message, we will never know if he/she have free summon left ? The only way to know is really ask someone else who doesn’t have free summon left.

They did eventually put a message about the Atlantis portal on X (fka Twitter) but this haphazard communication has become SOP for SGG/Zynga these days.

Surely a message to the in-game mailbox would be the easiest, and best, option.


Maybe the Zynga communicator doesn’t like sending messages to the inbox ? Prefers X ?

Or maybe the “inbox” communicator is still away from office and nobody thought to cover for that role ?

The Zynga Team managing EP definitely lack basic organisational skills.