⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Ommodus

Yes. Zynga is forcing player base to 2LB their roster as much as possible, preferably spend much much money to “keep up”.

I went up against one of those goblin owl defences. Got trashed big time cos my roster is not 2LB.


Right your heroes got spanked because they all have way lower defense than he has attacked. I think people in this thread are comparing him to other new and levelled heroes. Ommo at 90/20 does not hit any current 90/20 defenders hard at all. Your team has only 1 max hero and none of the other 4 are even at 85/20 so of course they got wrecked.

Nobody wants to waste mats/effort levelling a brand new hero if he is only good against old or unlevelled heroes. That’s the problem. I’m in the same boat, my only 2 owls are both Ommo. I’ll probably blow an aether reset on the one I wish I hadn’t levelled. I won’t be pulling from Owl portal anymore if he isn’t changed.

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Don’t worry, my weak team totally decimated that bully after it attacked. :smiling_imp:

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I used him in the grim forest stage for the fiend removal. That part is ok, but he’s slow so, it’s just ok. I hit the final bosses with him and it was about 600 damage. Just wildly unacceptable for a slow hero. He’s only going to hit his peak when you attack a very weak team or in a very long raid with goblins if you’re lucky. Please fix this hero


That’s why I am not levelling mine for now.


I really like relius… But other than timmius, it doesn’t seem like anyone is especially pleased with the heroes from the owl tower.

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Lodius is decent though

Is anything happening on the subject of our owl?

So now we have an Owl that is much faster, deals more total damage than Ommodus, and debuffs the entire enemy team. Absolutely wild that these two are in the same portal


How is verus dealing more damage than ommodus? It’s 1000 against 1700

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1000 damage plus 1200 bleed damage over 4 turns. And average speed with a 4 turn delay for full damage is still faster than slow Ommodus

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Better attack stats and an impactful secondary effect as well.

Yeah I would swap Ommo’s fiend removal for the bleed or blindness in a heartbeat.

A slow counter to a problem that doesn’t really exist is just not good enough, especially in a new portal that they keep spamming


Versus also has a higher attack stat, which affects the moonrise strike damage

This hero needs a buff ASAP he is the joke of the owl tower. A line is missing on the cs to make this hero worthy at slow speed. You can’t give two buffs for satori in a row and different buff for gobelin when all this heroes where already ultra efficient in their initial form and nothing to ommodus. The speed is to slow and the wait to fire is power is too long for the reward. Even in mid speed I’m not sure he would be enough efficient in comparison to the other owls at the same speed. Sg please make something to this one because truly what he does is not enough.


His speed needs to be change to average or
Special needs to be reworked. This hero needs to be buff


When a hero is slow his power needs to be awesome especially in the current meta where speed and mid heroes have a huge impact in the game. The problem is exactly the same with Prince siegfrid too slow for what he does. Just look at the top 100 there is no slow heroes period. So Sg please make all new slow heroes impactfull and rework their cs.


Tried him against a good team with Norman. I did to him 650 damage at slow with ommodus he did 850 damage at average. Norman gives additional buff for the whole team Ommodus gives no malus to the opponent and no buff for my team… May I continue to prove that ommodus is a slap in the face for people who chase owls, spend and got this useless hero?? Sg give him some punch and additional effect to make him viable. Change the speed will not be enough he is clearly to weak…


Agreed! Have him at LB1 and was expecting way more. No real beneficial passive- what would make this worthy of being an owl would be to make the mana boost on fiend removal two separate skills. 1-moonrise strike, 2- remove fiends, 3- all hero’s gain +30% mana for three turns and maybe throw in something like reflect holy: make him like ahmose. That would be worthy of waiting out the slow speed mana


Can we expect some reinforcement of our owl?