⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Noor

@Homaclese I don’t know your level of sports knowledge, so imma pick hockey. If you were to play any position in a hockey team, what position would you play?

Anyone who plays a ball-in-the-net game (hockey, lacrosse, European football, etc.) will likely immediately see the relevance to this thread. How about it?

I don’t know hockey. But I would probably be somewhear near the goal, i find defense a bit boring.

FYI I used to do all mono and all attack up emblems and aim for kills as quickly as possible. ive had to change that based on what heroes i have available to face tel. My high attack damage based heroes would die too quickly a lot of the time, leading to a low win rate

Almost funny how easily and willingly people step into a religious like discussion, take their sides and never again want to look past their own perception line.

Fact is we´re talking about made up cards by a company an not Trump vs Biden or Jesus vs Belzebub.

Again, Noor has an interesting strategy going for her and she needs a buff. She found a proclaimer in Homacles, who has done so very eloquently and patiently. There are people disappointed in this HotM and they are completely right too. Let´s hope for a buff and keep it civil here. It aint religion! (although religion is exactly this!)

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tl;dr sorry and it’s ok :wink:

Offense Considerations:

Suppose we break different facets of defense down into categories:

  • Sniper (damage)
  • Utility (heal, def boost, minions, etc.)
  • Tank
  • Element

I assume when you look at a defense you think about those things and then mold your attack squad.

So now let’s break down some attack considerations

  • Tank nah… the ai doesn’t focus damage on your center. There is no tank on attack.
  • Tile damage / color stacking
  • Sniper
  • Utility

So… if you see Bera or Noor on defense. Your attack squad decision is more simpler, right?

Forming attack squads is the fun part for me. I love molding attack squads, and I love utility!
I relied heavily on mono when my roster was learning to crawl. I had to replace lack of options with tile damage!

Now that I have over 30 max’d 5*. The accompanying skill selection is fun to piece together in various combinations of 3-2, 2-2-1, even rainbow to maximize my troops.

There’s no wrong way! It’s all preference!
But…regarding utility…my war flags tend to prioritize:

  1. Damage (boost, snipers etc)
  2. Dispel
  3. Cleanse
  4. Heal
  5. Defense (boost, taunt, etc)
  6. Minions

All depending on the defensive facets
of my opponent

  • Defense Considerations:

I found @Razor’s Minion Madness:
[MINION MADNESS IS HERE! Are you Ready for it?]
Very compelling!

And I chose minions for my defense. I figured with the stat boost it would preform well, and it has not disappointed me.

Resulting Experience:

This direction left me with blemmed summoners to play with on offense:

I found putting Margaret between QoH and LotL to bear fruit in upper diamond
I also found that minions tended to drag matches out. There is a Passive Element to summoners which wound up giving precedence for the first 5 things I now look for when crafting assault squads.

Plus…the defense stat boost didn’t seem to mean much in lower diamond, however… in upper diamond there is a high concentration of level 30 mana troops on fast heroes. Which made my minions seem to be crafted of paper. While their minions… had some extra pepper in their sauce!

I found minions much less effective on offense!
So now they are last in my consideration for attack and wouldn’t be there at all, if it weren’t for how I chose my defense.

I chose it, specifically for mana control. Guinevere is still valid in my book, for punishing bad boards. And Great Boards Too! Therefore…
Slow Noor doesn’t scare me. And I haven’t noticed any down tick for my defense.

But Bera… yikes…
Thanks a lot @Razor :rofl: I got 2 months of emblems to move, maybe lol.

I’m keeping an eye on my defense win/loss ratio and taking it easy for a couple months. I’ll let you guys know if I start getting thrashed in defense. I imagine my holy tank and accompanying flanks will excite every Bera owner who crosses my path.

But I wouldn’t consider Bera OP.
Still… all summoners have that passive element!
And a specific niche…!

With Noor being the most passive of the bunch.
Combined passive and slow speed, has never made her attractive in my book. She has a use, certainly.
And when weighed with other uses. I feel she needs a little more pepper…

What if instead of kill minions, the sparrows steal them and land them on the shoulder
of a random ally?


Really? Then you’ve adapted very well, congrats. I had you pegged for a goalie, because they have such a radically different perspective on the game. I find this kind of discussion very similar to discussions between wingers and goalies, where there’s just not a lot of common ground in perspective, never mind in equipment and skill set.

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That would make some sense. I understood from a post that you had won 20+ in a row verses telluria tanks but if you pick and choose who to pass on for match ups, I could see a 80% win ratio

I’ll call the moderators for you

The worst grade Anchor has given for a HoTM was to Noor.

I guess I’ll clarify my thoughts. Useless and trash are the same thing. Noor is trash for a HoTM. You can find a use for Mok-Arr soya, there can be ways to work things in. It still makes her trash

You’ve posted a few videos trying to show off her at usefulness a few times only to have others say, she didn’t make a difference.

What it feels like is you’re trying to sell ice to an Eskimo over and over.

Normally your spot on with your posts but defending this trash over and over is something that needs to stop


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Yep I’ve had to adapt. Tel is tough and us a paladin so 3 tiles wouldnt do the trick with red mono. The mana down would mean your specials were often not ready by the time vel cast so it was virtually game over on and average board (pre vel nerf). So had to go 3 2 and as I could no longer finish quickly and I didnt have fast heavy hitters I had to flip it around and focus on survivability.
I recently reemblemed my +18 proteus attack part to +20 defense because surviving to use his special is now so much more important to me than his stack attack.

One bonus that’s come out of all this is I’ve found strategic battle of attrition type battles are actually a lot more enjoyable

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Indeed. I get that from a practical progression point of view it’s better to either win or lose very early, and get on with the next battle. But from an entertainment point of view? I mean, look at TV, movies, etc. The back and forth, dramatic one-ups, oh-my-god-what-will-our-hero-do-now battles are filmed that way way because they are a ton of fun! And I play for the entertainment value. It comes out of my entertainment budget, after all.

I suspect there is a strong correlation between buying 30-pulls as an “investment”, and only seeing the value in hyper-aggressive, big-damage strategies.

Edit for topicality:…and this has strong bearing on the perception of Noor.


Please look up the meaning of the word bragging before again incorrectly tagging me with it. I have not once bragged about noor nor any other topic

I have not started any debate in the bera thread but I have responded to comments that were made about noor. What is the point in referencing that here?

Nice write up.
I have to say theres an emotional aspect injected when noor is in play. When her minions are up it gives confidence to try slightly riskier strategies because you feel safer. And when her minions come at the last minute and save a critical hero from death theres definitely an emotional relief felt. Oddly enough it’s a lot more tangible than if the same thing happened but with a healer


You know, you’re right, there; I never thought of it that way. Now that I think about it, I notice the same thing about the +MAX HP abilities, too. Gets me into trouble sometimes :rofl:

Statistically it will pay off though despite individual setbacks. The game is largely about maximising build up of your colors and removal of unwanted colors within as few turns as possible (with some exceptions). To achieve that you need to take more risks rather than going for the safe options that might for example kill a tank but then dry up your supply for later. Feeling that your heroes have been given added strength (rather than just healed to normal) gives you some measure of confidence to take those risks, and it’s probably equal parts in the mind and in reality

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Please keep comments civil and towards the topic. Not at each other. Thank you.


That was 20 random Telluria tank in the range of 4000 to 4725 (mostly 4200-4400), the first 20 is all win but I got 4 losses in the last 15. The final data win-loss was 31-4 (88.6% to be precise)

You are forgetting event heroes who are supposed to be better than HotM: Sargasso, Chameleon, etc.

I almost forgot, Margaret was C before buff and:

You must have mistaken me for @Homaclese
I only posted 2 video, that was long time ago and not in this balance thread. However its been very clear in my video that after getting a minion from Noor, Rigard got hit by Seshat and Vela, his remaining HP is under Noor minion’s HP, so it is undeniable that the sparrow minion save him.

To be clear, I do not defend Noor as if Noor is a good hero. But she is not useless.

She is a bad hero but still have niche use.

LMAO :rofl:

You just contradict your own statement.

Do you even know what useless is? Useless = no use. If it still has use, it is not useless.

Apparently, Anchor disagree with you:


@jkdevore Who in the world do you think you are, demanding someone else censor their opinion? Your opinion, even if it is shared by the majority, is still nothing more than an opinion, and does not disqualify anyone else from believing whatever they want and speaking to that belief, if they so choose. On a topic in a public forum raised specifically for the purpose of sharing opinions on this. Shame on you.


Too much of hate on this thread. I don’t think anyone disagrees that Noor needs a buff.

The ones defending her are saying that you can still find a use for it, in certain situations or combinations. This is true for 99% of heroes. This doesn’t mean that they’re disagreeing that Noor doesn’t need a buff.

Also, creating Niche Hero is fine, problem is SG has created a very Niche Hero in Noor, which can be used by handful of players with specific sets of heroes only. And even then it is tough to be used. A complete opposite of majority of heroes.

Thus, Noor needs a Buff!! Atleast a speed up in Mana.


As much as I enjoy getting into arguments with strangers, I think we all should go back to discussing Noor’s balance before this thread gets too personal and then gets locked :joy:

Ok so, I’ve read almost all comments here. Some people say Noor’s minions could become really beefy if she had +20 emblems on her. No offense but, so what. The same could be said about Bera’s and Freya’s. There’s no way that extra 5% life would make Noor OP if she was average or even fast speed.

Speaking of speed, imagine Noor was a fast hero. Very nice right? Bera and Freya would still have the edge over her though. Both their specials have better secondary effects (plus Valhalla’s families). Noor’s special is all about putting cute meat shields on her teammates. Nothing else. She’s slow for no justifiable reason.

‘But people would put Noor in defense next to Telluria if she was faster. That would make her too OP’. Nope, Telluria is the problem. Telluria is the OP mess. Telluria would turn almost every hero at her side into an annoying OP hero.

A fast Noor would simply be a decent hero. Almost on par with Bera and Freya’s power. Noor should at least be average speed in my humble opinion. Please make Noor an average speed hero, game devs.

(inb4 somebody says Noor is fine as she is right now…)


As a potential buff for Noor, how about giving Noor normal speed and let the sparrow minions (25%Att/25%HP) reduce the target’s max HP by 20 per hit, instead of the minion removal?

She would be fast enough to find much more use, and her minions would be a bit more dangerous :thinking:


I have noor and I never use her because she is very very very weak. Is simple instead of noor I have to use Bera or Freya … they are fast heroes with 20% befend minions than noor with 25 % they are better and fast … for example I will have 2 minions in All my team with 40% defence than 1 noor minions with 25% . Also the minions of Freya and Bera have some buff attack or poison , Noor minions have nothing . If any player have to choose he will choose Freya and Bera than Noor . I believe Noor must increase her skills Because she is slow hero … I saw a lot good suggestion as became average mana or to give to all team minions when the opponent create minions or to became healer or the minions to have some special skill … I prefer to give to all team minions when the opponent produce minions for him self and became average mana speed …

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