Have I missed something? (Have Dator and Uclapack quit E&P?)

I’m not much for the “stay on topic” interjections, but I did wonder if you and @SWEG were positing that the random loot distribution was the thing that ultimately caused @Uclapack and @Dator to (apparently) depart the game.


I’m ready to be told I’m off topic. But I don’t think I am. If anything, tagging the community manager and giving attitude is my crime here. It’s agaisnt the rules to “name and shame”

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Yes if they quit, the raid tourney was the last straw not just because of loot distribution but because of bad customer service. They were very clear how they felt about that situation.


Not that I am anyone special, but if I am going to leave, I am not going to post about it. I will just leave. It’s not like SG is going to try and chase down our top players with fistfuls of gems and unreleased HOTM, trying to win back affection.

It is my hope that both of them were. (Rghtfully) upset and expressing their discontent, but going to allow a moment to clear their heads before returning.

If they are gone. It is a shame.

Cannot say I haven’t thought of quitting myself, but I have other reasons for doing so.


Personally i dont think it was

Summons were what pissed dator off awhile back according to his stream commentary

Ucla is the one I’m unsure about as she seemed to be enjoying the game based on last event performance

I hope to see ucla and dator return, but understandable if they dont. If a hobby/activity loses too much appeal to you, then yes taking a break or quitting makes total sense. I hope that if they are quitting, then that is their reasoning. The streams were awesome, the advice they have given to me in private messages and to others in public was very selfless and valuable, what they brought to the community is pretty rare.

They will be missed in their absence


I think there is a time limit on how long someone can enjoy any game. I played a different game for years, and worked my way to the top 10… I stayed with that game through a lot of bad decisions by the devs and through some excellent ones (and customerservice was A LOT worse than it is here). In the end there was just no where left to go for me as a player. As time passed the things that were “wrong” with the game became more and more obvious, until one day I just walked away. It happens, it’s just a game at the end of the day.

How I feel about this game in another 2 years remains to be seen, but for now I am greatly enjoying it and that is all that counts.


Thanks for the observations and insights, @SWEG and @Rigs.

This has always been my impression of them too — competitive, yes, but absolutely dedicated to sharing their wisdom and experience with the community at large, and in private.

I greatly value and respect players like that.


I have had zero contact from @Dator or @Uclapack . I didn’t watch their feeds. Never spoke to them on forums or private messages, until the thread regarding the tournament rewards.

I did not agree with their conclusion in regards to giving compensation (bad word for what they were defending), but theirs was the ONLY argument on the subject that gave me pause. Perhaps it was their appeal to fairness in the system rather than compensation.

From what I understand, that was the main driving force behind everything they did here.

I still don’t agree that it was as important an issue to award compensation, and I definitely don’t think it was worth quitting over.

I think their influence here will be missed.


I never really thought I would become so attached to this game but I did and that’s why this is going to be a really long read. I downloaded it late June 2017 and immediately became addicted. I actually loved farming lol. I didn’t even know about the auto farm button until months after Dator downloaded the game and told me about it. I remember seeing the top of the leaderboards and thinking “I will never be that good”.

I have played this game constantly ever since I decided to spend $50 and I got my first 5* (Athena). I even got my boyfriend hooked even though when he first saw the game he said “that game looks dumb”. With time both of our teams started to develop quickly. Mine probably the most though. I was dedicated! I set alarms for all 3 flags. Up until 2 weeks ago my raid and world energy flags had never seen full for more than a couple minutes. I’m a level 80 now and over 20k raid wins. I’ve never been free to play but I didn’t really start spending more than I wanted to until guin made her appearance the second or third time. We were in top alliances then and even though I don’t believe she is the best tank for regular defense, she definitely is the best tank for wars. I felt to be one of the best, I had to have her. I spent about a grand and didn’t get her. I almost gave up then but Dator sent me a $100 Google play card and did a couple 10 pulls on my phone and sure enough guin and Arthur pop up in the same 10. I got what I wanted!? Not really. How many people have spent way more than they wanted to feeling the pressure of “I need this hero to stay competitive”? I have no reason to complain. The odds are shown but it still just feels wrong. A grand was my breaking point but how many others have spent more and still not gotten the heroes they were after? The biggest complaint I’ve heard about this game are the summons. I totally get it. It’s like going to the casino, don’t put more in that you can’t afford to lose.

Shortly after I got my prized guin, The first Atlantis portal shows up with Tarlak, Misandra, and Hel. I got so mad lol. Tarlak is almost a must have hero for titans and I couldn’t justify spending like I did for guin. Not to mention the Atlantis summons take more gems! I held back and still give Dator dirty looks when he hits the titan for 100k+ while my wu misses every hit on the crit spot. I bring this all up because it was truly the first time I started feeling foolish for investing so much time into a game that wasn’t giving back. I really hope that one day the training camps will hold all the heroes (event, hotm and season 2). Give us a reason to continue the grind SG! I mean I would be farming still with all 4 camps at 20 if that were the case.

Around that time I had gotten pretty good at the challenge events. I really wanted that hood avatar! Dator and I had a good understanding of how events worked at that time and had talked to players like Wharflord and Pandemic Disease (I think Dator even watched one of Anchor’s event streams). The biggest takeaway was how the event is scored (specifically the match bonus). I remember brainstorming on ways to better my scores and actually in legendary stages 6-10 I found speed to be more important than the matches. It was all a learning process that I learned (trial and error) from tons of practice runs. It paid off, I can honestly say that I’ve gotten #1 in legendary every time I went for it. That’s one heck of an accomplishment! I bring this up because after a couple events I heard complaints about the top of the beta leaderboards matching the top of the real game. Well that’s not fair. I’m not saying I’m at a disadvantage because I figured out how to master our own event strategy with the help of Dator but what about all those others that are trying to get the better loot that don’t get the luxury of practicing? That’s like stealing from the poor to give to the rich. There was a pretty heated debate in beta after I was let in about the events because in my mind, no one should have an unfair advantage. I have a fair advantage in legendary because I have a ton of heroes that I’ve put in the time and money to get. Anyone can do that (most choose not to put that much time and money into a mobile game). This is just my opinion but I don’t think someone that tests a challenge event should be able to compete in it. Hitting a titan with a new hero is a perk but doesn’t really affect anyone else. A challenge event affects everyone. From some of the scores I’ve seen, any little advantage helps (ask those that placed 11 instead of 10). SG did decide to remove the scoring from the Wonderland beta after a lot of practice runs. I was very frustrated with how quickly things turned and the name calling even from people that I didn’t even know. I am not the one at a disadvantage, I already know how to score big in events from in game practice. I was trying to keep it fair for everyone by finding a way to remove the advantage. SG did remove the scoring and stopped putting the old events in beta but why did it take what it took? Beta has been out for tons of events and a change doesn’t happen until Dator and myself join and start to question? This adds to the frustration.

The titans…SG releases 11-14* titans. The 14* are unbeatable without items and flasks. SG asks in a small active players lounge thread if the 12-14* should be removed and a couple players say yes. The titans are removed. Really? Is that fair that some players have so much say? I would love to have those titans back to keep the game fair for the majority of the players that have to let titans escape. Also tons of comments came from that thread to bring them back but only a couple voices were heard to take them away? I’m not a fan of the favorites game and that’s kind of what it feels like.

Emblems…A feature to make your maxed heroes super maxed. I don’t like the idea because it basically says my 1.5 years of farming prior to emblems doesn’t give me as much of an edge lol. Ok though, they are not giving tons out and it seems that aside from the little offers, they’re distributed fairly by RNG. No big deal, it will take us a ton of grinding to get them with the 1 or 2 we get from chests. Raid tournament defect randomly distributes 100 emblems to the few lucky and 5 to the unlucky. So much for the distributing fairly. That is a huge difference. I hear people saying “they were given to the newer less developed players, no big deal”. Um do they not have competition at their level too? I would think it would be an even larger advantage for a level 30-40 player to get 100 emblems while others at that same level got 5. This to me is unfair. The tournament was broken and SG gave no action to fix it or make the loot equal RNG. This to me is frustrating.

After all this we finally said, we are tired. We are stepping away. We got convinced to play casually and not totally quit but that was mainly because we love the community and didn’t want to say goodbye to everyone just yet. I know there will be comments saying “she’s just whining and needs to stop complaining” sadly a comment like this is why we stopped streaming. My goal is not to portray negativity but to give a reason and hope that we aren’t the only ones that see things like this need to be addressed by SG.


@Uclapack Thanks for responding, and adding in details on the variety of issues that led to your decision.

I’m glad to hear you’re planning on sticking around in the community for the moment. As I said a bit earlier in this thread, I’ve observed your efforts to contribute and help the community, and I greatly appreciate and respect you for that.

You’ve been through a lot of ups and downs with this game, clearly, and stuck in the constant chase of top performance. I hope a more casual approach proves fun for you, and gives you the space to enjoy the community without the pressure.

I’m happy to have you around! :slight_smile:


The greatest service you could do for the community is to NOT quit but to commit to six months (?) as a casual, free to play or ctp player, continue to give advice, and at the end of the six months, give us a detailed comparison of the two experiences.

I’m thinking not just from a top-gaming experience, but if by taking it more casually, you were able to relax and enjoy the pace more … no more chasing the dragon!

I think a lot of players would really find it interesting and perhaps beneficial.


I’m more blunt than ucla. The pulls are sickening. I feel sorry for the people that invest thousands of dollars in and this game laughs at them. I really wish they would do something but I know SG wont.

I’m not going casual as she is. It’s time to move onto better things.


Thanks, @Dator, for responding too.

I’m curious — from your perspective, are the pulls the main/only problem?

I agree, it’s unlikely that will meaningfully change, but if it did, are there other things that have made your decision to move on a clear one for you? Or are the diminishing returns for spending the sole major factor?

And, related — if you were starting over again, would you have played or spent differently if you knew what you know now?


My post wasn’t directed at you :slight_smile:


I don’t want this thread to turn into another one of those complaints about quitting. By no means are we trying to do that. Our friends and the dator luck line group where the only ones that knew we were stepping away. We didn’t want to cause a scene.

But the pulls where my main reason for leaving. To spend several hundred and the possibility of not receiving anything. Sure the odds are there but this feels more of a casino than a game. At least at the casino you spend hundreds of dollars you get casino cash or meal vouchers.

It is what it is. It’s a game and it’s not meant to be played forever.


Sic transit gloria mundi

All the best to both of you in your future endeavours.


Thanks, I appreciate that.

And I’m certainly not trying to entice you into complaining — I just appreciate your insights and perspective. :slight_smile:

That’s helpful follow-up, thanks for adding that.

I wish you well wherever you head next!


This seems to be the crux of the issue for so many players. It’s a huge question and may be too deep for we mere mortal (non-clinal physocogist-types) to be able to answer. Where does the driving force come from that convinces some people to spend so much money to attain so little of benefit (ie atop an arbitrary leaderboard).

Why are some people perfectly content to never spend a penny, just casually playing the game for years and accepting of most of what they get.

I’m not judging either scenario but I’ve always been fascinated by human behaviour.


Please, do not forget @revelate and @Avicious. Great players who put great thought and effort into this game and its community



OP can find plenty of reasons in the other thread why some of us were disappointed in the way loot categories were assigned.