Gunktus - 5* Dark / Purple - Slime hero from Solstice Summon

Did you read properly the card? Can you read again? Like, again?

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Dancing dispels the ā€œundispellableā€. Itā€™s over when the fat lady singsā€¦

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Yes, everyone has dancing heroes, oh waitā€¦

@PlayForFun Family bonus is different on the card

Sure but that requires setup with right heroes and making sure get tiles in time or else youā€™ll almoat assuredly lose.

I mean, everything requires setup. Is that not part of the fun of the game? To make you think a little?

Also, do you really think everyone you are gonna fight will have Grunktus? Few people will. Heā€™ll be on 2800+ rated pvp teams. If youā€™re not there I donā€™t think you have much to worry about.

I suggest saving your pulls for dancers as they havenā€™t yet been nerfed to prevent them from removing ā€œundispellableā€ buffs. Most are fast and average. Get a 3-star dancer and laugh your way around any buff you come against.

For now. Give it a few times for the slime portal to come around, and the numbers will increase. Once they hit a critical level, SG may ā€œrealize that he is considerably stronger than other 5*ā€ and nerf him.

Iā€™m not sure they will be nerfed. However, on defense, they will run into one major roadblock, Hathor/cHathor who at fast speed stops their dance from sticking. As none of the dancers who can do anything about undispellable buffs are very fast, Hathor is likely to fire first.

However, we shall see how this plays out. Personally, I am leery of that chance to revive himself, but will reserve judgment until I actually face him.

Them you for the idea. I have Hathor and costume and just got gunktus. Iā€™ll have to try that combo when they are both leveled

Pulled this dude today on a 10 pull.