Grovevert - 5* Nature / Green hero from Night of Moths

Agree, not entirely clearcut.

She’ll resist the mana debuff sometimes for sure making her about as close to a nemesis as Grovevert has for now BUT G-moth should still be able to smother Rosalind’s allies, she won’t get to 70% HP with a single heal so the mega-fiends should be able to survive until Rosalind’s second firing.

It could be worth targeting Rosalind with a Mega-fiend even if only to replace her mega-minion, the turnaround in damage is significant. If the mana-debuff sticks it is a bonus (that is how I look at it now).

I think this hero has some good prospects countering the mega-minion heroes. There may be better ones in the pipeline but for now a mega-fiend at V Fast should help win battles


Like the look of this one.
New element with the MF, but also nice add on with the mana bonus. I assume there will be MF-heroes who will make this guy look like Boom&Fang eventually, but for now I like him.
I am curios if the MF with replace “unstoppable minions”. If so it really looks like another nail in the coffin for W3K even before the full team is out.

That 260% will be noticable hit, and with needing to double heal to even get rid of him it can be nasty. I will not put him in defense, but use in offence, and also vs MM’s. Even if they can replace the fiend I can replace their minons
I am

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Yes they do! :slightly_smiling_face:

See screen grabs below - Grovevert and Mortewitch replacing C. Diao’s unstoppable minions :grinning:


Thank you for confirming!
I am not surprised, but maybe a little bit disappointed…

I mean, I am happy for my Grovevert, but a little disappointed for my W3K heroes, and to the fact that “unstoppable” is not so very unstoppable at all, without this being clear in wording on card

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There is a bug with the interaction between diachan and grovevert. Diachan can still replace the mega fiend from herself and allies.

There are heroes who do damage to mega minions, though.

I would guess male from the legs lol.

From the build & the antenna looks to be male, but moths in general, from the title would guess female.
Edit: as @ahbombim pointed out @PlayForFun had the answer all along!

It’s the hands for me, those are some masculine hands

I’m curious why people are voting defence path for this guys emblems…

His special skill scales off attack so surely you would go attack path, no?

Have you not seen females with muscular legs/builds? :sweat_smile:

I think because this hero doesn’t do any direct damage?


Yes, but they’re a different muscular look than what I see for this hero. I’ve seen female comic book characters.

Apparently a masculine (my opinion/impression) female per site beta info.

@PlayForFun knows the answer :rofl:

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Sure but the fiend damage uses the attack stat

I’ve seen him pop up in a couple of top 20 teams and they have him with 1754 attack which I assume must be full attack path

I think playforfun has mentioned he guesses the gender of the heroes from first impressions too. So we might never know whether this moth is male or female. So I’m leaning towards male

Maybe users of other languages with grammtical gender (e.g., French) can help, as their epithets (‘fancy names’) often give a clue with the gender.

Grovevert’s epithet is Mothling Breeder. So, breeder in French is either éleveur (male breeder) or éleveuse (female breeder).

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Male moths often have more feathery antennae, compared to females of the same species. Thats how they detect female pheromones.

Id say Grov is a male.

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