Game is Being NERFED to DEATH

what are you talkibg about? war chests give two ascension items 3* and above.

I’m guessing jon means 2 un-farmable ascension items.

SG gave me a compass after all, but then they gave me some misty rings that I don’t need because I have TOO MANY. Then they tried to SELL me more! Game is RIGGED!


the game doesnt distinguish between farmable and unfarmable ascension items.
lol, what is next? for the “considerable amount of time and effort, war chests should have 2 ascension items that I need”?
ridiculous complaints are ridiculous.

Do you think that the farmable and unfarmable has the exact same chance of spawning???

each individual 3* ascension item has same chance as others. however, since there are more unfarmable 3* (7) than farmable (3), an unfarmable 3* ascension item has a higher chance than farmable.
and that seems to be close to my data kept on elemental chests - out of 3* I got, 68% were unfarmable, and 32% were farmable.

While they might have chosen to have the 3* equally likely, it’s clear they did make a choice. Look at titan loot, where it seems the 3 farmable are out of proportion to the unfarmable.

got proof? how many farmable and unfarmable 3* ascension items you got from titan loot?

Why did SG decided to nerf my last vision? The last one should look more like the other two I saw today


Same here! Got 5 3* mats in 5 minutes but the War chest only give ONE while the others TWO. War chest supposed to be best but ITS NOT. SHAME!



These boards have gotten increasingly worse during raids and war battles. E&p is going to start losing a ton of players if they don’t fix it. I am not the only one getting more and more frustrated with how bad the generation of needed tiles are. They say it’s “random” but I can assure you it’s way worse than it’s ever been. It’s taking the fun out of the game for a lot of players.


I have nearly crushed my phone out of anger because of these horrible boards! What’s really unnerving is that the tile effening has truly worsened ever since I complained about it here in the forums. I’m done! I’m filling my War Chest and i’m Not spending another dime on this game. I don’t wanna hear about your algorithms or any other BS.
You know what you have going on and you absolutely do not care about the consumer. Wars, Raids and especially the Titan boards are miserable experiences.


You’re right! They need to eliminate all the RNG bad streaks and only keep the RNG good streaks. Buff RNG until it’s shiny and bright!


Data, please. Simple process:

  1. Screenshot each opening board. Screenshot each and every board, not just the hateful ones.
  2. Afterwards count the number of tiles of each color.
  3. Enter data into a simple spreadsheet. If you stacked, note the color of the stack
  4. Add your data to the Color Stacking Fairness Project

Currently the player-collected data shows no bias and no trends.


That’s fine to say opening boards show no bias. Throughout the whole fight, the gems are crap. MOST especially when stacking. Is there a way to prove player data shows no bias for the rest of the board, not just the opening?

Yes, but it’s much harder. People need to video their attacks and count not only the opening board, but also all the replacement drops.

But let’s go back to basics:

  1. SGG has stated repeatedly that it’s all random drops.
  2. What we’ve checked proves that out
  3. SGG has no motive to create unhappy players with bad boards

So I tend to believe it’s random, lacking both evidence and motive.


There is a replacement tile study. It showed essentially randomness in the replacement gems.

The data is in the post above this one, or in the spreadsheet.


Note the study was based on stacking and tracking the replacement strong tiles. They were 19.87% of all replacement tiles.


Who cares about statistics! Its a rant thread so let ppl rant!!! :grin::grin::grin:

Allright here is my issue. :slight_smile:

Actually i´m seeking for a way to escape the Pay2Win Hell that this game turned into.
I´m afraid of every notification that there is an Update available because than the PvP Raids starts
and I´m loosing round about 200 Cups in the first days after the Update and guess what it doesn´t matter how stong or weak the enemy is, if I try to get my cups back in a rematch, I´m loosing cups again.
I´ve already gave up to climb the Highscore but i just want to stay in the Diamond Area for a tiny little chance to get some rare Items.
Oh and last but not least the newest Masterpiece of wasting time and Diamonds: “The Raid Tournament”
A special thanks to the Dev. - Team! Since the Beginning of these Matches, the last Tournament was my first time to be in the TOP 25%.
All Matches before ended after three Days and I believe the only reason why, is that I´ve got the chance to spend 75 Diamonds to play the whole week, if your machtmaking let me pass.