Forum not what it used to be?

This forum seems to have less and less participation. Is this an indication that the game is fading out and past it’s prime?

  • Yes
  • No
  • It’s not as simple as a yes or no answer.
0 voters
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I voted for it’s not as simple as a yes or no answer.

However, this game seems to have been past its prime for a while already. In terms of player participation, maybe the decline started around the first Tell nerfs.


Agreed participation slowed with the tell/vela nerfs,
But I felt a larger shift in the game which reverberated in the forum right around the time Zynga’s acquisition of SG.


I’m guilty of this. Most of what I post (apart from trying to recruit) is in the music, celebration, birthday, counting etc. threads.

I guess I stay here mainly for the great people that are still around and just ignore the moaners and haters.


Morning routine :rofl:


Small core bunch mostly dominate the posts here.


Agreed. I think as with any forum individuals engage with those topics that interest and entertain them, game related or not. There is a wealth of information and many helpful people but the forum is probably experiencing the same curve as the game itself.


I do recall a lot of forum regulars quitting the game AND the forum around that time…

likewise. I can contribute more on those threads… a lot of the threads re “which hero to level” go over my head, when 3/4 of the list I have to look up to comment on :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m more of a consumer/reader of a lot of threads about the game these days, than a contributor :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s not that simple. My activity on forum is a 10th of what it was when I first started. Most players use this to gain help or vent. As time goes on, you can only vent the same stuff a limited amount of times before it becomes repetitive. Afterwards it becomes a waste of energy.

The money hungry owners are not going to change or fix things. This leads to negative feelings and a player is less likely to visit the forums to leave a fun joke or story. Once we have also gained information, like calender date on Damascus blades for event, we’re done. We might visit just to see if there any drama happening, read it and move on.

Infact only reason I’m here now is because I was an idiot and tried the changing tides portal. Got 7 bagreg in 20pulls. Soon as I see if there an other salty souls around Ile go back to my long very slow leveling of existing less desirable heroes for awhile. Sigh

Edit: got my venting out of the way, so now I can move on with life. :joy:


To be fair I voted that it’s not as simple as a Yes or No answer.

When I first came to the forum it was for help, advice and guidance and I got huge amounts of really useful stuff …. Thank You …

When I joined E&P, the game was fun and fairly straightforward and we still only had S1 …. It’s now more complicated, time consuming and frustrating for many who believe that the game has lost its way / direction …

There has been too much power creep over the last 18 months, and developers flooding the game with new heroes amounts simply to a money cash grab …. All this is occasionally followed by hero nerfing, even when Beta testers advise that heroes should be adjusted (but advice is ignored).

So many hugely respected forum contributors left and even left the game entirely…. Similarly many good moderators gave up the ghost for pastures new …

With all that in mind a lot of the content in the forum changed. Some not for the better. So you got regular contributors giving up the forum altogether but still playing the game …

In all honesty for me, there is now a lot of negativity in the forum with too many players bickering. So I have adjusted what I read and what I contribute to …. I focus more on the fun posts, the celebration posts and the posts about new events and heroes…

I can’t remember the last time I initiated a post …. But if I have a reasoned opinion, I am happy to share that here …

Just my two pennies worth


I voted no. I don’t think forum participation is down because the game is fading out and past its prime. I just don’t think the forum is as engaging as it used to be.

1 There is just less to discuss.
We’re long past the days of discovering new strategies for titans, challenge events, etc. Even new events with similar strategies are >90% with one thing to do differently. The top players in some events tend to be the top players in all events. There’s not much more to go into.
Even new beta things are obviously strong or sometimes a bit too complex to understand their workings on paper.
We still see some posts for new towers, mirages of omega, contest of elements. I try to keep up with those, but it doesn’t seem like many folks engage with it so I see less of a point of doing it.

2 Relitigating the same issue

Most threads I don’t see much of a point posting after it’s gotten to 100+ posts. I’m not saying anything new. I can like the posts that are similar. And many don’t even read all of the posts anyways.
About a year ago I tracked new posts on the forum. The plurality was a new thread that belonged in an existing thread, so nothing new there.
The second biggest category was roster advice. I used to post a lot more in these threads. I know less nowadays, but I rarely felt engagement from the question asker. I’m glad we’ve moved past the days of dumb question like “Aramis or Quintus no costume”. Most of the times folks asked a question, and you never heard from them again. We had a lot of obvious answers to the questions which gave less to discuss.
Then you get to the next categories which are buff/nerf threads which again are repetitive, things that aren’t bugs but people post a bug about, or asking for more free stuff. Even the “not a bug” things are tough because you can explain exactly why something is not a bug and get attacked.
Again I come back to a lack of engagement on my end to interact.

3 Trolls and negativity
This brings me to my next cateogry. There’s not much new to discuss. Most discussions lack engagement. So then you get the posts that are hate threads or rants. You see the same names pop up posting the same complaint in a different way. Again, most of them don’t actually engage in a real discussion so there’s nothing here.

4 Outside groups
I’ve found much more discussion happens off the forum on line/discord than it does on the forum. You still get into some of the patterns above, but these smaller groups tend to drive better discussion and engagement.

So what’s left? I find myself logging on less and less to the forum. I’m still playing the game at >95% of my peak capacity. The game is fun. That’s why I play. The forum has become less and less fun. I find helping others to be engaging, but when others don’t engage, it’s obviously less fun.


I’ve only been around for a year and a half, but I’ll chip my two cents in. This forum has a lot of “we’ve heard that before” to it. Older forums tend to do that. People start contributing less and less because there’s less and less to contribute. The old complaints have all been hashed through. The “wow, this is surprising!” threads are no longer surprising. So it’s becoming more a release of bordom to post on a thread than an act of contribution.


Had to come back to this thread and change my vote. Thought it said is the game not what it used to be smh so I voted yes and didn’t feel like leaving a comment.

But now that I’m slightly more awake obviously I changed my vote to it not so simple, but only being here for a small amount of time my opinion is very limited but been on other forums over the years and frankly to stupid to not open my fool mouth not to say something :rofl:

As a somewhat new arrival to the forum but long time player this place still is intriguing to me, perhaps because it is a new place, new experience but just because something is new to me doesn’t always mean I will like/enjoy it. This forum though I have found very intriguing :thinking: discussion about what heroes is “best” and topics of a similar vein holds very little interest to me as those are the flawed questions and the discussion within is usually repetitive and boring :yawning_face: but threads like what is the best team I can assemble from these heroes is more interesting but also not my primary focus here. I’ve likely enjoyed the community content more and the interaction with the people that frequent those threads, many interesting and wonderful people in that area of the forum.

I do a bit of the what do you get from your rewards type threads for fun but mostly as something to do. I’m a old school forum guy so I do like to read threads in their entirety if feasible, old longer threads I see what has been posted more recently to see the current content of discussion before adding my own. I see from the replies that there’s issues people have with repetition or thinking what they might add has already been said, but not only am I personally interested in people’s opinions but who shares them and if their reasoning behind the opinion is the same between people, many roads to be travelled even if the destination is the same but what the journey was to get there…… interesting to me. I am probably not the only one like that either……

Again as a long time forum guy (just not here) in the end it’s more the people that make me keep coming back, if all I wanted was dry facts I’d read a printed players guide, and that’s not a criticism of the guides on this forum, I mean before online stuff was big and games guides were books you bought at the store. That stuff is informative but lacking in any personality, tells you what you need to know but hardly an enjoyable read. And the non stop stream of newbies asking the same questions over and over again is a problem for any forum, best to make a quick comment if you are in the mood but not worth the exertion and frustration of repetition it is.

In the end post/read/reply to what you want and look for more, ignore what you don’t and that includes people and take what enjoyment there is to be had, there a word for having to do something even if you don’t enjoy it……. It’s called a job lol and people get enough frustration there so no point doing something that doesn’t bring you happiness.

And no one has it worse around here than the mods, if you think you’re frustrated with aspects of the forum, imagine their position and perspective, they see everything you do but more and everything that needs fixing/moving/addressing is what they have to deal with, every day, and any restriction you have with what you can post or say isn’t nearly as tight of shackles they have, I’m sure you can imagine their frustration and whatever lack of engagement you see from them is the same as yours but magnified and they keep coming to do the work of making the forums functional for the community, of which they are a part of.

Forums are all about the community and what particular topic the forum is about is actually secondary. This isn’t just a place for information it’s a place to share it with people who you find interesting. Haven’t been here long but this forum is practically overflowing with interesting people, with brilliant analytical minds, many perspectives, ingenious solutions to problems and way to much more to list ……. This freaking post is long enough already lmao

But of course this is strictly imo. But reading the imo of people I find interesting :thinking: and this place is great but only because of the people I see coming around and little to do with E&P but is also a good place to get some of that frustration out here :wink: and at least that’s on topic, unlike most of my posts :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: but that’s just me. I did mention the forum has that ignore feature right……



I do agree to some point that it’s not a simple yes or no answer. 6 years ago when I started playing and simply visited the Forum, it was extremely game orientated and helpful. As time progressed they got more comical and dare I say fun. With the current Society and participants now, in my honest opinion, you have too many flag happy and close-minded individuals who want to hear their own voice and will accept nothing less. I personally think a lot of people forgot that this is a game and there’s fun to be had if you really want it .
The animosity towards a gaming company who wants to make money , and players who want to spend and not be ridiculed, players who don’t want to spend , and people in between gets old fast. I believe that’s a major turnoff for many. Most people just want to play their game their way without being judged and while some of the aspects of the changes in the game are somewhat lackluster, we’re still all in this together. Too many forgot that.

I like to have fun, but I’m constantly getting censored and flagged so obviously I’m doing something right LMAO and I’m here to the end despite how much that angers everyone. :rofl:


Haven’t bumped into you yet but obviously some one with determination, a asset to be had for sure :fist:


Oh yes trust me my assets are always on display


And a good sense of humour??? What threads have you been posting in??? Might have to check them out, probably some comedy gold you left behind in them :wink:

I’m new around here you’ll be able to recognize my posts easily, they are the ones that make no sense whatsoever :rofl: pleasure to meet you

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Crap I don’t remember what I did this morning let alone what threads I posted basically if anything needs sarcasm you’ll find my rear end there. And also one stop Titan shop is my home base with my fukwits.
But always happen to make new friends I scare off so many naturally

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Actually I think if you click my Avatar and then my name it shows you all of my postings I could be wrong I could be right when I finish drinking I’ll test out the theory

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Dang I like the cut of your jib. You are dangerous, I always was a fool who didn’t mind playing with fire though :wink: got plenty of scars to prove it, though seeing them everyday never taught me a lesson either :rofl: