Forum Interviews: An Audience with @LittleKAF šŸ®

  • how long have you been playing? :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Based on my ā€œpurchase history,ā€ I downloaded the app on December 20, 2017. I like rpg, puzzles, and fantasy. This caught my attention but I put off downloading as I didnā€™t want another game having recently stopped playing one and I didnā€™t want to get into another. But I thought ā€œthis looks simple and fun; just a puzzle game.ā€ :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

  • whatā€™s your current role in your alliance? :bar_chart:

Iā€™m currently co-leader, resident jackass, and have become the data person. The data one I think I accidentally volunteered into. I was getting frustrated with slow/non progression and decided to do something about it with other leaders. Funny as I donā€™t actually enjoy the data aspect too much but I like helping others, and if this helps others progress, I donā€™t mind it. We donā€™t have strict requirements but have found that the data has helped people get a better understanding of exactly how strong we are and if there is room for individual improvement. Can you tell Iā€™m a little competitive :wink:. Iā€™ve gotten help from a particular forum user recently who shall remain nameless (unless they want credit).

  • which hero are you currently levelling and how will you use them? :muscle:

I currently donā€™t have a ā€œmust haveā€ so Iā€™m leveling by color. Red is Elena who Iā€™ve wanted to ascend for a while and kept getting skipped - sheā€™s like 4.65 and I like her in a red stack and against titans. Purple is Sartana who is one of the last s1 heroes I needed - sheā€™s almost 3.70 and will be another strong hero in wars. Green is Kadilen - sheā€™s about to be ascended. I havenā€™t collected Lianna or Evelyn or Telluria so Iā€™ve been sitting on greens. I got my 18th tonic and decided I needed to raise one I have. Yellow is Mist - think sheā€™ll help with my 4* tournament play. Blue is Mireweave because why not? - sheā€™s new and almost 4.70 and then will switch to one I just recently got - Isarnia costume.

  • Which is your favourite hero in your roster, and why? :heart:

I love Onatel. I used her in beta and wasnā€™t wowed. She was adjusted but I didnā€™t play with her again. Then I got her and wasnā€™t too excited. I was wrong - she is a beast. I once was down Onatel to 5 and was able to win that raid! First and only time (wish I recorded it). She cleared the tank. Slowed the left and hit the right. Slowed the right and hit the left. Little hp gain with the link. She can turn the tide better than any of my other heroes.

  • Whatā€™s your favourite source for E&P play advice? :game_die:

The forum. Duh. I am a moderator here you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Do you have a particular memory of a great victory, a tragic defeat or a moment of madness? :exploding_head:

You know, not really. I noted the Onatel one above. Weā€™ve had some close wars where we cheered together but donā€™t remember specifics. I do though remember the sand empire in 2018. That was the first event I was able to complete and it wasnā€™t expected. Iā€™ve completed all since then, but this was the first. My goal was modest - advanced 15. But I did it and kept going. I wore that avatar proudly.

  • Which Season 1 hero would you most recommend to a new player? :man_student:

Hmm. Well, as a new player, I was ftp so I learned to play with who I got. I did not get a healer til very late and relied upon those minor mana potions. There are heroes I wanted but got too late and havenā€™t used much. So Iā€™ll answer this as to which s1 heroes still get regular use. Those would be Rigard, Boldtusk, Magni, Vivica, Joon, and Isarnia. These are the power houses. I wouldnā€™t expect a new player to focus on those 5*s though - I didnā€™t get them til much much later. Iā€™d also add Kiril as well to that list. There are more that are good but lose favor as you progress. These are the ones that still get used.

Oh yeah. Then thereā€™s Wu. I still use him but wish I didnā€™t have too. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: Alas, he is my titan specialist for now (and maybe for ever with my budget but oh well).

  • What can you see out of your window right now? :telescope:

Nothing. Itā€™s midnight so itā€™s dark. But my backyard ends at a county ditch with a big old field behind it. One day it will be developed, but not any time soon (my house was just built in 2017 and theyā€™re still finishing off the neighborhood). On the other side of the field, but over a mile away, is I-35. In the winter, I can see it a little but itā€™s completely covered when the leaves grow back. There is an Gander Mountain with an annoying flag above the trees and a harness track that just built a hotel on the other side of I-35, but theyā€™re not too much of an eye sore.

  • Whatā€™s something you enjoy about being a forum moderator? :policeman:

People come to the forum for help. I enjoy helping point people in the right direction. Itā€™s a privilege knowing that this is an international community and little old me is amongst the few invited to represent SGG as a moderator on this forum.

I also enjoy playing games with the community and will share some rl stories. I believe it helps make us be more real people and not just characters. Because it is the people that truly keep us here.

  • If the rest of the moderator team were stranded on a desert island for a week, what roles would they take on to survive?

Hasnā€™t this already been answered? :thinking:

  • If you could make two changes to the forum , one realistic and one less so, what would they be? :crystal_ball:

Unrealistic first - automatic filtering of flaming posts. Oh I do not like the heated arguments and accusations. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever gotten into one here. Iā€™ll give an opposing view, but would like to think I donā€™t bash or attack. And I listen to the other person and sometimes find my opinion changing when a well placed argument is made. Iā€™m not perfect and have looked back at posts in the past as being harsh, but really donā€™t get why certain things are beat to death. Maybe a limit in number of posts in a thread, sort of like number of likes in a day (that may be realistic). Why canā€™t we all just get along?

Realistic - Iā€™d like to see more titles assigned. I mean, we only have one official active content creator and our game specialists are not particularly active right now. There are other content creators and game specialists that I think should get some credit.

Now that I reread this list, they both seem pretty realistic, so I feel I have failed. I need unrealistic - I know - something that automatically changes a 20 to a zero. Shoot, I donā€™t know. Guess Iā€™m not a big dreamer.

  • If I gave you $1000 to spend frivolously , what would you buy? :moneybag:

Well, Iā€™m building a basement now so that sounds like some money for drywall or plumbing or a vanity. Iā€™m not ready for flooring yet but it could go there. Yeah, Iā€™m lame. I donā€™t currently have any pictures on my phone but can post some later if people really want to see timber framing.

For more fun, my wife and I enjoy going on cruises or similar trips. We just cancelled our family vacation to California this summer so could use something to do, not sure a cruise is the best idea right now though. Sheā€™s from Wisconsin so weā€™re looking for ideas there as her family owns property along Green Bay (the water hits their backyard). Weā€™re thinking outdoor activities is the way to go, but she just had knee surgery so we donā€™t want to push it. Soā€¦ weā€™re still thinking of ideas.

  • this is a really strange and challenging time for all of us across the whole player base and all our communities around the world. How has your alliance been supporting each other or those around them? :handshake:

Weā€™ve got a mix bag. Our leader works in a medical field where he is working on respirators amongst other things. We have other nurses and first responders. One particular person told me how theyā€™ve seen this up close and ā€œitā€™s not pretty.ā€œ From this person, thatā€™s saying something.

In our alliance chat, people are dealing with it with humor. Not all would probably appreciate the humor, and conversations do get serious on occasion, but in general weā€™ve been trying to keep things light.