FORCED SPECTATOR MODE?: Exclusion from the war without the consent of the players

Did they opt back in before matchmaking started?


Apparently, a player of my alliance had been forced to be in spectator mode last war. He told us he didnā€™t touch anything and he was in our war before.
I told him to submit a request to the support.
I post just to know if this is still happening in other alliances?

Hmm, Iā€™m not sure ā€” I think contacting Support was the right decision. Iā€™m glad you suggested that. :slight_smile:


Yep, I donā€™t know if he did it but he is back on the battlefield :slightly_smiling_face:
I will ask him and let you know if he got an answer :wink:


Glad to hear it, and thanks for the update!

Solved, his son had eaten one of the heroes in his war defense, so his defense didnā€™t have 5 heroes and he was excludedā€¦ No more Wu-Kong, he was doubling desolate.

Rule 1 : donā€™t let your children or anyone play your E&P game. I have seen so much problem because of this :grin:


Thanks for the update!

Bummer that thatā€™s the cause, but glad you figured it out.

And good PSAā€¦Iā€™ve seen several threads where someoneā€™s child fed away heroes. :confounded:

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