Fix/Buff Boss Wolf please

Fix Bosswolf please. It won’t take time for you to buff him and releasing him in live game before the next Grimforest event starts. You can just fix him and release in event directly. People will spend money to get him to replace telluria tanks.


Even now with 19 emblems i’m thinking to replace him :rage:
He definitely need a little upgrade!


You might want to wait until the new raid formations come out. He might be very helpful on Defense then

I agree. The slower heroes all get benched and collect dust after the roster grows. (Over 30+)
All slow heroes need something to give them relevance at end game. The faster heroes are being released stronger and stronger.
Such as original Telly, this direction is affecting a large portion of game content. Slow game content…

There are FAR too many Holy that have answers for very Slow Dark heroes.

I personally, would much rather Slow game content has relevance 95% of the time, instead of being OP 5% of the time during rush tournaments.

The value ratio of stats and skill strength doesn’t keep up with the retardant. Maybe start with upping the stats to help slow heroes get a shot off.

Alfrike is starting to look appealing for a Tabard


I recently reached the 30 maxed 5* goal. BW is one of them. I realized I need to get to 31 because he’s 99% worthless on my roster.


I’d love to see a buff to Boss Wolf and G. Owl but with this recent nerf to Tell it’s obvious SG doesn’t want strong heroes taking the field

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I had him for almost two years. His special really is good. But waiting for that mana to fill takes too much time and tiles.
But i can only use him in very fast wars and tournaments. Make his mana speed average so we can use him in raids, titans, events etc.


Useful everywhere, especially on rushs except for raids. On the map and during events you’ll be able to mana him up manually.

But I wouldn’t complain about him being average.

Btw, there already is a voting:


In the past Boss wolf were made very slow mana due to concern if paired with Guin (where she was the strongest tank in the game) would create imbalance synergy and they both become super powerful defense.

Right now when guin is no longer the tank queen, boss wolf still remain suck with his very slow mana.

My suggestion right now is to make him averange mana, so it will balance with current meta and make people love to use him as a tank. Thus create diversity in the game again


Would help if they just made a simple change like making him Slow instead of Very Slow and maybe upping the riposte damage by 10%


Boss Wolf need balance,his sit on bench all over the game, nobody use him. You must do something with him like you do with Aegir and there’s are way more stronger hero’s compare with Boss Wolf like kunchen and Alfrike. For example when Alfrike fire more or less game over you loose if you play against her and if you have her is like you won the raid. Boss Wolf need to be close enough to Alfrike because is VERY SLOW and those hero’s has to be strong and if you play with them they need time to charge.


If you say Boss Wolf is useful then you must cool yourself. He is useless completely. In the game at the moment are 3 hero’s very slow Owl, Alfrike and Boss Wolf and now think about Alfrike when she fire the game is over so if you compare with Boss Wolf Alfrike is 100% more reliable than Boss Wolf


He is not useless. I used him for no less than two years as my tank. Pulled him june 2018. Stayed in 2600 range.

Only stripped him recently when I pulled Freya.

Also was murder with war, enemies always split flags.

Not to mention rush attack tourneys.


They can be useful…

Olmor if you want to face boss Wolf and 2 brynhild a full 5* team thats up to you, you don’t eaven have a chance to win

They introduced Malosie, Bai Yeong, Odin, and now Thor. Making Boss Wolf average should be E&P’s best decision ever LOL, not only for Boss Wolf himself but his whole family. E&P can make more money with the Grimforest event.

Let’s see if they listen to and accommodate this. I won’t spend another penny until that happens :yum:


Even now with 20 emblems and the new raid formation i don’t like BW.
No thats not True, i do like him but i don’t use him :joy:

Even with 904 defensie and 1785 health he is not really usefull.



However i still try to find a good team with BW.
I’m testing so much different teams, position, raid formations…

Yes, I think he is a great hero.

I still think he needs a mild buff in the changing meta tho.

In order for him to be useful outside of raid formations (where there are better counterattack heroes at way faster speed) his buff needs to be extended to all allies.